3 research outputs found

    Experimental verification of the effectiveness of the Methodology of Physical Therapy of female students of Higher Education Institutions after treatment of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

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    Хацаюк, О. В. Перевірка ефективності методики фізичної терапії студенток закладів вищої освіти після лікування коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19) / Хацаюк О. В., Русин Л. П., Ванюк Д. В. та ін. // Науковий часопис НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 15: Науково-педагогічні проблеми фізичної культури (фізична культура і спорт). - 2021. - Вип. 8(139). - С. 110-117. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.31392/NPU-nc.series15.2021.8(139).20.Розроблено та апробовано авторську методику фізичної терапії здобувачів вищої освіти жіночої статті (на прикладі студенток факультету №6 Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ) після лікування коронавірусної інфекції (COVID-19). Зазначено, що методика забезпечила позитивну динаміку у фізіологічному напрямі: покращилася функція апарату зовнішнього дихання, покращиться дренажна функція бронхів, активізувалося розсмоктування запального пневмонічного вогнища, нормалізувалася легенева гемодинаміка, підвищилися імунологічні та неспецифічної резистентності жіночого організму, прискорилися регенеративні процеси тощо, що забезпечило поетапне і збалансоване відновлення рухових навичок (професійних компетентностей) здобувачів вищої освіти жіночої статті.. Today the actual direction of Scientific Research is the search for effective and efficient drugs against Coronavirus Disease, as well as the development and testing of applied Methods, Pedagogical Models (Technologies) of Physical Therapy for women with Higher Education after treatment of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19). The main Purpose of the Scientific Research is an Experimental test of the effectiveness of the author's Method of Physical Therapy for women with higher education after treatment of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19). During the Experimental work, members of the Research Group used the following Research Methods: abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, modeling, mathematical and statistical (correlation analysis, factor analysis, scaling) тощо. As a Result of Empirical Research, members of the Research Group developed and tested the author's Method of Physical Therapy for women with Higher Education (on the example of female students of the Faculty №6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs) after Treatment of Coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Prospects for Further Research in the chosen field of Scientific Research include the development of Methods for the Formation of Techniques for the application of Physical Measures by female students of Higher Education Institutions with Specific Training Conditions, which train personnel for the National Police of Ukraine in Special Physical Training using Modern Technical Means.Разработана и апробирована авторская методика физической терапии соискателей высшего образования женской статьи (на примере студенток факультета №6 Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел) после лечения коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-19). Отмечено, что методика обеспечила положительную динамику в физиологическом направлении: улучшилась функция аппарата внешнего дыхания, улучшится дренажная функция бронхов, активизировалось рассасывание воспалительного пневмонического очага, нормализовалась легочная гемодинамика, повысились иммунологические и неспецифические резистентности восстановление двигательных навыков (профессиональных компетентностей) соискателей высшего образования женского пола

    Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy in children: results of treatment in cases of large renal stones

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    Background. The incidence of kidney stone disease (KSD) in children varies from 1% to 5%. Pediatric surgery of KSD employs methods similar to surgical technologies used for adults: extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL), ureterolithotripsy (ULT), retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS), percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), open and laparoscopic lithotomy. ESWL remains the method of choice for urolithiasis management in children; however, the number of publications describing application of minimally invasive procedures (PCNL, RIRS) for large stones in children is increasing. The said existing tendency determines the need for a comparative study in order to reveal the efficiency and safety of ESWL and PCNL/RIRS as treatment methods for large stones in children.Objectives. The study results of the ESWL use in the treatment of children with stones greater than 2 cm.Materials and methods. During the period from 2013 through 2018, ESWL was performed for 146 patients (70 (47.9%) boys and 76 (52.5%) girls) to treat 170 stones. Age of the patients: 6 months to 17 years (mean age: 73 months). Stones were found on the left side in 96 (61.1%) patients, on the right side — in 58 (38.8%) cases, bilaterally — in 16 (9.41%) children. Large stones exceeding 2 cm were diagnosed in 16 patients (8 (50%) boys and 8 (50%) girls). Urolithiasis was revealed on the right side in 3 (18.7%) patients, on the left side — in 11 (68.7%) cases, bilaterally — in 2 (12.5%) children. All patients were subdivided into 2 subgroups: Subgroup I — 6 (37.5%, 7 kidneys) patients with staghorn urolithiasis, Subgroup II — 10 (62.5%, 11 kidneys) patients with non-staghorn stones. Postoperative complications were evaluated in accordance with the Clavien-Dindo classification.Results. In Subgroup I, complete elimination of C-1 stones in one patient took two ESWL sessions (16.67%). Three (50%) children needed 3 ESWL sessions. One (16.67%) child underwent 4 fragmentations. One (16.67%) patient with bilateral C-2 stones had 2 ESWL on the right side, 2 ESWL of the left-side calculus, and 1 ESWL session of stone fragments in distal ureter with prior insertion of ureteral catheter. In Subgroup II, a single ESWL session was sufficient to eliminate a calculus completely in 3 cases (30%). 2 patients (20%) had to undergo two ESWL sessions. 3 patients (30%) needed three ESWL sessions. Four ESWL sessions were carried out for one child (10%). One patient with bilateral stones underwent 2 sessions on the left side, 3 sessions on the right side, the child also had an ESWL to correct the steinstrasse condition in the lower third segment of the left ureter. Grade IIIb postoperative complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification were observed in 1 (14.9%) patient of Subgroup I and in one (9.09%) patient of Subgroup II. No lithogenesis recurrences were registered.Conclusions. In cases of children suffering from concrements larger than 2 centimetres, ESWL is a safe and efficient procedure even without prior urine derivation resulting in lower incidence of complications compared with other minimally invasive KSD treatment technologies

    Original experience in plastic surgery of pelviureteral segment in hydronephrosis in children

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    The study of postoperative urodynamics of the upper urinary tract was made in 339 patients with obstruction of the pyeloureteral segment and on experimental animals (morphological tests). This study revealed factors deteriorating functional capacity of anastomosis in early postoperative period. The findings allow the surgeons to update the technique of the pyeloureteral segment resection and uretero-pyeloanastomosis, to determine indications for applying nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs in the postoperative period, to reveal advantages and establish indications for drainage-free pyeloplasty. Thus, use of drainage-free modified technique of pyeloplasty in certain indications is a safe and less traumatic method of the patients\u27 management which increases efficacy of Anderson-Hines operation