14 research outputs found

    Unaprjeđenje organizacijske uspješnosti kroz individualne i kolektivne prakse varijabilnoga nagrađivanja zaposlenika

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    A large body of literature provides empirical evidence of a positive relationship between reward practices and performance. However, little has been said about different combinations of individual and group incentives as drivers of organizational competitiveness. This paper examines bundles of nine individual and group PFP practices and their joint effect on selected financial and non-financial indicators of organizational performance (OP). Our empirical research study included 61 middleand large-sized companies in Croatia in order to analyze the aforementioned relationships. The categorical principal component analysis generated two factors of PFP practices that were subsequently used as independent variables in a multiple regression analysis. The first PFP bundle consisted of individual subjectively-based bonus and two shared-ownership practices and was found to positively influence non-financial indicators of OP, i.e. quality of services or products and innovativeness. The second factor consisted of individual performance appraisal and profit-sharing and it positively influenced financial indicators of OP, i.e. productivity and, to a lesser extent, profitability. Implications for theory and practice are also discussed.Mnoge studije upozoravaju na pozitivnu vezu između praksi nagrađivanja zaposlenika i uspješnosti pojedinca ili organizacija; međutim, samo nekoliko studija dostupno je na temu kombiniranja, odnosno istodobne primjene individualnoga i grupnoga varijabilnog nagrađivanja da bi se unaprijedila organizacijska uspješnost. U ovom radu istražuju se upravo skupovi, odnosno kombinacije, 9 praksi individualnog i grupnog nagrađivanja, odnosno njihov utjecaj na odabrane indikatore organizacijske uspješnosti. Empirijsko istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku od 61 srednje velikoga i velikoga poduzeća u Hrvatskoj da bi se analizirale prethodno spomenute veze. Analiza glavnih komponenata za kategoričke varijable generirala je dva faktora varijabilnih praksi nagrađivanja koje su uvedene kao nezavisne varijable u 4 modela višestruke regresije. Prvi faktor varijabilnih praksi nagrađivanja sastoji se od individualnih bonusa na temelju procjene nadređenoga menadžera i dvije grupne prakse temeljene na participaciji zaposlenika u vlasništvu poduzeća. Spomenuti faktor pozitivno utječe na nefinancijske indikatore poduzeća, odnosno kvalitetu proizvoda i usluga i inovativnost. Drugi faktor, koji se sastojao od individualnog ocjenjivanja radne uspješnosti i sudjelovanja u profitu poduzeća, pozitivno utječe na financijske pokazatelje uspješnosti, odnosno na produktivnost, te, u manjoj mjeri, na profitabilnost poduzeća. Opisane su implikacije za teoriju i praksu

    The role of benefits in sustaining HRM outcomes – An empirical research study

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    Benefits are a type of indirect compensation that aims to achieve many goals. Primarily, however, companies provide benefits to prove that they care for their employees’ personal needs, or because they wish to offer an attractive and competitive total compensation package. Since benefits account for a growing portion of the total compensation package costs, and taking into account that the motivating potential of benefits has lately been brought into question, we aim to analyze the role of benefits in achieving primary goals of human resource management, i.e., attracting, retaining and engaging employees in Croatian companies. Therefore, an empirical study was conducted on a sample of Croatian companies, which shows security, pension and health benefits, which are usually highly valued by employees, are under-represented in Croatian companies. In the case of administrative and manual employees, social activities, non-mandatory health and pension insurance and work from home were positively related to retention. However, statistically significant relationships between benefits mostly related to work-life balance and HR-related outcomes were almost exclusively negative in the case of experts, while only non-mandatory health insurance was found to be potentially useful in engaging and retaining experts. Therefore, employers should redesign benefits strategy and consider offering a flexible benefits system as an option

    Fleksibilni radni aranžmani i organizacijska uspješnost – razlika u primjeni praksi koje pretežno koriste poslodavcima odnosno zaposlenicima

