2 research outputs found

    3R Principle for the welfare protection of animals used for scientific purposes - yesterday, today, tomorrow

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    Prvi pisani dokazi korištenja životinja u pokusima potječu još iz Staroga vijeka. Sve do otkrića anestetika životinje su u pokusima proživljavale nezamislive patnje. Prvi akt koji je zabranjivao okrutnost prema životinjama u pokusu donesen je u Britanskom parlamentu 1876. godine. Sredinom dvadesetog stoljeća znanstvenici Russell i Burch u svome su djelu “Načela humanih pokusnih tehnika” postavili temelje nove primijenjene znanstvene discipli- ne koja je trebala poboljšati postupke u radu s laboratorijskim životinjama, a ujedno i pri- donijeti kvaliteti znanstvenog rada u kojem se te životinje koriste. Raščlamba metoda kojima bi se mogli isključiti neljudski postupci prema životinjama u pokusu rezultirala je stvaranjem koncepta 3R načela: Replacement (zamjena), Re- duction (smanjenje) i Refinement (poboljšanje) s ultimativnim ciljem sadržanim u tek jednoj rije- či‒čovječnost. Razvojem znanosti, tehnologije, ali i evolucijom svijesti kako znanstvenika, tako i šire društvene zajednice, 3R načela svakod- nevno se razvijaju, tako da možemo govoriti i o 11R načelima jer se uz tri prethodno navede- na danas još navode i Reliability (pouzdanost), Relevance (pogodnost‒prikladnost), Reproduci- bility (ponovljivost), Rehabilitation (oporavak), Responsibility (odgovornost), Respect (poštova- nje), Redundancy avoidance (izbjegavanje nepo- trebnih ponavljanja) i Regulation (zakonitost postupaka). 3R načelo razvijalo se tijekom pro- teklih pedeset godina osiguravajući okvir za izvođenje humanih pokusnih postupaka pre- ma životinjama, a prvi se puta sam naziv „Na- čela zamjene, smanjenja i poboljšanja“ uvodi u zakonodavstvo Europske unije kroz Direktivu 2010/63/EU. Godine 2010. donesena je Baselska deklaracija kojoj je cilj ujediniti napore znan- stvene zajednice u nastojanjima daljnjeg una- prjeđivanja primjene etičkih principa poput 3R načela u pokusima na životinjama sa svrhom postizanja pozitivnog dijaloga znanstvene za- jednice sa zainteresiranom javnošću. Danas projekt “Odgovorno istraživanje i inovacije” (Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI) Eu- ropskog okvirnog programa Obzor 2020 potiče suradnju i dijalog među istraživačima, građa- nima, političarima, itd. tijekom cijelog procesa istraživanja kako bi se taj proces i njegovi isho- di bolje uskladili s vrijednostima, potrebama i očekivanjima društva.The first written evidence of the use of animals in experiments originated in the Ancient world. Until the discovery of anaesthetics, experimental animals experienced unimaginable suffering. The first act prohibiting cruelty to animals was passed by the British Parliament in 1876. In the mid-20th century, scientists Russell and Burch in their work The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique laid the foundations of a new applied science discipline aimed at improving procedures in working with laboratory animals, while also contributing to the quality of the scientific work in which these animals were used. The analysis of methods to exclude inhumane treatment of animals in experiments resulted in the creation of the concept of the 3R Principle: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement, with the ultimate goal contained in a single word ‒ humaneness. With the development of science, technology, and the evolution of consciousness within the sciences and the general public, the 3R Principle has evolved rapidly, and today has been expanded into the 11R principle, in which Reliability, Relevance Reproducibility, Rehabilitation, Responsibility, Respect, Redundancy avoidance, and Regulation were added to the original 3R principles. Over the past 50 years, the 3R principle has developing into a framework for performing experimental techniques on animals, and for the first time the Principles of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement have been introduced into the European Union legislation through Directive 2010/63/EU. In 2010, the Basel Declaration was adopted, aiming to unite the efforts of the scientific community with the goal for further improvement of the application of ethical principles such as the 3R principles in animal experiments with the aim of achieving positive dialogue between the scientific community and the interested public. Today, the project “European Responsibility Research and Innovation” (RRI) within the European framework programme Horizon 2020 encourages co-operation and dialogue among researchers, citizens, politicians, and others throughout the research process, to better align this process and its outcomes with the values, needs and expectations of society