7 research outputs found

    Pelvic inflammatory disease and surgical treatment over a ten years period; single institution experience

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    Background: In our study, we examined the frequency of surgical procedures due to the acute presentation of the pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in regard to all gynecological procedures in a single institution. We also wanted to present patients\u27 age range and type of surgical approach as well as surgical extension. Materials and methods: This retrospective study investigated a total of 10,175 surgical procedures, out of which 103 were due to acute PID. The study included 101 patients. We obtained data from surgical procedures performed from September 2009 to September 2019. Results: In the observed ten years period, the frequency of surgical procedures due to the acute PID was 1.01%. It was found that women were mostly older than 25 (85.15%). Laparoscopy was performed in 52.43% of cases and laparotomy in 37.86% of cases. Laparotomy incisions were transverse in 26.67% of cases and vertical in 42.22% of cases. The most radical procedures were performed in 17.48% of cases in which patients underwent a subtotal or total hysterectomy with unilateral or bilateral adnexectomy. Conclusion: In conclusion, although rare, surgical procedures in PID are relevant because they are, according to our data, more common in patients older than 25, and surgical procedures tend to be more extensive

    Izbor optimalne metode za valuaciju START-UP-a

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    Povećanje rasta startup-ova u Republici Hrvatskoj povećalo je zanimanje za ulaganjem, što za privatne i institucionalne investitore predstavlja veliki izazov, uz visoku razinu nesigurnosti kako i na koji način procijeniti vrijednost startup

    Government bond market development - case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia

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    Liquid and resilient government bond markets are often defined as an important goal of public debt management. Although similar in many aspects, regulatory frameworks related to financial services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia are experiencing a time lag in the implementation of the European Union acquis. In addition, these countries have sometimes made different policy choices when it comes to public debt management. This provides a unique opportunity to conduct a cross-dimensional and temporal analysis and assess the impact that different regulatory solutions and policy choices can have on the market. The research demonstrates that despite common and obvious limitations related to market size, the impact of policy and regulatory choices is not negligible. It also demonstrates the importance of a comprehensive strategy integrating factors such as debt structure, liquidity enhancement techniques and quality of the institutional investor base

    Pelvic inflammatory disease and surgical treatment in a ten year period at the University Hospital "Sveti Duh"

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    Zdjelična je upalna bolest upala gornjeg dijela ženskog spolnog sustava uzrokovana prvenstveno ascendentnim širenjem spolno prenosivih uzročnika iz donjeg dijela spolnog sustava. Tipično se javlja u spolno aktivnih žena mlađih od 25 godina koje ne koriste kontracepciju te imaju više spolnih partnera, iako pojava u starijoj dobi nije isključena. Temelj je liječenja PID-a antibiotska terapija, no u određenim je slučajevima potrebna i kirurška intervencija. Točnu je incidenciju i prevalenciju PID-a u svijetu teško odrediti zbog subjektivnosti i nedostataka dijagnostičkih metoda te nejasne kliničke slike. Cilj je ovog retrospektivnog istraživanja bio prikazati učestalost operacija uslijed akutne prezentacije PID-a u odnosu na ostale ginekološke operacije te tip operativnog pristupa u KB „Sveti Duh“ u razdoblju od 1. rujna 2009. do 1. rujna 2019. godine. Podaci su prikupljeni pregledom protokola ginekoloških operacija te je istraživanje obuhvatilo ukupno 10 175 ginekoloških operacija, od kojih je 103 bilo uslijed akutnog PID-a. Dobiveni podaci prikazuju udio takvih operacija od 1,01%. Također je nađeno kako je 85,15% takvih pacijentica bilo starije od 25 godina. Nadalje, u 52,43% slučajeva učinjena je laparoskopija, a u 37,86% laparotomija. Prilikom laparotomije u 42,22% učinjen je uzdužni rez, a u 26,67% rez po Pfannenstielu. Najopsežnije su operacije učinjene u 17,48% slučajeva pri čemu su pacijentice bile podvrgnute subtotalnoj ili totalnoj histerektomiji uz jednostranu ili obostranu adneksektomiju. Premda relativno rijetko, kirurško liječenje zdjelične upalne bolesti nije zanemarivo jer je prema našim podacima ono češće kod žena starijih od 25 godina te su obično potrebni opsežniji kirurški zahvati.Pelvic inflammatory disease refers to an infection of the upper genital tract structures in women and is mostly caused by untreated sexually transmitted diseases that ascend from the lower genital tract. It is typically found in sexually active women younger than 25 who do not use contraception and have multiple sex partners, although it can occur in older women as well. Antibiotic therapy is the foundation of PID treatment, but in some cases surgical intervention is needed. It is difficult to determine the actual worldwide incidence and prevalence of PID due to the typically unclear clinical presentation and the lack of objective diagnostic criteria. The aim of this retrospective study was to show the frequency of surgical procedures due to the acute presentation of pelvic inflammatory disease in regard to all gynecological procedures and types of surgical approach in KB „Sveti Duh“ between September 1, 2009 and September 1, 2019. The data from surgical records were collected and it included a total of 10 175 surgical procedures, out of which 103 were due to PID (1.01%). It was found that 85.15% of patients were older than 25. Furthermore, laparoscopy was performed in 52.43% of cases, whereas laparotomy was performed in 37.86%. Laparotomy incisions were vertical in 42.22% of cases and transverse, also known as Pfannenstiel, in 26.67% of cases. The most radical procedures were performed in 17.48% of cases in which patients underwent a subtotal or total hysterectomy with unilateral or bilateral adnexectomy. In conclusion, although rare, surgical procedures in PID are relevant because they are, according to our data, more common in patients older than 25 and surgical procedures are more extensive

