120 research outputs found
High Species Count at Annual Sarpy County Spring Bird Count
On May 14, 2011, participants in the Annual Sarpy County Spring Bird Count tallied 174 species, besting the previous high count of 143 (in 2006 and 2010) by 31 species. There were a few more counters this year than in most previous years, but it was just a good year for many families of birds. There were 28 warbler species seen (previous high was 23 in 2008). Also found were 4 terns, 9 flycatchers, 7 woodpeckers, 12 ducks, 14 shorebirds and 3 grebes. There are often unusual species that show up on the count, as illustrated by a Eurasian Wigeon this year
High Species Count at Annual Sarpy County Spring Bird Count
On May 14, 2011, participants in the Annual Sarpy County Spring Bird Count tallied 174 species, besting the previous high count of 143 (in 2006 and 2010) by 31 species. There were a few more counters this year than in most previous years, but it was just a good year for many families of birds. There were 28 warbler species seen (previous high was 23 in 2008). Also found were 4 terns, 9 flycatchers, 7 woodpeckers, 12 ducks, 14 shorebirds and 3 grebes. There are often unusual species that show up on the count, as illustrated by a Eurasian Wigeon this year
An Unexpected Sandhill Crane Experience
On April 24, 2012, I spent some time birding in Saunders County at Memphis SRA, Lake Wanahoo, and various other lakes in the Malmo, Nebraska, area. . . . I headed over to Redtail WMA in Butler County. While watching . . . activity, I was facing north on a north-facing hillside. I briefly stopped to turn around and look behind me to the south, and I saw a large bird . . . and realized it was a Sandhill Crane. It came in on quite a high flight, and I quickly put my spotting scope on it. I realized it was not a migrant when it began to circle over the lake and tilt its wings to let air out from underneath so it could reduce its height. It continued to drop until it landed on the north side of the lake; I was on the south side. While it was coming down I could see it had something in its beak, but I couldn\u27t determine what it was. It looked a little like a frog, but I never did get a good enough look to determine exactly what it was. After it landed I watched it through my scope from approximately 250–300 yards away. The crane slowly began to walk to the west along the water\u27s edge next to cattails. It was very slow in its movement and stopped numerous times. . . . The crane continued to walk to the west for approximately 60–70 yards, stopping frequently en route. Never once did it vocalize. The crane was very brown looking; I suspect this was because it had applied rust-colored mud to its feathers for camouflage. Throughout all of this time it held its prey in its beak. Occasionally it even preened feathers on its back with the morsel in its mouth. Finally, it stood still for at least 5 minutes in one place and then turned and disappeared into the cattails. . . . My total observation of the crane was approximately 45 minutes from when I first saw it approach to when it finally disappeared into the vegetation. . . . [S]eeing this bird in late April in southeastern Butler County only 45 miles from the Omaha metro area was unexpected and exciting, especially since its behavior indicated possible nesting. . . . I returned to the lake several times after this sighting until the middle of May, but I never saw or heard a Sandhill Crane in that area again
Eucalyptus calidissima (Myrtaceae), a new ironbark species from the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, Australia
Eucalyptus calidissima (Myrtaceae), a new and highly restricted ironbark species from the Hunter Valley of New South Wales is described and illustrated. The new species had previously been included in E. nubilis Maiden & Blakely (syn. Eucalyptus nubila L.A.S.Johnson, orth. var.), but differs in the ribbed hypanthia, hemispherical to bluntly-conical calyptra which are shorter than the hypanthia, and the slightly larger, globular to obconical ribbed fruit. At present, E. calidissima is known only from a single population occurring across c. 200 ha and is considered rare, but it is not under immediate threat. Amendments to relevant sections of the New South Wales and Australian identification keys are provided
Kooperation an internationalen Flüssen aus ökonomischer Perspektive: das Konzept des Benefit Sharing
"Seit einigen Jahren ist der internationale Diskurs über grenzüberschreitende Wasserkooperation stark von dem Konzept des Benefit Sharing geprägt, das im Kern besagt, dass Anrainerstaaten internationaler Flüsse statt einer möglicherweise konfliktiven Aufteilung knapper Wasservorkommen stärker auf die Aufteilung der Vorteile aus der Wassernutzung setzen sollten. Die prinzipielle Logik ist, dass sich aus einem kooperativen und auf die Wassernutzung abhebenden Management wirtschaftliche Nettovorteile erzielen lassen, die zwischen den betroffenen Staaten aufgeteilt werden können. Entsprechend könnte die Wasserkooperation trotz divergierender Interessen und der typischen Oberlauf-Unterlauf Problematik zu einer Angelegenheit wechselseitiger Vorteile (sog. Win-win-Konstellation) werden. Der starken Verbreitung des Konzeptes Benefit Sharing und seiner Anerkennung in internationalen wasser- und entwicklungspolitischen Erklärungen steht jedoch ein vergleichsweise geringes Wissen über die Formen und Determinanten bisheriger zwischenstaatlicher Kooperationsformen im Wassersektor mit Winwin-Charakter gegenüber. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es Ziel dieser Studie, einen Überblick über die Erfahrungen mit Benefit Sharing an internationalen Flüssen zu bieten und das Konzept auf seine Relevanz für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu prüfen. Den regionalen Schwerpunkt der Diskussion bildet der afrikanische Kontinent, wobei ebenso Fallbeispiele außerhalb Afrikas einbezogen werden. Dabei kommt der Arbeit aufgrund der beschränkten Projektlaufzeit und -mittel auch ein explorativer Charakter zu, da neben dem prinzipiellen Ziel der Zusammenfassung des Wissensstandes und von Erkenntnislücken auch der weitere Untersuchungsbedarf skizziert werden soll. Gleichwohl soll die konzeptionelle Abhandlung und Diskussion der praktischen Erfahrungen vor allem dafür genutzt werden, für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit relevante Ergebnisse abzuleiten. Die Arbeit ist als eine theoriegestützte Fallstudienanalyse angelegt, wobei nach einer knappen Diskussion der zentralen theoretisch-konzeptionellen Aspekte eine kriterienbasierte Auswahl und Analyse einer Reihe praktischer Anwendungsbeispiele erfolgt. In Bezug auf die Informationsgewinnung ist die Untersuchung als eine Desk Study angelegt und basiert dementsprechend wesentlich auf dem bisher zugänglichen Stand des Wissens zu Win-win-Vereinbarungen, während zusätzliche, eigenständige empirische Untersuchungen zu Einzelfällen und -aspekten nicht möglich sind." (Textauszug
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