43 research outputs found

    Implementation of intelligent model for pneumonia detection

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    The advancement of technology in the field of artificial intelligence and neural networks allows us to improve speed and efficiency in the diagnosis of various types of problems. In the last few years, the rise in the field of convolutional neural networks has been particularly noticeable, showing promising results in problems related to image processing and computer vision. Given that humans have limited ability to detect patterns in individual images, accurate diagnosis can be a problem for even medical professionals. In order to minimize the number of errors and unintended consequences, computer programs based on neural networks and deep learning principles are increasingly used as assistant tools in medicine. The aim of this study was to develop a model of an intelligent system that receives x-ray image of the lungs as an input parameter and, based on the processed image, returns the possibility of pneumonia as an output. The implementation of this functionality was implemented through transfer learning methodology based on already defined convolution neural network architectures

    The Alternative Way of Creating Infographics Using SVG Technology

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    The article develops new ways of creating and using interactive SVG infographics. The emphasis lies on the compatibility of SVG standard with other web standards, like XML, XSL, CSS, SMIL and ECMAScript, the advantages that it brings are particularly explored. There is a XSLT template developed which transforms XML data into SVG infographic, and the way of achieving complete control over data and data visualization is tested. This enabled the achieving of dynamic control of content and its presentation, and contributed to the results in reduced developing cost and time, better flexibility and reliability of the organizational system. The paper also studied the possibility to convey infographic message by adding interactivity, and explored technologies by means of which this can be achieved. The aspects of establishing a more efficient communication with end users, such as searchability and accessibility are also considered. SVG infographics are compared with other approaches for creating infographics in raster and vector techniques


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    Varijabilna grafička priprema naziva se i tiskom na zahtjev i omogućuje personalizaciju grafičkih proizvoda. Postoje mnogi komercijalni programski alati koji omogućuju potrebne funkcije za pripremu proizvodnje varijabilnih digitalnih otisaka, ali mnogi su ili preskupi ili su ograničeni na specijalne vrste digitalnih strojeva. Za manje tvrtke koje se bave tiskom ili pakiranjem takav trošak može se izbjeći korištenjem skriptnih tehnologija i alata koje već posjeduju. Većina tvrtki koje se bave grafičkim uslugama posjeduju programe koji se svakodnevno koriste u prijelomu publikacija, koji odgovaraju na navedene potrebe. Takve aplikacije donose prednosti u smislu ubrzavanja procesa, automatizacije i smanjenja pogrešaka. Jedna od prednosti je upravo i skriptiranje. Izradom skripte koja izvršava izradu prijeloma u određenim slučajevima smanjujemo vrijeme rada, automatiziramo proces i smanjujemo pogreške u formatiranju dokumenta. Tako se korištenjem postojećih programskih alata može izraditi priprema i montaža dokumenata za tisak koji sadrže varijabilne podatke kao što je barkod vezan uz dokument koji se montira. Ovaj članak bavi se pripremom varijabilne grafičke pripreme i montaže korištenjem skriptnih tehnologija. Rad dokazuje da je moguće dodavanjem skriptnih modela u standardne programe grafičke pripreme optimalno rješavati zahtjevne zadatke koji su inače teški za ostvarivanje, te ostvarivati zadatke koji su u tim alatima mogući samo skriptiranjem.Variable graphic prepress is also called print on demand and it allows personalisation of graphic products. There are many commercial software tools which allow needed functions for variable data printing but many are either too expensive or limited to special kinds of digital printing machines. For smaller companies that deal with printing or packaging this cost can be avoided by using scripting technologies and tools that they already own. Most of the companies dealing with graphic services own software which is used daily in digital prepress. Those applications give advantages like prepress processes acceleration, automation and error reduction. One of the advantages they give is also scripting. By making a script that executes layout preparation in some cases operation times can be reduced, processes can be automated and formatting errors can be reduced. With scripting and standard prepress tools layout and imposition of documents with variable barcode data can be crated. This article deals with variable graphic layout and imposition production by using scripting technologies. It proves that it is possible to optimally solve complex tasks of graphic prepress that are otherwise hard to achieve, or that are only possible by using scripting models, in standard graphic prepress programs

    Dynamic Mathematical Layout in E-Books

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    The development of e-books technology, with the emphasis on content readability and accessibility, raises the issue of mathematical layout optimisation. Although typographic formatting is successfully conducted by incorporating complex mathematical content in the form of bitmap images, such content is not accessible to text-to-speech technologies nor does it enable readability on small screens. For the purpose of creating dynamic and accessible mathematical layout, various e-book formats are analysed and EPUB3 format is presented as the only format meeting the requirements of openness, fluidity, support, accessibility and semantically correct mathematical type. The paper defines the realisation of EPUB e-books with emphasis on the optimal mathematical type using the Mathematical Markup Language. The problems of display, typographic formatting and dynamic layout are resolved through JavaScript functions depending on the rendering technologies of various e-readers on different platforms

