13 research outputs found

    How to Select the Correct Education Strategy: When Not to Go Online

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    Screening for intimate partner violence is an important injury prevention strategy. Nurses who develop staff education, to promote screening, need to select a method that is sensitive to learners. Online learning, although convenient, is not well suited to sensitive topics such as screening for intimate partner violence. The purpose of this article is to describe a curriculum for intimate partner violence screening based on self-efficacy theory, which includes a hospital-produced video, a role play, and a discussion

    Discharge Teaching, Readiness for Discharge, and Post-discharge Outcomes in Parents of Hospitalized Children

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    Purpose This study explored the sequential relationships of parent perceptions of the quality of their discharge teaching and nurse and parent perceptions of discharge readiness to post-discharge outcomes (parental post-discharge coping difficulty, readmission and emergency department visits). Design/methods In this secondary analysis of data from a longitudinal pilot study of family self-management discharge preparation, the correlational design used regression modeling with data from a convenience sample of 194 parents from two clinical units at a Midwest pediatric hospital. Data were collected on the day of discharge (Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale; Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale), at 3 weeks post-discharge (Post-Discharge Coping Difficulty Scale), and from electronic records (readmission, ED visits). Results Parent-reported quality of discharge teaching delivery (the way nurses teach), but not the amount of content, was positively associated with parent perception (B = 0.54) and nurse assessment (B = 0.16) of discharge readiness. Parent-reported discharge readiness was negatively associated with post-discharge coping difficulty (B = − 0.52). Nurse assessment of discharge readiness was negatively associated with readmission; a one point increase in readiness (on a 10 point scale) decreased the likelihood of readmission by 52%. Conclusion There is a sequential effect of quality of discharge teaching delivery on parent discharge readiness, which is associated with parent coping difficulty and child readmission. Practice Implications Efforts to improve discharge outcomes should include strategies to build nurse teaching skills for high-quality delivery of discharge teaching. In addition, routine nurse assessment of discharge readiness can be used to identify children at risk for readmission and trigger anticipatory interventions

    Transition of Experienced and New Graduate Nurses to a Pediatric Hospital

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    This study reports on the 3-, 6-, 12-, and 18-month outcomes of 118 newly hired registered nurses (RNs) who completed a 12-month transition-to-practice program at a pediatric hospital. Experienced RNs (n = 42) and new graduate RNs (n = 76) showed improved organization, prioritization, communication, and leadership skills over time. The experienced RNs reported better communication and leadership skills than the new graduate nurses. Results inform transition program development for both new and experienced nurses. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2012) predicts that, without a multifaceted approach, a national nursing shortage will occur by 2020. Many nurses leave their first position and sometimes the profession within the first year of employment (Baxter, 2010; Welding, 2011). Retaining nurses is a vital component of any approach to averting a nursing shortage. In an attempt to retain nurses, healthcare institutions often provide a transition-to-practice (TTP) or nurse residency program for new graduate nurses (NGN) entering the profession. The Institute of Medicine (2011) in its Future of Nursing report also recommends a transition program for nurses moving to a new specialty or to advanced practice roles. Completing a NGN transition program is associated with a decrease in nurse attrition by as much as 80% (Halfer, Graf, & Sullivan, 2008; Rush, Adamack, Gordon, Lilly, & Janke, 2013; Spector et al., 2015). This reported decrease has led to organizational interest in transition programs to improve retention. The goals of residency programs for the NGN have ranged from increasing new nurse confidence and competence, to increasing satisfaction and retention (Fink, Krugman, Casey, & Goode, 2008; Goode, Lynn, McElroy, Bednash, & Murray, 2013; Institute of Medicine, 2011; Spector et al., 2015). Although literature supports the effectiveness of transition programs for the NGN (Fink et al., 2008; Goode et al., 2013; Spector et al., 2015), there is little evidence on the experienced nurse’s transition to a new specialty practice. Furthermore, most transition programs do not report outcomes beyond the first 12 months of employment. Thus, the purpose of this study is to evaluate nurse stressors and supports during and after a 12-month transition-to-employment program for both new and experienced nurses transitioning to a pediatric practice

    Development of a Self‐Management Theory‐Guided Discharge Intervention for Parents of Hospitalized Children

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    Background Parents of hospitalized children, especially parents of children with complex and chronic health conditions, report not being adequately prepared for self‐management of their child\u27s care at home after discharge. Problem No theory‐based discharge intervention exists to guide pediatric nurses\u27 preparation of parents for discharge. Purpose To develop a theory‐based conversation guide to optimize nurses\u27 preparation of parents for discharge and self‐management of their child at home following hospitalization. Methods Two frameworks and one method influenced the development of the intervention: the Individual and Family Self‐Management Theory, Tanner\u27s Model of Clinical Judgment, and the Teach‐Back method. A team of nurse scientists, nursing leaders, nurse administrators, and clinical nurses developed and field tested the electronic version of a nine‐domain conversation guide for use in acute care pediatric hospitals. Conclusions The theory‐based intervention operationalized self‐management concepts, added components of nursing clinical judgment, and integrated the Teach‐Back method. Clinical Relevance Development of a theory‐based intervention, the translation of theoretical knowledge to clinical innovation, is an important step toward testing the effectiveness of the theory in guiding clinical practice. Clinical nurses will establish the practice relevance through future use and refinement of the intervention