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    Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) enable flexibility in the work design of employees and, consequently, can improve work-life balance and enhance organizational performance. Based on the disparate nature of previous findings and social exchange theory, we defined the two research questions with an aim to explore the impact of FWAs on organizational performance measured by both financial and non-financial indicators, while taking into account the employer versus employee-driven perspective of FWA application. The data on 12 different FWA practices was collected in 171 large-sized Croatian organizations by a questionnaire survey using CRANET methodology. Our findings suggest that organizational performance was higher in the employee-driven group of FWA practices. On the other hand, several employer-driven practices were found to be significantly, but negatively related to organizational performance. The main contribution of the paper is revealing the importance of work-life balance arrangements in achieving success and competitive advantageFleksibilni radni aranžmani (FRA) omogućuju fleksibilnost u dizajnu posla zaposlenika te, posljedično, bolju ravnotežu između poslovnoga i privatnoga života za zaposlenike te poboljšanje uspješnosti organizacije. Istraživačka pitanja definirana su na temelju analize dosadašnjih istraživanja i teorije socijalne razmjene, uz primjenu nove perspektive bazirane na ključnoj interesnoj skupini koja ima koristi od pojedinih aranžmana. Na temelju toga, različito se promatraju prakse koje primarno koriste zaposlenicima odnosno poslodavcima. Podaci o 12 fleksibilnih aranžmana prikupljeni su na uzorku od 171 velikog poduzeća u Hrvatskoj uz pomoć CRANET metodologije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je organizacijska uspješnost veća za prakse koje primarno koriste zaposlenicima. S druge strane, prakse koje su primarno korisne poslodavcima značajno su, ali negativno, povezane s indikatorima organizacijske uspješnosti. Glavni doprinos rada očituje se u isticanju važnosti aranžmana povezanih s ravnotežom rada i života u postizanju uspjeha organizacije i konkurentske prednosti


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    A healthy society should look after its most vulnerable groups that have been affected both economically and socially by the recent economic crisis. A wide range of social organizations has emerged recently in order to fulfil their value-based missions within a society. They include solidarity, equity, serving, preserving human dignity and ensuring delivery of common good to vulnerable social groups. One form of these organizations are social supermarkets which are a relatively new phenomenon interlinking social needs with the traditional food supply chains. As an emerging phenomenon, social supermarkets have to be researched from various aspects in order to clarify their position, role and way of operation. In this paper, stakeholder analysis is applied. The aim is to identify various levels of stakeholders, their mission, role and interests in the operation of social supermarkets.Zdravo društvo trebalo bi se brinuti za najranjivije skupine koje su u ekonomskom i socijalnom smislu pogođene posljednjom gospodarskom krizom. Cijeli niz socijalnih organizacija nedavno se pojavio kako bi ispunili svoje vrijednosne zadaće: solidarnost, jednakost, služenje, očuvanje ljudskog dostojanstva i osiguranje općeg dobra za ranjive skupine društva. Jedan oblik ovih organizacija su socijalne samoposluge, relativno novi fenomen koji povezuje socijalne potrebe s tradicionalnim lancima opskrbe hranom. S obzirom da se radi o novom fenomenu, socijalne samoposluge treba istraživati iz različitih aspekata kako bi se razjasnio njihov položaj, njihova uloga i način rada. U ovom radu primjenjuje se analiza interesno-utjecajnih skupina. Cilj je utvrditi različite razine dionika, njihovu misiju, ulogu i interese u odnosu na rad socijalnih samoposluga

    Organizational career management practices : The role of the relationship between HRM and trade unions