    The influence of pre-treatment by priming on the CMY reproduction quality printed with ElectroInk

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    In order to achieve high-quality colour prints by using an electrophotography printing machine, it is necessary to prepare the printing substrate. Additional treatment may be needed to achieve the better substrate surface tension for optimally attaching the liquid electrophotography ink to the fine art paper. To ensure good adhesion of the ink to the printing substrate, a pre-treatment by application of surface tension regulating fluids (priming) may be used. In this paper, we will determine the possibility of realization of the CMY prints and the possibility of achieving an increased range of tone value in electrophotography digital printing. Based on the results, the new possible values of reproduced CMY tones will be determined so that a higher print quality can be achieved. The application of primers changes the optical properties of the paper printing substrate, which directly affects the colour reproduction. An additional 100 % increase of primer application will result in total colour changes of ΔEC (0,5g/m2 & 1g/m2) = 0,06, ΔEM (0,5g/m2 & 1g/m2) = 0,42, ΔEY (0,5g/m2 & 1g/m2) = 0,08. In this scenario, 1 g/m2 application of primer will produce the most intense full tones and therefore the highest quality prints for all three ElectroInk process colours

    Optimisation of automatic variable graphic layout and imposition

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    Prednosti automatizacije u grafičkoj pripremi primarno leže u povećanju efikasnosti u produkciji pripreme za tisak i montaže, posebice u poslovima koji se ponavljaju. Ostale prednosti su smanjivanje troškova pošto se više posla može odraditi s manje zaposlenika. Jedan od načina izrade automatizacije je i skriptiranje. Mogu se izvršavati kratke skripte koje odrađuju samo jedan zadatak, kompleksne skripte koje obavljaju višestruke zadatke, pa sve do onih koje automatiziraju cijeli izdavački proces. Kod skripti koje obavljaju kompleksne zadatke vrijeme izvršavanja može biti dugotrajno. U radu je opisana skripta koja ostvaruje automatizaciju izrade varijabilne grafičke pripreme, montaže i numeriranja za digitalni tisak. Kvantitativno su određene dobivena automatizacija i ušteda u vremenu korištenjem automatiziranog procesa. Osim učinkom automatizacije na stvarni proces grafičke pripreme ovaj rad bavi se i optimizacijom napisane skripte kako bi se skratilo vrijeme njezinog izvršavanja i utvrdili čimbenici koji utječu na skriptna vremena.The benefit of automation in graphic prepress lies primarily in an increase of efficiency in the production of layout and imposition of repetitive tasks by shortening lead time. Another benefit is cost reduction, since more work can be done with fewer staff members. One way of automating is by using scripts. Scripts can be written to execute just one task, complex scripts can perform multiple tasks and some scripts automate the entire publishing process. With scripts that execute complex tasks execution period can be time consuming. This paper describes the script that was made to automate variable data layout, imposition and to number digital printing. Quantitative research was carried out in this paper to determine achieved automation and time reduction by using automated processes. This paper also deals with written script optimization in order to shorten the time of its execution and to identify factors that affect the script execution time

    Double Separation Method for Translation of the Infrared Information into a Visible Area

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    Information visualization refers to the wavelength area ranging from 400 to 700 nm. Areas in lower wavelengths ranging from 100 to 400 nm are translated into the visual area with the goal to protect information visible only by applying instruments adapted for the ultraviolet area. Our recent research work refers to the infrared wavelength areas above the visible specter up to 1000 nm. The scientific contribution of this paper is in setting the double separation method for printing with CMYK printing inks with the goal to detect graphic information in the infrared area only. An algorithm has been created for making visual basics in the overall visible specter containing material that responds in the infrared section. This allows planning of areas in all coloring types for one and the same document that contains a secure piece of information. The system is based on double transition transformation of the visible RGB1 information recognition into CMYK2 in the same document. Secure information is recognized with the help of instruments in the set wavelength range. Most of the experiments have been carried out by analyzing the same set of RGB records. Each sample in the set was a test unit coming from another source containing different IR3 components. Thus an innovative method of color mixing has been set where colors appear respectively in daylight and separately according to IR light programming. New IR cryptography is proposed as shown in the experimental work


