60 research outputs found

    On the local extension of Killing vector-fields in Ricci flat manifolds

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    We revisit the problem of extension of Killing vector-fields in smooth Ricci flat manifolds, and its relevance to the black hole rigidity problem

    A fully anisotropic mechanism for formation of trapped surfaces in vacuum

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    We present a new, fully anisotropic, criterion for formation of trapped surfaces in vacuum. More precisely we provide conditions on null data, concentrated in a neighborhood of a short null geodesic segment (possibly flat everywhere else) whose future development contains a trapped surface. This extends considerably the previous result of Christodoulou \cite{Chr:book} which required instead a uniform condition along all null geodesic generators. To obtain our result we combine Christodoulou's mechanism for the formation of a trapped surface with a new deformation process which takes place along incoming null hypersurfaces

    On the uniqueness of solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy

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    We give a new proof of uniqueness of solutions to the Gross-Pitaevskii hierarchy, first established by Erdos, Schlein and Yau, in a different space, based on space-time estimates

    The Bounded L2 Curvature Conjecture

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    This is the main paper in a sequence in which we give a complete proof of the bounded L2L^2 curvature conjecture. More precisely we show that the time of existence of a classical solution to the Einstein-vacuum equations depends only on the L2L^2-norm of the curvature and a lower bound on the volume radius of the corresponding initial data set. We note that though the result is not optimal with respect to the standard scaling of the Einstein equations, it is nevertheless critical with respect to its causal geometry. Indeed, L2L^2 bounds on the curvature is the minimum requirement necessary to obtain lower bounds on the radius of injectivity of causal boundaries. We note also that, while the first nontrivial improvements for well posedness for quasilinear hyperbolic systems in spacetime dimensions greater than 1+1 (based on Strichartz estimates) were obtained in [Ba-Ch1] [Ba-Ch2] [Ta1] [Ta2] [Kl-R1] and optimized in [Kl-R2] [Sm-Ta], the result we present here is the first in which the full structure of the quasilinear hyperbolic system, not just its principal part, plays a crucial role. To achieve our goals we recast the Einstein vacuum equations as a quasilinear so(3,1)so(3,1)-valued Yang-Mills theory and introduce a Coulomb type gauge condition in which the equations exhibit a specific new type of \textit{null structure} compatible with the quasilinear, covariant nature of the equations. To prove the conjecture we formulate and establish bilinear and trilinear estimates on rough backgrounds which allow us to make use of that crucial structure. These require a careful construction and control of parametrices including L2L^2 error bounds which is carried out in [Sz1]-[Sz4], as well as a proof of sharp Strichartz estimates for the wave equation on a rough background which is carried out in \cite{Sz5}.Comment: updated version taking into account the remarks of the refere