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    Purpose – Organizations profoundly create development paths of individual’s careers. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to gain understanding about how organizational context (shaped by the complex relationship between trade union strength and HRM strength) influences the application of organizational career management (OCM) practices seen through the lens of the theory of cooperation and competition (Deutsch, 1949; Tjosvold, 1984). Design/methodology/approach – Inferential statistical analyses (Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests) were applied to test the CRANET survey data collected from 92 large-sized private-sector organizations within an EU country characterized by a medium to high-trade union density. Findings – Results offered consistent empirical evidence that a comprehensive set of OCM practices are applied differently across four distinctive modalities of the union-HRM relationship. Specifically, the “union-HRM synergy” relationship (high-HRM/high-unionization) has been recognized as the most promising for adopting such developmental practices, providing an evidence of complementarities between trade unions and HRM professionalism. Practical implications – The research suggests that synergistic collaboration between trade unions and HRM might provide employees with even more career development opportunities than when organizations pursue the asynchronous single-sided “Total HRM strategy.” Originality/value – This study rejuvenate a traditional career management research agenda by introducing a new theoretical lens for studying the interplay between trade unions and HRM and have put an emphasis on how their strength is related to the incidence of OCM practices


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    U radu je prikazan povijesni razvoj područja organizacijskog učenja i njegova uloga u suvremenim uvjetima poslovanja. Analizira se kontekst koji je potrebno stvoriti u organizacijama u svrhu promoviranja učenja kao organizacijske vrijednosti i dijela vizije, te se razmatraju temeljne aktivnosti koje pridonose učenju, stvaranju znanja i njegovom konvertiranju u korisne organizacijske ishode. Na temelju empirijskog istraživanja analiziraju se prethodno spomenute odrednice i aktivnosti učenja i stvaranja znanja, a posebno s aspekta razlika među malim, srednjim i velikim poduzećima. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na slabu razvijenost infrastrukture za potporu organizacijskom učenju, pri čemu je to posebno izraženo kod malih i srednjih poduzeća. Najveća svjesnost o važnosti organizacijskog učenja prisutna je u velikim hrvatskim poduzećima, iako većina ostalih pokazatelja nije ukazivala na razvijenost konkretnih aktivnosti kojima bi se stvaralo, pohranjivalo, prenosilo i koristilo znanje. U konačnici je analiziran doprinos organizacijskog učenja konkurentskoj prednosti poduzeća, a istraživanje je pokazalo da bi organizacijsko učenje moglo biti jedan od čimbenika koji bi objasnio razliku među konkurentskim pozicijama poduzeća.The paper deals with the historical development of organizational learning, as well as with its role in the contemporary conditions of competing among business organizations. First, an analysis of the contextual design that supports and promotes learning as organizational value and as a part of the organizational vision is given, with special emphasis on the study of the main activities that contribute to learning, generating knowledge and converting knowledge to useful organizational outcomes. Secondly, in order to investigate the state and perspectives of such organizational design in Croatian companies with special emphasis on differences between small, medium and large enterprises, an empirical research was undertaken. The results of the research indicated poorly developed infrastructure for supporting organizational learning, which was especially pronounced in small and medium enterprises. Large enterprises were found to be highly aware of the effects that organizational learning could have in conducting business, although the majority of other indicators of generating, storing, transferring or applying knowledge were not as developed as one might had expected. Finally, the role of organizational learning in achieving competitive advantage was analyzed. The empirical research revealed that organizational learning could potentially explain differences in competitive positions of enterprises

    The role of individual variable pay in a collectivistic culture society: an evaluation

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    With increasing worldwide use of individual variable pay (IVP) and thereby some theoretical suggestions to drop it in collectivistic societies it is worth examining the role of variable pay in such cultural surroundings. This paper aims at answering the following research questions: what kind of IVP systems are offered in collectivistic societies, is the implementation of IVP systems related to some specific company characteristic and what results can companies achieve by using IVP systems. A primary research of compensation practices was conducted among 58 Croatian medium and large companies. The research carried out shows that in Croatia, which is a highly collectivistic society, companies offer IVP such as pay for performance, sales commissions and occasional bonuses to its employees. Non-parametric testing has shown that the use of individual-based pay for performance is dependent upon the size and ownership structure of the company. However, contrary to some previous findings and expectations, our analysis reveals only minor differences in organisational outcomes between companies that apply or do not apply individual incentives. Research results support the thesis of global convergence of compensation practices and show that collectivistic heritage does not inhibit the implementation of IV