    Pelvic inflammatory disease and surgical treatment in a ten year period at the University Hospital "Sveti Duh"

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    Zdjelična je upalna bolest upala gornjeg dijela ženskog spolnog sustava uzrokovana prvenstveno ascendentnim širenjem spolno prenosivih uzročnika iz donjeg dijela spolnog sustava. Tipično se javlja u spolno aktivnih žena mlađih od 25 godina koje ne koriste kontracepciju te imaju više spolnih partnera, iako pojava u starijoj dobi nije isključena. Temelj je liječenja PID-a antibiotska terapija, no u određenim je slučajevima potrebna i kirurška intervencija. Točnu je incidenciju i prevalenciju PID-a u svijetu teško odrediti zbog subjektivnosti i nedostataka dijagnostičkih metoda te nejasne kliničke slike. Cilj je ovog retrospektivnog istraživanja bio prikazati učestalost operacija uslijed akutne prezentacije PID-a u odnosu na ostale ginekološke operacije te tip operativnog pristupa u KB „Sveti Duh“ u razdoblju od 1. rujna 2009. do 1. rujna 2019. godine. Podaci su prikupljeni pregledom protokola ginekoloških operacija te je istraživanje obuhvatilo ukupno 10 175 ginekoloških operacija, od kojih je 103 bilo uslijed akutnog PID-a. Dobiveni podaci prikazuju udio takvih operacija od 1,01%. Također je nađeno kako je 85,15% takvih pacijentica bilo starije od 25 godina. Nadalje, u 52,43% slučajeva učinjena je laparoskopija, a u 37,86% laparotomija. Prilikom laparotomije u 42,22% učinjen je uzdužni rez, a u 26,67% rez po Pfannenstielu. Najopsežnije su operacije učinjene u 17,48% slučajeva pri čemu su pacijentice bile podvrgnute subtotalnoj ili totalnoj histerektomiji uz jednostranu ili obostranu adneksektomiju. Premda relativno rijetko, kirurško liječenje zdjelične upalne bolesti nije zanemarivo jer je prema našim podacima ono češće kod žena starijih od 25 godina te su obično potrebni opsežniji kirurški zahvati.Pelvic inflammatory disease refers to an infection of the upper genital tract structures in women and is mostly caused by untreated sexually transmitted diseases that ascend from the lower genital tract. It is typically found in sexually active women younger than 25 who do not use contraception and have multiple sex partners, although it can occur in older women as well. Antibiotic therapy is the foundation of PID treatment, but in some cases surgical intervention is needed. It is difficult to determine the actual worldwide incidence and prevalence of PID due to the typically unclear clinical presentation and the lack of objective diagnostic criteria. The aim of this retrospective study was to show the frequency of surgical procedures due to the acute presentation of pelvic inflammatory disease in regard to all gynecological procedures and types of surgical approach in KB „Sveti Duh“ between September 1, 2009 and September 1, 2019. The data from surgical records were collected and it included a total of 10 175 surgical procedures, out of which 103 were due to PID (1.01%). It was found that 85.15% of patients were older than 25. Furthermore, laparoscopy was performed in 52.43% of cases, whereas laparotomy was performed in 37.86%. Laparotomy incisions were vertical in 42.22% of cases and transverse, also known as Pfannenstiel, in 26.67% of cases. The most radical procedures were performed in 17.48% of cases in which patients underwent a subtotal or total hysterectomy with unilateral or bilateral adnexectomy. In conclusion, although rare, surgical procedures in PID are relevant because they are, according to our data, more common in patients older than 25 and surgical procedures are more extensive