27 research outputs found

    Fast and efficient exact synthesis of single qubit unitaries generated by Clifford and T gates

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    In this paper, we show the equivalence of the set of unitaries computable by the circuits over the Clifford and T library and the set of unitaries over the ring Z[12,i]\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}},i], in the single-qubit case. We report an efficient synthesis algorithm, with an exact optimality guarantee on the number of Hadamard and T gates used. We conjecture that the equivalence of the sets of unitaries implementable by circuits over the Clifford and T library and unitaries over the ring Z[12,i]\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}},i] holds in the nn-qubit case.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, added the proof of T-optimality of the circuits synthesized by Algorithm

    Exact synthesis of single-qubit unitaries over Clifford-cyclotomic gate sets

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    We generalize an efficient exact synthesis algorithm for single-qubit unitaries over the Clifford+T gate set which was presented by Kliuchnikov, Maslov and Mosca. Their algorithm takes as input an exactly synthesizable single-qubit unitary--one which can be expressed without error as a product of Clifford and T gates--and outputs a sequence of gates which implements it. The algorithm is optimal in the sense that the length of the sequence, measured by the number of T gates, is smallest possible. In this paper, for each positive even integer nn we consider the "Clifford-cyclotomic" gate set consisting of the Clifford group plus a z-rotation by πn\frac{\pi}{n}. We present an efficient exact synthesis algorithm which outputs a decomposition using the minimum number of πn\frac{\pi}{n} z-rotations. For the Clifford+T case n=4n=4 the group of exactly synthesizable unitaries was shown to be equal to the group of unitaries with entries over the ring Z[eiπn,1/2]\mathbb{Z}[e^{i\frac{\pi}{n}},1/2]. We prove that this characterization holds for a handful of other small values of nn but the fraction of positive even integers for which it fails to hold is 100%.Comment: v2: published versio

    New methods for Quantum Compiling

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    The efficiency of compiling high-level quantum algorithms into instruction sets native to quantum computers defines the moment in the future when we will be able to solve interesting and important problems on quantum computers. In my work I focus on the new methods for compiling single qubit operations that appear in many quantum algorithms into single qubit operations natively supported by several popular architectures. In addition, I study several questions related to synthesis and optimization of multiqubit operations. When studying the single qubit case, I consider two native instruction sets. The first one is Clifford+T; it is supported by conventional quantum computers implementing fault tolerance protocols based on concatenated and surface codes, and by topological quantum computers based on Ising anyons. The second instruction set is the one supported by topological quantum computers based on Fibonacci anyons. I show that in both cases one can use the number theoretic structure of the problem and methods of computational algebraic number theory to achieve improvements over the previous state of the art by factors ranging from 10 to 1000 for instances of the problem interesting in practice. This order of improvement might make certain interesting quantum computations possible several years earlier. The work related to multiqubit operations is on exact synthesis and optimization of Clifford+T and Clifford circuits. I show an exact synthesis algorithm for unitaries generated by Clifford+T circuits requiring exponentially less number of gates than previous state of the art. For Clifford circuits two directions are studied: the algorithm for finding optimal circuits acting on a small number of qubits and heuristics for larger circuits optimization. The techniques developed allows one to reduce the size of encoding and decoding circuits for quantum error correcting codes by 40-50\% and also finds their applications in randomized benchmarking protocols