67 research outputs found

    The Effect of Static Ear Canal Pressure on Human Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions: Spectral Width as a Measure of the Intra-cochlear Oscillation Amplitude

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    Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions can be detected as peaks in the Fourier spectrum of a microphone signal recorded from the ear canal. The height, center frequency, and spectral width of SOAE peaks changed when a static pressure was applied to the ear canal. Most commonly, with either increasing or decreasing static pressure, the frequency increased, the amplitude decreased, and the width increased. These changes are believed to result from changes in the middle ear properties. Specifically, reduced middle ear transmission is assumed to attenuate the amplitude of emissions. We reconsidered this explanation by investigating the relation between peak height and width. We showed that the spectral width of SOAE peaks is approximately proportional to \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}1/peakβ€…β€Šheight 1/\sqrt {{{\hbox{peak}}\;{\hbox{height}}}} \end{document}. This is consistent with a (Rayleigh) oscillator model in which broadening of the SOAE peak is caused by broadband intra-cochlear noise, which is assumed to be independent of static ear canal pressure. The relation between emission peak height and width implicates that the intra-cochlear oscillation amplitude attentuates relative to the intra-cochlear noise level when a static ear canal pressure is applied. Apparently, ear canal static pressure directly affects the active mechanics in the inner ear

    Investigating the relation between minimum masking levels and hearing thresholds for tinnitus subtyping

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    Heterogeneity of tinnitus imposes a challenge for its treatment. Identifying tinnitus subtypes might help to establish individualized diagnosis and therapies. The minimum masking level (MML) is a clinical tool defined as the minimum intensity of a masking sound required to cover tinnitus. Understanding the differences among masking patterns in patients could facilitate the task of subtyping tinnitus. Here, we studied the variability of hearing thresholds and MMLs among patients with tinnitus to identify tinnitus subgroups. A population of 366 consecutive patients from a specialized tinnitus clinic were included in the analysis. Hearing thresholds and MMLs were determined for octave frequencies from 0.25 to 8kHz, as well as for 3 and 6kHz. Subjects were divided into two groups according to whether their tinnitus was maskable (M, 329 subjects) or non-maskable (NM, 37 subjects). Hearing thresholds and tinnitus loudness did not differ significantly between both groups. The dimensionality of the data was reduced by means of principal component analysis (PCA), and the largest resulting components were used for clustering the data. The cluster analysis resulted in five clusters with differences in tinnitus pitch, lateralization, hearing thresholds and MML, as well as on age and gender. Clusters differed in contours of hearing thresholds and MML, describing patterns of low or high thresholds in combination with low or high MML. The clustering solution presented a low silhouette value (0.45), implying that the clustering is weak and could be artificial. The analysis pointed out the diversity across tinnitus patients. Our results suggest that there might be a continuum of patients' characteristics rather than discrete subgroups

    Author Correction:Gray matter declines with age and hearing loss, but is partially maintained in tinnitus

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    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper

    Gray matter declines with age and hearing loss, but is partially maintained in tinnitus

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    The impact of age-related hearing loss extends beyond the auditory pathway and impacts brain areas related to cognitive impairment and even dementia. The presence of tinnitus, a sensation of sound that frequently co-occurs with hearing loss, is additionally linked to cognitive decline. Interestingly, structural neuroimaging studies have reported that hearing loss may precede or modulate the onset of cognitive impairment. In this study, we aimed to disentangle the effects of age, hearing loss, and tinnitus on gray matter structure. In total, 39 participants with hearing loss and tinnitus, 21 with hearing loss but without tinnitus, and 39 controls were included in this voxel- and surface-based morphometry MRI study. Whole brain volume and surface thickness measures were compared between the groups. Age-related gray matter volume decline was observed in all groups. Several brain areas showed smaller gray matter volume and cortical surface thickness in hearing loss without tinnitus, relative to controls. This reduction was observed both within and outside of the auditory pathway. Interestingly, these reductions were not observed in participants with tinnitus, who had similar hearing loss and were of similar age. Since we have tools to improve hearing loss, hearing screening may aid in the battle against cognitive decline

    Frequency selectivity of tonal language native speakers probed by suppression tuning curves of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions