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    Analiza rendgenskih snimaka u medicinskoj praksi zauzima važno mjesto pri dijagnostici lomova. Za što precizniju dijagnostiku autori su kroz ovaj rad prezentirali izdvajanje značajki slike kroz primjer rendgenskog snimka. Potrebno je izdvojiti značajke slike na osnovu kojih se može interpretirati ili odrediti mjesto loma na slici. Najjednostavniji postupak za prepoznavanje lomova bio bi zasnovan na usporedbi piksel-popiksel između rendgenskog snimka prije i poslije loma dobivenih iz digitalne slike segmentacijom. Međutim, iz praktičnih razloga nije moguće, jer ne postoji pohranjen snimak prije loma. Odabrano je veći broj značajki slike, a u cilju postizanja što boljih rezultata. Značajke pomoću kojih se mogu opisati slike, a koje se koriste u prepoznavanju dijelova slike su Eulerov broj, raspodjela gustoće bijelih piksela, brojanje rubova. Navedene zančajke mogu poslužiti za bolju analizu slike, i ne predstavljaju konačno rješenje za određivanje mjesta loma na rengenskom snimku.Analysis of X-ray imaging in medical practice has an important place in the diagnosis of fractures. The authors presented in this paper the extraction of image features on the example of x-ray images for the purposes of a more accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to extract the features of the image that can serve as a basis for interpretation or detection of fractures. The simplest procedure for identifying fractures would be a pixel-by-pixel comparison of the x-ray images made before and after fracture, obtained from a digital image by the means of segmentation. Moreover, the mentioned is not possible due to the lack of x-ray images before the fracture. More image features are selected in order to obtain best results as possible. Features which can describe images, used in recognition of parts of the images are Euler`s number, distribution of white pixels density, edges counting. Aforementioned features can serve for better analysis of images and do not represent the final solution for determining the fracture point on an x-ray image


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    Implementiranjem novih mogućnosti u postojeće programe za stolno izdavaštvo moguće je optimizirati procese digitalne grafičke pripreme. Skriptni programi koji izvršavaju izradu prijeloma, pod određenim uvjetima, mogu ubrzati i automatizirati digitalnu grafičku pripremu te smanjiti broj pogrešaka kod formatiranja dokumenta. Skriptnim tehnologijama moguće je izraditi nove modele za rješavanje složenih zadataka grafičke pripreme kojima se unaprjeđuju postupci izrade digitalne grafičke pripreme. U radu je opisana optimizacija standardne pripreme koja uključuje obilježavanje ispravaka nakon lekture. Novi izrađeni model za unapređenje procesa u grafičkoj pripremi ne postoji kao mogućnost u postojećem odabranom programu (Adobe InDesign), pa je bio dodan kako bi se olakšalo odobravanje ispravaka u izrađenoj grafičkoj pripremi. Rad dokazuje da je moguće dodavanjem skriptnih modela u standardne programe grafičke pripreme optimalno rješavati zahtjevne zadatke koji su inače teški za ostvarivanje, te ostvarivati zadatke koji su u tim alatima mogući samo skriptiranjem.Digital prepress can be optimised by implementing new features to existing programs for desktop publishing.Scripting programs that execute prepress tasks, under certain conditions, can accelerate and automate digital prepress and reduce the number of errors in formatted documents. With scripting technologies new models can be created to solve complex prepress tasks that improve digital prepress. The paper describes the optimization of standard prepress process which includes marking corrections after proofreading. The new model designed to improve processes in prepress is not an option in the current selected program (Adobe InDesign), and it was added to facilitate the approval of corrections. The paper proves that it is possible to optimally solve demanding tasks that are otherwise difficult to establish by adding the scripting model in standard prepress programs, and to achieve tasks that are only possible by scripting

    HTML5 ekstenzije za Adobe InDesign CC aplikacije

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    Adobe u svojim aplikacijama omogućuje tehnologiju proširivanja, koja daje infrastrukturu za razvoj i dijeljenje ekstenzija koje rade kroz različite Adobe aplikacije. Adobe Application Extension je set datoteka koje zajedno proširuju mogućnosti jedne ili više Adobe aplikacija. Ekstenzije se mogu koristiti kako bi se dodali servisi i integrirale nove mogućnosti kroz aplikacije u CC paketima. Adobe Application Exstension koristi HTML i JavaScript kako bi se kreirala sučelja koja su podržana na različitim platformama. Ekstenzije imaju pristup skriptnom sučelju aplikacije za koju su pisane i mogu raditi sa skriptnim DOM kako bi ostvarile interakciju s dokumentima koji se uređuju u različitim Adobe programima. Adobe programi podržavaju ExtendScript što je Adobe proširena verzija ECMA JavaScript. U radu je opisana konfiguracija osnovne ekstenzije za Adobe InDesign te osnove korištenja CEP (Adobe Common Extensibility Platform) pri izradi automatizacije za Adobe InDesign program. Ekstenzije su građene prema zadanoj arhitekturi kojom se bavi ovaj rad. Opisane su mogućnosti izrade ekstenzije kao i njeni sastavni dijelovi