22 research outputs found

    Semi-markowski model systemu obsługi z minimalną naprawą

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    This paper analyzes the semi-Markov model of technical objects age-replacements. The model includes two types of repairs: perfect repairs and minimal repairs. Minimal repairs in semi-Markov models have been studied in literature only to an extent. In this paper, the asymptotic availability coefficient and profit per time unit are considered as criteria for the quality of the system operation. The paper formulates various conditions for the occurrence of the maximum of criteria functions. The two numerical examples given at the end of the paper illustrate the results obtained in the paper.W pracy bada się semimarkowski model wymian według wieku obiektów technicznych. W modelu uwzględnia się dwa rodzaje napraw: naprawy dokładne i naprawy minimalne. Naprawy minimalne w modelach semimarkowskich były badane w literaturze w niewielkim stopniu. Jako kryteria jakości pracy systemu rozważa się asymptotyczny współczynnik gotowości i zysk przypadający na jednostkę czasu. W pracy sformułowano różne warunki istnienia maksimum funkcji kryterialnych. Podane na końcu pracy dwa przykłady numeryczne ilustrują wyniki uzyskane w pracy

    Application of the Pareto front for risk control in the transport system

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    The article describes the developed model of controlling the process of means of transport operation, in which the choice of control strategy is carried out using non-deterministic methods. The model presented in the paper allows one to evaluate the quality of the transport system operation from the point of view of selected evaluation criteria: the risk of occurrence of undesired events and the availability of means of transport. The article presents a description of the method for determining the optimal (quasi-optimal) strategy for controlling the process of the use of means of transport taking into account the semi-Markov decision- making processes. The selection of the optimal (quasi-optimal) solution is carried out using the genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing algorithm. As a result of numerical calculations, for the criterion functions used, a set of quasi-optimal solutions is obtained in the form of the so- called Pareto front. This applies to the selection of possible decision variants, such a strategy for controlling the operation process, for which the functions constituting the evaluation criteria achieve values belonging to the Pareto-optimal solutions set

    Method of assessment of the transport system functioning with the application of the simulation model of the operating process

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    In the article, there is presented the description of the algorithm of the operating process of the simulation model characteristics’ determination realized in the transport system. The simulation model of the means of transport’s operating process has been developed based on the that process’s mathematical model (semi-Markov model). Due of the assumed principles, the constructed model can be applied for the purposes of assessment and control of the operating process because of criterion of different types. Analysis of performance’s assessment of the operating means of transport is one of the ways of the possibilities of correct realization of the assigned transportation tasks in the transport systems. The simulation model of the operating process presented in the work, makes it possible to assess performance of the transport system’s operation from the point of view of the selected assessment criteria: availability of the means of transport and the unit income generated in the process’s modelling conditions. Based on the results of the tests conducted in the real system of the means of transport operating system, the model’s input data have been developed and simulation experiments have been conducted. As an effect, there have been determined the exemplary values of the analyzed characteristics of the transport system’s operation performance analyses

    Determination of adsopration isotherm for adsorbents based on titanium dioxide

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    Adsorpcja to jeden z ważniejszych procesów zachodzących na powierzchniach adsorbentów. Dokładne zbadanie właściwości sorpcyjnych pozwala także na sprecyzowanie dalszego zastosowania danego materiału. W badaniach ‒ w celu określenia właściwości badanych próbek dwutlenku tytanu oraz dwutlenku tytanu z dwutlenkiem manganu ‒ wyznaczano izotermy adsorpcji błękitu metylenowego na badanych materiałach: TiO2 oraz TiO2 + MnO2. Substancje te znajdują zastosowanie w procesie oczyszczania środowiska naturalnego z zanieczyszczeń spowodowanych produktami ropopochodnymi, które stanowią poważne zagrożenie dla całego ekosystemu. Badania laboratoryjne pozwalają na dokładniejsze poznanie właściwości sorbentów i określanie coraz nowocześniejszych i bardziej skutecznych sposobów utylizacji wycieków ropy naftowej i jej pochodnych zarówno podczas przerobu, transportu, jak i eksploatacji.Adsorption is one of the most important processes occurring on the surfaces of adsorbents. A thorough examination of sorption properties also allows the specification of further use of a given material. In order to determine the properties of the tested titanium dioxide and titanium dioxide with manganese dioxide samples, isotherms of methylene blue adsorption on the tested materials: TiO2 and TiO2 + MnO2 were determined. These substances are used in the process of cleaning the environment of pollution caused by petroleum products, which pose a serious threat to the entire ecosystem. Laboratory tests allow for a more accurate understanding of the properties of sorbent and determination of increasingly modern and more effective ways of utilizing oil spills and its derivatives during processing, transport and operation