    Evaluation of an Intimate Partner Violence Curriculum in a Pediatric Hospital

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    OBJECTIVE. Intimate partner violence harms victims as well as families and communities. Many barriers account for limited intimate partner violence screening by nurses. The purpose of this study was to measure how participation in a curriculum about screening parents for intimate partner violence, at a pediatric hospital, affects a nurse\u27s knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and self-efficacy for intimate partner violence screening. METHODS. In this interventional, longitudinal study, data were collected before participation in an intimate partner violence screening curriculum, after participation, and 3 months later. The measurement tool was adapted from Maiuro\u27s (2000) Self-efficacy for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire. RESULTS. Sixty-eight pediatric nurses completed all aspects of the study. At baseline, 18 (27%) nurses self-reported seeing a parent with an injury, and of those only 7 (39%) followed up with intimate partner violence screening. Factor analysis was performed on the baseline Self-efficacy for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire by using varimax rotation. Five factors were identified: conflict, fear of offending parent, self-confidence, appropriateness, and attitude. Only fear of offending parent was significantly different from times 1 to 3, indicating that nurses were less fearful after the training. Cronbach\u27s α value for the total questionnaire at baseline was .85. Nurses reported significant improvement (baseline to 3-month follow-up) in several self-efficacy items. CONCLUSIONS. Participation in a 30-minute curriculum on intimate partner violence screening was associated with improvements in self-efficacy and significantly lower fear of offending parents 3 months after training. Nurses also showed improvement in the perception of resources available for nurses to manage intimate partner violence. Thirty-minute hospital-based curriculums that include victim testimonial video and practice role-playing to simulate parent interactions are recommended

    Lessons Learned: Newly Hired Nurses\u27 Perspectives on Transition into Practice

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    This descriptive qualitative study explored data from debriefs of all newly hired nurses at 3, 6, and 12 months posthire during a newly designed transition-to-practice program at a pediatric hospital. Four major themes emerged: preceptors, education process, adaptation to the organization, and role transition. Supportive factors included staged orientation, limited preceptors, mentors, regular communication with leaders, and a culture of teamwork. Stressors included too many preceptors, mentorship needs, floating, communication challenges, and organizational changes

    Using the Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (\u3cem\u3ee\u3c/em\u3ePED) iPad Application to Improve Parent Discharge Experience

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of the Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (ePED) iPad application on parent experiences of hospital discharge teaching and care coordination. Hypotheses were: parents exposed to discharge teaching using ePED will have 1) higher quality of discharge teaching and 2) better care coordination than parents exposed to usual discharge teaching. The secondary purpose examined group differences in the discharge teaching, care coordination, and 30-day readmissions for parents of children with and without a chronic condition. Design/Methods Using a quasi-experimental design, ePED was implemented on one inpatient unit (n = 211) and comparison group (n = 184) from a separate unit at a pediatric academic medical center. Patient experience outcome measures collected on day of discharge included Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale-Delivery (QDTS-D) and care coordination measured by Care Transition Measure (CTM). Thirty-day readmission was abstracted from records. Results Parents taught using ePED reported higher QDTS-D scores than parents without ePED (p = .002). No differences in CTM were found between groups. Correlations between QDTS-D and CTM were small for ePED (r = 0.14, p 0.03) and non-ePED (r = 0.29, p \u3c .001) parent groups. CTM was weakly associated with 30-day readmissions in the ePED group. Conclusion The use of ePED by the discharging nurse enhances parent-reported quality of discharge teaching. Practice implications The ePED app is a theory-based structured conversation guide to engage parents in discharge preparation. Nursing implementation of ePED contributes to optimizing the patient/family healthcare experience

    Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (\u3cem\u3ee\u3c/em\u3ePED): Evaluating the Reach, Adoption & Implementation of an Innovative Discharge Teaching Method

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    Purpose This paper describes the evaluation of the implementation of an innovative teaching method, the “Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge” (ePED) iPad application (app), at a pediatric hospital. Design and methods The Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework was used to guide the evaluation. Three of the five RE-AIM elements are addressed in this study: Reach, Adoption, and Implementation. Results The Reach of the ePED was 245 of 1015 (24.2%) patient discharges. The Adoption rate was 211 of 245 (86%) patients discharged in the five months\u27 study period. High levels of fidelity (89.3%) to Implementation of the ePED were attained: the Signs and Symptoms domain had the highest (93%) and Thinking Forward about Family Adjustment screen had the lowest fidelity (83.3%). Nurse themes explained implementation fidelity: “It takes longer”, and “Forgot to do it.” Conclusions The ePED app operationalized how to have an engaging structured discharge conversation with parents. While the Reach of the ePED app was low under the study conditions, the adoption rate was positive. Nurses were able to integrate a theory-driven practice change into their daily routine when using the ePED app. Implications for practice The rates of adoption and implementation fidelity support the feasibility of future hospital wide implementation to improve patient and family healthcare experience. Attention to training of new content and the interactive conversation approach will be needed to fully leverage the value of the ePED app. Future studies are needed to evaluate the maintenance of the ePED app