3,649 research outputs found

    Comments on discrete time in quantum mechanics

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    The possibility that time can be regarded as a discrete parameter is re-examined. We study the dynamics of the free particle and find in some cases superluminal propagation

    Legendrian Distributions with Applications to Poincar\'e Series

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    Let XX be a compact Kahler manifold and L→XL\to X a quantizing holomorphic Hermitian line bundle. To immersed Lagrangian submanifolds Λ\Lambda of XX satisfying a Bohr-Sommerfeld condition we associate sequences {∣Λ,k⟩}k=1∞\{ |\Lambda, k\rangle \}_{k=1}^\infty, where ∀k\forall k ∣Λ,k⟩|\Lambda, k\rangle is a holomorphic section of L⊗kL^{\otimes k}. The terms in each sequence concentrate on Λ\Lambda, and a sequence itself has a symbol which is a half-form, σ\sigma, on Λ\Lambda. We prove estimates, as k→∞k\to\infty, of the norm squares ⟹Λ,k∣Λ,k⟩\langle \Lambda, k|\Lambda, k\rangle in terms of ∫Λσσ‟\int_\Lambda \sigma\overline{\sigma}. More generally, we show that if Λ1\Lambda_1 and Λ2\Lambda_2 are two Bohr-Sommerfeld Lagrangian submanifolds intersecting cleanly, the inner products ⟹Λ1,k∣Λ2,k⟩\langle\Lambda_1, k|\Lambda_2, k\rangle have an asymptotic expansion as k→∞k\to\infty, the leading coefficient being an integral over the intersection Λ1∩Λ2\Lambda_1\cap\Lambda_2. Our construction is a quantization scheme of Bohr-Sommerfeld Lagrangian submanifolds of XX. We prove that the Poincar\'e series on hyperbolic surfaces are a particular case, and therefore obtain estimates of their norms and inner products.Comment: 41 pages, LaTe

    Opinion Formation in Laggard Societies

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    We introduce a statistical physics model for opinion dynamics on random networks where agents adopt the opinion held by the majority of their direct neighbors only if the fraction of these neighbors exceeds a certain threshold, p_u. We find a transition from total final consensus to a mixed phase where opinions coexist amongst the agents. The relevant parameters are the relative sizes in the initial opinion distribution within the population and the connectivity of the underlying network. As the order parameter we define the asymptotic state of opinions. In the phase diagram we find regions of total consensus and a mixed phase. As the 'laggard parameter' p_u increases the regions of consensus shrink. In addition we introduce rewiring of the underlying network during the opinion formation process and discuss the resulting consequences in the phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, eps fig

    Parameterized Post-Newtonian coefficients for Brans-Dicke gravity with d+1 dimensions

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    We present calculations of Post-Newtonian parameters for Brans-Dicke tensor-scalar gravity in an arbitrary number of compact extra dimensions in both the Jordan and Einstein conformal frames. We find that the parameter gamma, which measures the amount of spacetime curvature per unit mass, becomes a function of omega, the coefficient of the scalar kinetic term in the Brans-Dicke Lagrangian. Experiment has placed strong constraints on gamma which require that omega become negative in the Jordan frame for any number of extra dimensions, highlighting that this formulation is not physical. We also confirm the well-known result that a compact extra dimension can be equivalently viewed as a massless scalar `dilaton.' In the Einstein frame, we find that the behavior of gamma as constrained by experiment replicates that which is predicted by string theory.Comment: 9 pages, accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei from the Optical to X-ray Regions

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    Some progress in understanding AGN variability is reviewed. Reprocessing of X-ray radiation to produce significant amounts of longer-wavelength continua seems to be ruled out. In some objects where there has been correlated X-ray and optical variability, the amplitude of the optical variability has exceeded the amplitude of X-ray variability. We suggest that accelerated particles striking material could be linking X-ray and optical variability (as in activity in the solar chromosphere). Beaming effects could be significant in all types of AGN. The diversity in optical/X-ray relationships at different times in the same object, and between different objects, might be explained by changes in geometry and directions of motion relative to our line of sight. Linear shot-noise models of the variability are ruled out; instead there must be large-scale organization of variability. Variability occurs on light-crossing timescales rather than viscous timescales and this probably rules out the standard Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk. Radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs have similar continuum shapes and similar variability properties. This suggests similar continuum origins and variability mechanisms. Despite their extreme X-ray variability, narrow-line Seyfert 1s (NLS1s) do not show extreme optical variability.Comment: Invited talk given at Euro Asian Astronomical Society meeting in Moscow, June 2002. 20 pages, 4 figures. References update

