1 research outputs found

    Case 7 : Local Climate Change Adaptation: Developing a Communication Strategy for Rural Populations

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    Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and extreme temperatures (heat and cold) in Southern Ontario. Climate change-related impacts (i.e., flooding, heat, storms, tornados, etc.) may increase the risk of heat-related illness, respiratory disease, food-, water-, and vector-borne disease, and injuries in the Middlesex- London community. The Ontario Public Health Standards mandate local public health units to increase awareness of environmental health hazards, to prevent or reduce exposure to health hazards, and to work to create healthy environments. The Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) conducts surveillance for vector-borne disease, disseminates heat warnings to community partners, and prepares for emergency planning in the community. The MLHU has identified a need to increase communication and awareness of climate change-related health impacts in the rural population of Middlesex County, focusing on extreme heat. There is currently no strategy in place for reaching the rural population with heat-related health messaging. To fill this gap, the health unit needs a comprehensive communication strategy targeted at the rural population