    Management skills as a key determinant of business graduates’ employability – employers’ and graduates’ perceptions

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    Zapošljivost se odnosi na skup sposobnosti, znanja i vještina koje omogućavaju diplomantima da prošire mogućnosti za zapošljavanje i postignu daljnji napredak u svojoj karijeri. Glavni cilj rada bio je upravo ispitati koje su vještine ključne za diplomante poslovne ekonomije pri zapošljavanju te analizirati razliku u percepciji između poslodavaca i studenata s obzirom na razvijenost odabranih konceptualnih, socijalnih i tehničkih menadžerskih vještina. Provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje na uzorku 30 stručnjaka uglavnom iz područja upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima iz većinom velikih hrvatskih poduzeća, kao i na 100 nedavno diplomiranih magistara poslovne ekonomije s Ekonomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Primarni podaci su prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom te analizirani primjenom metoda deskriptivne statistike. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da postoje značajne razlike u percepciji razvijenosti pojedinih menadžerskih vještina diplomanata. Diplomanti de facto precjenjuju gotovo sve vještine osim tehničkih znanja i vještina govorne komunikacije. Najveći jaz u procjeni identificiran je kod kritičke samosvijesti, rada u timu, upravljanje konfliktima i kritičkog mišljenja. Ovi rezultati mogu biti korisni sveučilištima kako bi ona mogla prilagoditi svoje studije na temelju zahtjeva tržišta rada, kao i studentima poslovne ekonomije koji mogu poboljšati svoj skup vještina i maksimizirati izglede za zapošljivost.Employability refers to a set of abilities, knowledge and skills that enable graduates to expand employment opportunities and achieve further career advancement. The main goal of the paper was to examine which skills are crucial for business graduates in search of a job, as well as to analyze the difference in perception between employers and graduates with regard to the development of selected conceptual, social and technical managerial skills. A quantitative empirical study was conducted on a sample of 30 experts mainly in the field of human resources from mostly large Croatian companies, as well as on 100 recent business graduates from the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb. The study revealed significant differences in the perception of the development of individual managerial skills of graduates. Compared to employers, graduates tend to overestimate almost all skills except technical knowledge and oral communication skills. The largest gap in assessment was identified in self-awareness, teamwork, conflict management and critical thinking. These results can be useful for universities in tailoring their programs based on labor market demands, as well as to business students, who can improve their skillset and maximize their employability prospects

    Motivation and Rewarding of Police Officers – Analysis of Preferences of Police College Students Applying the Total Rewards Model

