19 research outputs found

    The CLIC potential for new physics

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a mature option for a future electron-positron collider operating at centre-of-mass energies of up to 3 TeV. It incorporates a novel two-beam acceleration technique offering accelerating gradient of up to 100 MeV/m. CLIC would be built and operated in a staged approach with three centre-of-mass energy stages currently assumed to be 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV, and 3 TeV. The first CLIC stage will be focused on precision Higgs and top quark measurements. The so called "Higgs-strahlung" process (e+eZHe^+ e^- \to \mathrm{ZH}) is a key for a model independent measurement of Higgs boson decays and extraction of its couplings. Precision top quark measurements will include the pair-production threshold scan, which is assumed to be the most precise method for the top-quark mass determination. The two subsequent energy stages will allow for extended Standard Model studies, including the direct measurement of the Higgs self-coupling and the top Yukawa coupling, but their main goals will be to search for signatures of Beyond the Standard Model phenomena. Presented in this contribution is a selection of recent results showing sensitivity of CLIC experiment to diverse BSM physics scenarios. Compared with hadron colliders, the low background conditions at CLIC provide extended discovery potential, in particular for the production through electroweak and/or Higgs boson interactions. This includes scenarios with extended scalar sectors, also motivated by dark matter, which can be searched for using associated production processes or cascade decays involving electroweak gauge bosons. In a wide range of models, new particles can be discovered almost up to the kinematic limit while the indirect search sensitivity extends up to O(100){\cal{O}}(100) TeV scales.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Presented on behalf of the CLICdp Collaboration at the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2021 (EPS-HEP2021), 26-30 July 2021. Submission to Proceedings of Science (PoS

    Reconstructing long-lived particles with the ILD detector

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    Future e+^+e^- colliders, thanks to their clean environment and triggerless operation, offer a unique opportunity to search for long-lived particles (LLPs). Considered in this contribution are promising prospects for LLP searches offered by the International Large Detector (ILD), with a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) as the core of its tracking systems, providing almost continuous tracking. The ILD has been developed as a detector concept for the ILC, however, studies on understanding of the ILD performance at other collider concepts are ongoing. Based on the full detector simulation, we study the possibility of reconstructing decays of both light and heavy LLPs at the ILD. For the heavy, O\mathcal{O}(100 GeV) LLPs, we consider a challenging scenario with small mass splitting between the LLP and the dark matter candidate, resulting in only a very soft displaced track pair in the final state, not pointing to the interaction point. We account for the soft beam-induced background (from measurable e+^+e^- pairs and hadron photo-production processes), expected to give the dominant background contribution due to a very high cross section, and show the possible means of its reduction. As the opposite extreme scenario we consider the production of a light, O\mathcal{O}(1 GeV) pseudo-scalar LLP, which decays to two highly boosted and almost colinear displaced tracks. We also present the corresponding results for an alternative ILD design, where the TPC is replaced by a silicon tracker modified from the Compact Linear Collider detector (CLICdet) design.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Presented at the European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics 2023 (EPS-HEP2023), 20-25 August 2023. Submission to Proceedings of Science (PoS

    Inert Doublet Model Signatures at Future e+e- Colliders

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    The Inert Doublet Model is one of the simplest extensions of the Standard Model, providing a dark matter candidate. It is a two Higgs doublet model with a discrete Z2Z_2 symmetry, that prevents the scalars of the second doublet (inert scalars) from coupling to the Standard Model fermions and makes the lightest of them stable. We study a large number of Inert Doublet Model scenarios, which are consistent with current constraints on direct detection, including the most recent bounds from the XENON1T experiment and relic density of dark matter, as well as collider and low-energy limits. We use a set of benchmark points with different kinematic features, that promise detectable signals at future e+ee^+e^- colliders. Two inert scalar pair-production considered, e+eA He^+e^- \to A~H and e+eH+He^+e^- \to H^+H^-, followed by decays of H±H^\pm and AA into the final states which include the lightest and stable neutral scalar dark matter candidate HH. Significance of the expected observations is studied for different benchmark models and different running scenarios, for centre-of-mass energies up to 3 TeV. Numerical results are presented for the signal signatures with two muons or an electron and a muon in the final state, while the qualitative conclusions can also be drawn for the semi-leptonic signatures

    Searching for Inert Doublet Model scalars at high energy CLIC

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    The Inert Doublet Model (IDM) is a simple extension of the Standard Model, introducing an additional Higgs doublet that brings in four new scalar particles. The lightest of the IDM scalars is stable and is a good candidate for a dark matter particle. The potential of discovering the IDM scalars in the experiment at Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), e+e− collider proposed as the next generation infrastructure at CERN, has been tested for two high-energy running stages, at 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV. Considered is the CLIC sensitivity to IDM charged scalar pair-production for 23 high-mass benchmark points in the model parameter space and the semi-leptonic final state. The simplified simulation of detector response with Delphes package was used, and the results were validated for the selected 5 benchmark scenarios using full detector simulation based on Geant4. For both simulation methods the cut-based event preselection was applied, followed by a multivariate analysis based on the Boosted Decision Trees. Results of the study indicate that heavy charged IDM scalars can be discovered at CLIC for most of the proposed benchmark scenarios, with statistical significance, depending on the model parameters, up to about 60σ

    The Compact Linear Collider: physics potential

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a proposed TeV-scale linear electron-positron collider based on a novel two-beam acceleration technology. With its high luminosity and a broad energy range, from 380 GeV to 3 TeV, CLIC presents a mature option for a future Higgs factory and discovery machine. Detailed studies of the CLIC physics potential have been performed, mostly based on full GEANT4 simulations using a dedicated detector concept, CLICdet. In this contribution, a general introduction to the CLIC programme and highlights of CLIC physics studies are reported

    Pair production of charged IDM scalars at high energy CLIC

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) was proposed as the next energy-frontier infrastructure at CERN, to study e + e − collisions at three centre-of-mass energy stages: 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV. The main goal of its high-energy stages is to search for the new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). The Inert Doublet Model (IDM) is one of the simplest SM extensions and introduces four new scalar particles: H ± , A and H; the lightest, H, is stable and hence a natural dark matter (DM) candidate. A set of benchmark points is considered, which are consistent with current theoretical and experimental constraints and promise detectable signals at future colliders. Prospects for observing pair-production of the IDM scalars at CLIC were previously studied using signatures with two leptons in the final state. In the current study, discovery reach for the IDM charged scalar pair-production is considered for the semi-leptonic final state at the two high-energy CLIC stages. Full simulation analysis, based on the current CLIC detector model, is presented for five selected IDM scenarios. Results are then extended to the larger set of benchmarks using the D ELPHES fast simulation framework. The CLIC detector model for D ELPHES has been modified to take pile-up contribution from the beam-induced γγ interactions into account, which is crucial for the presented analysis. Results of the study indicate that heavy, charged IDM scalars can be discovered at CLIC for most of the proposed benchmark scenarios, with very high statistical significance