    Pluricomplex Green and Lempert functions for equally weighted poles

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    For Ω\Omega a domain in Cn\mathbb C^n, the pluricomplex Green function with poles a1,...,aN∈Ωa_1, ...,a_N \in \Omega is defined as G(z):=sup⁥{u(z):u∈PSH−(Ω),u(x)≀log⁥∄x−aj∄+Cjwhenx→aj,j=1,...,N}G(z):=\sup \{u(z): u\in PSH_-(\Omega), u(x)\le \log \|x-a_j\|+C_j \text{when} x \to a_j, j=1,...,N \}. When there is only one pole, or two poles in the unit ball, it turns out to be equal to the Lempert function defined from analytic disks into Ω\Omega by LS(z):=inf⁥{∑j=1NÎœjlog⁥∣ζj∣:∃ϕ∈O(D,Ω),ϕ(0)=z,ϕ(ζj)=aj,j=1,...,N}L_S (z) :=\inf \{\sum^N_{j=1}\nu_j\log|\zeta_j|: \exists \phi\in \mathcal {O}(\mathbb D,\Omega), \phi(0)=z, \phi(\zeta_j)=a_j, j=1,...,N \}. It is known that we always have LS(z)≄GS(z)L_S (z) \ge G_S(z). In the more general case where we allow weighted poles, there is a counterexample to equality due to Carlehed and Wiegerinck, with Ω\Omega equal to the bidisk. Here we exhibit a counterexample using only four distinct equally weighted poles in the bidisk. In order to do so, we first define a more general notion of Lempert function "with multiplicities", analogous to the generalized Green functions of Lelong and Rashkovskii, then we show how in some examples this can be realized as a limit of regular Lempert functions when the poles tend to each other. Finally, from an example where LS(z)>GS(z)L_S (z) > G_S(z) in the case of multiple poles, we deduce that distinct (but close enough) equally weighted poles will provide an example of the same inequality. Open questions are pointed out about the limits of Green and Lempert functions when poles tend to each other.Comment: 25 page

    Complexity, transparency and time pressure: practical insights into science communication in times of crisis

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    A global crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic that started in early 2020 poses significant challenges for how research is conducted and communicated. We present four case studies from the perspective of an interdisciplinary research institution that switched to “corona-mode” during the first two months of the crisis, focussing all its capacities on COVID-19-related issues, communicating to the public directly and via media, as well as actively advising the national government. The case studies highlight the challenges posed by the increased time pressure, high demand for transparency, and communication of complexity and uncertainty. The article gives insights into how these challenges were addressed in our research institution and how science communication in general can be managed during a crisis

    Can a matter-dominated model with constant bulk viscosity drive the accelerated expansion of the universe?

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    We test a cosmological model which the only component is a pressureless fluid with a constant bulk viscosity as an explanation for the present accelerated expansion of the universe. We classify all the possible scenarios for the universe predicted by the model according to their past, present and future evolution and we test its viability performing a Bayesian statistical analysis using the SCP ``Union'' data set (307 SNe Ia), imposing the second law of thermodynamics on the dimensionless constant bulk viscous coefficient \zeta and comparing the predicted age of the universe by the model with the constraints coming from the oldest globular clusters. The best estimated values found for \zeta and the Hubble constant Ho are: \zeta=1.922 \pm 0.089 and Ho=69.62 \pm 0.59 km/s/Mpc with a \chi^2=314. The age of the universe is found to be 14.95 \pm 0.42 Gyr. We see that the estimated value of Ho as well as of \chi^2 are very similar to those obtained from LCDM model using the same SNe Ia data set. The estimated age of the universe is in agreement with the constraints coming from the oldest globular clusters. Moreover, the estimated value of \zeta is positive in agreement with the second law of thermodynamics (SLT). On the other hand, we perform different forms of marginalization over the parameter Ho in order to study the sensibility of the results to the way how Ho is marginalized. We found that it is almost negligible the dependence between the best estimated values of the free parameters of this model and the way how Ho is marginalized in the present work. Therefore, this simple model might be a viable candidate to explain the present acceleration in the expansion of the universe.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures and 2 tables. Accepted to be published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. Analysis using the new SCP "Union" SNe Ia dataset instead of the Gold 2006 and ESSENCE datasets and without changes in the conclusions. Added references. Related works: arXiv:0801.1686 and arXiv:0810.030

    Bianchi Type I Magnetofluid Cosmological Models with Variable Cosmological Constant Revisited

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    The behaviour of magnetic field in anisotropic Bianchi type I cosmological model for bulk viscous distribution is investigated. The distribution consists of an electrically neutral viscous fluid with an infinite electrical conductivity. It is assumed that the component σ11\sigma^{1}_{1} of shear tensor σij\sigma^{j}_{i} is proportional to expansion (Ξ\theta) and the coefficient of bulk viscosity is assumed to be a power function of mass density. Some physical and geometrical aspects of the models are also discussed in presence and also in absence of the magnetic field.Comment: 13 page