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    Native acquisition of a tonal language (TL) is related to enhanced abilities of pitch perception and production, compared to non-tonal language (NTL) native speakers. Moreover, differences in brain responses to both linguistically relevant and non-relevant pitch changes have been described in TL native speakers. It is so far unclear to which extent differences are present at the peripheral processing level of the cochlea. To determine possible differences in cochlear frequency selectivity between Asian TL speakers and Caucasian NTL speakers, suppression tuning curves (STCs) of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) were examined in both groups. By presenting pure tones, SOAE levels were suppressed and STCs were derived. SOAEs with center frequencies higher than 4.5 kHz were recorded only in female TL native speakers, which correlated with better high-frequency tone detection thresholds. The suppression thresholds at the tip of the STC and filter quality coefficient Q (10dB) did not differ significantly between both language groups. Thus, the characteristics of the STCs of SOAEs do not support the presence of differences in peripheral auditory processing between TL and NTL native speakers. (C) 2020TheAuthor(s). PublishedbyElsevierB.V

    Carbamazepine induces upward frequency shifts of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions

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    In three subjects, we measured spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) when they were using carbamazepine (CBZ), and compared this to the SOAE measurement when they were not using CBZ. We observed 14 SOAEs showing a consistent upward shift of center frequency, related to CBZ intake. On average, the magnitude of the frequency shift increased with increasing frequency. The magnitude of the shift was 30-104 Hz, at frequencies ranging from 1.3 to 2.3 kHz, corresponding to a shift between 2.3 and 4.5%. Compared to other causes and manipulations known to change SOAE frequency, these shifts are relatively large. The underlying mechanism is most likely an increased stiffness of the cochlear partition. This would also explain the downward pitch shift due to CBZ, which has been reported by subjects with absolute pitch

    Tinnitus-related dissociation between cortical and subcortical neural activity in humans with mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss

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    AbstractTinnitus is a phantom sound percept that is strongly associated with peripheral hearing loss. However, only a fraction of hearing-impaired subjects develops tinnitus. This may be based on differences in the function of the brain between those subjects that develop tinnitus and those that do not. In this study, cortical and sub-cortical sound-evoked brain responses in 34 hearing-impaired chronic tinnitus patients and 19 hearing level-matched controls were studied using 3-T functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Auditory stimuli were presented to either the left or the right ear at levels of 30–90Β dB SPL. We extracted neural activation as a function of sound intensity in eight auditory regions (left and right auditory cortices, medial geniculate bodies, inferior colliculi and cochlear nuclei), the cerebellum and a cinguloparietal task-positive region. The activation correlated positively with the stimulus intensity, and negatively with the hearing threshold. We found no differences between both groups in terms of the magnitude and lateralization of the sound-evoked responses, except for the left medial geniculate body and right cochlear nucleus where activation levels were elevated in the tinnitus subjects. We observed significantly reduced functional connectivity between the inferior colliculi and the auditory cortices in tinnitus patients compared to controls. Our results indicate a failure of thalamic gating in the development of tinnitus

    Intraocular and intracranial pressure in glaucoma patients taking acetazolamide

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    The alternative mechanical theory of glaucoma, in which an increased pressure difference across the lamina cribrosa (difference between intraocular and intracranial pressure; IOP and ICP), rather than solely an elevated IOP, leads to structural and functional vision loss, is still controversial. If the theory is true, a drug that simultaneously lowers both the IOP and ICP may be ineffective. The aim of this study was to determine how acetazolamide (AAZ; a drug prescribed in glaucoma that aims to lower the IOP) affects both IOP and ICP in glaucoma patients and to compare the magnitude and time course of the induced pressure changes with those of healthy subjects not taking AAZ. IOP and noninvasive ICP (measured through emissions from the ear) were measured in 20 glaucoma patients taking 125 mg of AAZ twice daily. Measurements were taken for 30 minutes before taking the drug and for 2 hours post-ingestion. Comparisons were made with 13 age-similar controls. After 12 hours with no anti-glaucoma medication, AAZ did not further reduce IOP in glaucoma patients compared to controls (P = 0.58) but did reduce ICP compared to controls (P = 0.035), by approximately 4 mmHg. Our findings suggest that there are periods during the day when the pressure difference across the lamina cribrosa is larger in case of AAZ use. Future studies should focus on improving the noninvasive ICP testing, different doses and dosing schedules of AAZ, and the time course of IOP in glaucoma patients not taking AAZ
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