28 research outputs found

    Coordinate Independence of of Quantum-Mechanical Path Integrals

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    We develop simple rules for performing integrals over products of distributions in coordinate space. Such products occur in perturbation expansions of path integrals in curvilinear coordinates, where the interactions contain terms of the form dot q^2 q^n, which give rise to highly singular Feynman integrals. The new rules ensure the invariance of perturbatively defined path integrals under coordinate transformations.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/305

    Perturbatively Defined Effective Classical Potential in Curved Space

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    The partition function of a quantum statistical system in flat space can always be written as an integral over a classical Boltzmann factor \exp[ -\beta V^{\rm eff cl({\bf x}_0)], where V^{\rm eff cl({\bf x}_0) is the so-called effective classical potential containing the effects of all quantum fluctuations. The variable of integration is the temporal path average {\bf x_0\equiv \beta ^{-1}\int_0^ \beta d\tau {\bf x}(\tau). We show how to generalize this concept to paths qμ(τ)q^\mu(\tau) in curved space with metric g_{\mu \nu (q), and calculate perturbatively the high-temperature expansion of V^{\rm eff cl(q_0). The requirement of independence under coordinate transformations qμ(τ)qμ(τ)q^\mu(\tau)\to q'^\mu(\tau) introduces subtleties in the definition and treatment of the path average q0μq_0^\mu, and covariance is achieved only with the help of a suitable Faddeev-Popov procedure.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper (including all PS fonts) at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/33

    Perturbation Theory for Particle in a Box

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    Recently developed strong-coupling theory open up the possibility of treating quantum-mechanical systems with hard-wall potentials via perturbation theory. To test the power of this theory we study here the exactly solvable quantum mechanics of a point particle in a one-dimensional box. Introducing an auxiliary harmonic mass term mm, the ground-state energy E^{(0) can be expanded perturbatively in powers of 1/md1/md, where dd is the box size. The removal of the infrared cutoff mm requires the resummation of the series at infinitely strong coupling. We show that strong-coupling theory yields a fast-convergent sequence of approximations to the well-known quantum-mechanical energy E^{(0)= \pi ^2/2d^2.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/28

    Integrals over Products of Distributions and Coordinate Independence of Zero-Temperature Path Integrals

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    In perturbative calculations of quantum-statistical zero-temperature path integrals in curvilinear coordinates one encounters Feynman diagrams involving multiple temporal integrals over products of distributions, which are mathematically undefined. In addition, there are terms proportional to powers of Dirac delta-functions at the origin coming from the measure of path integration. We give simple rules for integrating products of distributions in such a way that the results ensure coordinate independence of the path integrals. The rules are derived by using equations of motion and partial integration, while keeping track of certain minimal features originating in the unique definition of all singular integrals in 1ϵ1 - \epsilon dimensions. Our rules yield the same results as the much more cumbersome calculations in 1- epsilon dimensions where the limit epsilon --> 0 is taken at the end. They also agree with the rules found in an independent treatment on a finite time interval.Comment: Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Latest update of paper (including all PS fonts) at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/33