    Rheological properties of filled materials

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    Rozwój technologiczny powoduje wzrost zapotrzebowania na innowacyjne tworzywa polimerowe. Do produkcji elementów tworzywowych wprowadzane są środki pomocnicze, za pomocą których poprawia się właściwości mechaniczne oraz reologiczne. Otrzymywane w ten sposób materiały zaliczane są do grupy kompozytów. Celem artykułu jest ocena zmian właściwości reologicznych tworzyw napełnianych w stosunku do rodzaju oraz ilości stosowanego środka modyfikującego. Wykonano analizę zmian masowego oraz objętościowego współczynnika szybkości płynięcia dla kompozytu polipropylenu w zależności od temperatury.Technological development means that the demand for innovative polymeric materials is growing. For the production of plastic elements, auxiliary measures are introduced, by means of which mechanical properties are improved, such as and rheological. The materials obtained in this way are included in the group of composites. The aim of this work is to evaluate changes in rheological properties of plastics in relation to the type and amount of the modifying agent used. The abovementioned goal will be realized by means of analysis of mass changes and volumetric melt flow rate for a polypropylene composite depending on the temperature

    Profit Optimalization in Operation Systems

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of reducing the number of secondary damage to profit from the work of a technical object. Considering the criterion function that describes the average profit from the work of a technical object in the operation system. The study analyses a model of profit optimization, in which the design criterion function is based on the properties of Poisson branch process. Criterion function that describes the average gain is considered in the work at sufficiently general factors. Profit lifting model from the work of a technical facility is numerically exemplified. For the analysed electrical subsystem, intervals of time between the initial damage have exponential distribution, and between secondary damage - gamma distribution. In the presented example, the ability of profit optimization in operation systems of technical objects is demonstrated

    Wind turbine condition monitoring system as a source of diagnostic information

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    The issues relating to the necessity of monitoring the wind turbines’ condition and operation are presented in the study. The wind turbines of high powers, are very expensive and complicated machines requiring appropriate control and high quality technical service. The idea of appropriate technical turbine’s maintaining, combines its high availability and productivity, as well as minimization of the costs related to failures and unexpected damages. Remote diagnostic systems allow obtaining the basic information, making it possible to maintain and appropriate control, use and high quality technical service

    Wind turbine condition monitoring system as a source of diagnostic information

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    The issues relating to the necessity of monitoring the wind turbines’ condition and operation are presented in the study. The wind turbines of high powers, are very expensive and complicated machines requiring appropriate control and high quality technical service. The idea of appropriate technical turbine’s maintaining, combines its high availability and productivity, as well as minimization of the costs related to failures and unexpected damages. Remote diagnostic systems allow obtaining the basic information, making it possible to maintain and appropriate control, use and high quality technical service

    Semi-Markov model for the Kaplan preventive repair system for water turbines

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    The article presents a semi-Markovian model of a system of preventive repairs according to age, carried out in water power plants with the use of Kaplan turbines. In the case of the analyzed technical objects, the profit per unit of time is considered as a criterion for the considered function. On the basis of the adopted assumptions, formulas describing the criterion function were presented for the developed mathematical model, and then the conditions for the existence of the maximum of this function were formulated. The proposed method makes it possible to determine the optimal time for preventive repair of the water power plant under consideration. Theoretical considerations presented in the article are presented on the basis of a calculation example developed on the basis of estimated data obtained from a real Kaplan water turbine operation system

    The method of controlling the efficiency of the airworthiness assurance subsystem in the system of means of transport operation

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    In order to ensure proper and effective performance of tasks in complex systems of means of transport operation, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate number of buses that are capable of carrying out transport. This is achieved as a result of the implementation of maintenance and repair processes at the stations of the workability assurance subsystem. The ability to perform maintenance and repair tasks assigned to airworthiness assurance subsystems depends on their readiness to drive. Ensuring the required readiness of the tested subsystems is possible by adjusting the number and structure of maintenance and repair stations, adjusting the equipment of these stations in such a way that, if necessary, it is possible to perform specific tasks at various types of stations and the use of devices and tools with high reliability, durability and efficiency. The article presents a description of the method of determining the optimal strategy for controlling the process of exploitation of means of transport with the use of decisionmaking semiMarkov processes. The selection of the optimal (suboptimal) solution is carried out using a genetic algorithm. As a result implementation numerical calculations , a set of solutions in the form of the so-called Pareto front is obtained for the applied criterion functions