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    U radu se analizira koncept modela ukupne nagrade i njegova primjena u policijskoj službi. Naime, kako se sve češće javljaju prijedlozi i inicijative da proračunski korisnici također u svoje organizacije uvedu suvremene trendove u upravljanju organizacijama odnosno zaposlenicima, a uzevši u obzir činjenicu da se motivacija za rad nerijetko ističe kao jedan od glavnih problema državnog sektora, analizirane su preferencije polaznika Policijske akademije prema različitim materijalnim i nematerijalnim oblicima motiviranja i nagrađivanja. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja pokazali su da su ispitanici dominantno motivirani relacijskim nagradama odnosno potrebama višeg reda poput obrazovanja i razvoja, a potom i radnom okolinom gdje im je iznimno važan dizajn posla te ugodno radno okruženje koje se često promatra kroz komunikaciju s kolegama i nadređenima. Od transakcijskih nagrada, policijskim je službenicima važna osnovna plaća i prekovremeni rad kojima zadovoljavaju egzistencijalne potrebe te beneficirani radni staž i sigurnost posla kojima zadovoljavaju sigurnosne potrebe. Detektirane su i razlike u pridavanju važnosti pojedinim motivatorima s obzirom na socio-demografske karakteristike odnosno spol, dob i policijsko zvanje. Na kraju rada razmatraju se preporuke za izgradnju sustava nagrađivanja koji bi rezultirao većom motivacijom za rad policijskih službenika.The paper analyzes the concept of the total rewards model and its application in the police service. Namely, as budget users are increasingly stimulated to implement modern trends in the management of their organizations and their employees, and taking into account the fact that motivation to work often stands out as one of the main problems of the public sector, we conducted a study among Police academy students and analyzed their preferences towards various tangible and intangible forms of motivation and rewarding. The results of empirical research showed that respondents are predominantly motivated by relational rewards or higher order needs, such as education and development, but also the work environment where job design is extremely important to them, and a pleasant work atmosphere that is often observed through communication with their colleagues and superiors. As for the transactional rewards, the basic salary and overtime work that meet the existential needs, as well as the benefited length of service and job security that meet the security needs, are what is important to police officers for work motivation. There were differences detected in attaching the importance to individual motivators with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, i.e. gender, age and police rank, were also detected. At the end of the paper, recommendations for creating a reward system that would result in greater work motivation of police officers are discussed

    Motivation and Rewarding of Police Officers – Analysis of Preferences of Police College Students Applying the Total Rewards Model

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    U radu se analizira koncept modela ukupne nagrade i njegova primjena u policijskoj službi. Naime, kako se sve češće javljaju prijedlozi i inicijative da proračunski korisnici također u svoje organizacije uvedu suvremene trendove u upravljanju organizacijama odnosno zaposlenicima, a uzevši u obzir činjenicu da se motivacija za rad nerijetko ističe kao jedan od glavnih problema državnog sektora, analizirane su preferencije polaznika Policijske akademije prema različitim materijalnim i nematerijalnim oblicima motiviranja i nagrađivanja. Rezultati empirijskog istraživanja pokazali su da su ispitanici dominantno motivirani relacijskim nagradama odnosno potrebama višeg reda poput obrazovanja i razvoja, a potom i radnom okolinom gdje im je iznimno važan dizajn posla te ugodno radno okruženje koje se često promatra kroz komunikaciju s kolegama i nadređenima. Od transakcijskih nagrada, policijskim je službenicima važna osnovna plaća i prekovremeni rad kojima zadovoljavaju egzistencijalne potrebe te beneficirani radni staž i sigurnost posla kojima zadovoljavaju sigurnosne potrebe. Detektirane su i razlike u pridavanju važnosti pojedinim motivatorima s obzirom na socio-demografske karakteristike odnosno spol, dob i policijsko zvanje. Na kraju rada razmatraju se preporuke za izgradnju sustava nagrađivanja koji bi rezultirao većom motivacijom za rad policijskih službenika.The paper analyzes the concept of the total rewards model and its application in the police service. Namely, as budget users are increasingly stimulated to implement modern trends in the management of their organizations and their employees, and taking into account the fact that motivation to work often stands out as one of the main problems of the public sector, we conducted a study among Police academy students and analyzed their preferences towards various tangible and intangible forms of motivation and rewarding. The results of empirical research showed that respondents are predominantly motivated by relational rewards or higher order needs, such as education and development, but also the work environment where job design is extremely important to them, and a pleasant work atmosphere that is often observed through communication with their colleagues and superiors. As for the transactional rewards, the basic salary and overtime work that meet the existential needs, as well as the benefited length of service and job security that meet the security needs, are what is important to police officers for work motivation. There were differences detected in attaching the importance to individual motivators with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, i.e. gender, age and police rank, were also detected. At the end of the paper, recommendations for creating a reward system that would result in greater work motivation of police officers are discussed