6,413 research outputs found

    The Triple Aim Journey: Improving Population Health and Patients' Experience of Care, While Reducing Costs

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    Provides an overview of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's initiative designed to help improve population health, enhance patients' experience of care, and slow the growth of per capita costs. Outlines early results from three case study sites

    Keeping the Commitment: A Progress Report on Four Early Leaders in Patient Safety Improvement

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    Examines four healthcare systems' expansion of patient safety interventions over five years through the development of practical training methods, effective tools for minimizing errors, an emphasis on goal setting and accountability, and other approaches

    Gundersen Lutheran Health System: Performance Improvement Through Partnership

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    Highlights Fund-defined attributes of an ideal system and best practices such as using data for benchmarking, increasing transparency, and driving improvement; investing in primary care and disease management; and hiring engineers to improve operations

    Genesee Health Plan: Improving Access to Care and the Health of Uninsured Residents Through a County Health Plan

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    Describes how expanding access to services and helping patients adopt healthy behaviors and manage chronic diseases cut emergency room visits and costs. Emphasizes collaboration among local government, hospitals, community groups, and other stakeholders

    North Carolina's ABCD Program: Using Community Care Networks to Improve the Delivery of Childhood Developmental Screening and Referral to Early Intervention Services

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    Profiles community care networks' approaches to implementing the Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) program. Examines activities to increase screening for and interventions in developmental disabilities and delays, impact, and insights

    CareOregon: Transforming the Role of a Medicaid Health Plan From Payer to Partner

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    Details Triple Aim pilot programs designed to offer patient-centered medical homes and multidisciplinary case management in an effort to improve population health, enhance patients' experience, and slow cost growth

    Genesys HealthWorks: Pursuing the Triple Aim Through a Primary Care-Based Delivery System, Integrated Self-Management Support, and Community Partnerships

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    Details Triple Aim pilot programs to engage primary care doctors in care coordination, prevention, and efficient use of specialty care through a physician-hospital organization; promote healthy behaviors; and extend access for the poor and uninsured

    The Hospital at Home Model: Bringing Hospital-Level Care to the Patient

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    Presbyterian's Hospital at Home program, launched in 2008, is based on a model developed in the mid-1990s by Bruce Leff, M.D., a geriatrician and health services researcher at Johns Hopkins University, who noticed that many of his patients suffered poor outcomes after hospital stays.1 At Johns Hopkins, teams of physicians, nurses, and other clinical staff make house calls to treat elderly patients, many of whom either refuse to go to the hospital or are at such high risk for adverse events that physicians prefer not to admit them. For select patients, this approach produces superior outcomes at a lower cost than hospital care (see Results).The Hospital at Home model has struggled to gain traction elsewhere in the United States, however, in part because Medicare's fee-for-service program will not pay for its services. Presbyterian is able to secure reimbursement from its health plan, which covers 470,000 Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and commercially insured members throughout the state and has incentives to reduce costs and improve care.Presbyterian's program fits within a suite of services designed to deliver care in the home. These include home-based primary care, home health, hospice, and Complete Care, a care management program designed to improve coordination of services for patients with advanced illness and, when desired, avoid unwanted aggressive care at the end of life
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