18 research outputs found

    Physical Security of Cryptographic Algorithm Implementations

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    This thesis deals with physical attacks on implementations of cryptographic algorithms and countermeasures against these attacks. Physical attacks exploit properties of an implementation to recover secret cryptographic keys. Particularly vulnerable to physical attacks are embedded devices. In the area of side-channel analysis, this thesis addresses attacks that exploit observations of power consumption or electromagnetic leakage of the device and target symmetric cryptographic algorithms. First, this work proposes a new combination of two well-known attacks that is more efficient than each of the attacks individually. Second, this work studies attacks exploiting leakage induced by microprocessor cache mechanism, suggesting an algorithm that can recover the secret key in the presence of uncertainties in cache event detection from side-channel acquisitions. Third, practical side-channel attacks are discovered against the AES engine of the AVR XMEGA, a recent versatile microcontroller. In the area of fault analysis, this thesis extends existing attacks against the RSA digital signature algorithm implemented with the Chinese remainder theorem to a setting where parts of the signed message are unknown to the attacker. The new attacks are applicable in particular to several widely used standards in modern smart card applications. In the area of countermeasures, this work proposes a new algorithm for random delay generation in embedded software. The new algorithm is more efficient than the previously suggested algorithms since it introduces more uncertainty for the attacker with less performance overhead. The results presented in this thesis are practically validated in experiments with general-purpose 8-bit AVR and 32-bit ARM microcontrollers that are used in many embedded devices

    Beyond the Limits of DPA: Combined Side-Channel Collision Attacks

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    The fundamental problem of extracting the highest possible amount of key-related information using the lowest possible number of measurements is central to side-channel attacks against embedded implementations of cryptographic algorithms. To address it, this work proposes a novel framework enhancing side-channel collision attacks with divide-and-conquer attacks such as differential power analysis (DPA). An information-theoretical metric is introduced for the evaluation of collision detection efficiency. Improved methods of dimension reduction for side-channel traces are developed based on a statistical model of Euclidean distance. The theoretical and experimental results of this work confirm that DPA-combined collision attacks are superior to both DPA-only and collision-only attacks. The new methods of dimension reduction lead to further complexity improvements. All attacks are treated for the case of AES-128 and are practically validated on a wide-spread 8-bit RISC microcontroller whose architecture is similar to that of many smart cards

    Improved Trace-Driven Cache-Collision Attacks against Embedded AES Implementations

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    In this paper we present two attacks that exploit cache events, which are visible in some side channel, to derive a secret key used in an implementation of AES. The first is an improvement of an adaptive chosen plaintext attack presented at ACISP 2006. The second is a new known plaintext attack that can recover a 128-bit key with approximately 30 measurements to reduce the number of key hypotheses to 2^30. This is comparable to classical Dierential Power Analysis; however, our attacks are able to overcome certain masking techniques. We also show how to deal with unreliable cache event detection in the real-life measurement scenario and present practical explorations on a 32-bit ARM microprocessor

    Fast and Memory-Efficient Key Recovery in Side-Channel Attacks

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    Abstract. Side-channel attacks are powerful techniques to attack imple-mentations of cryptographic algorithms by observing its physical param-eters such as power consumption and electromagnetic radiation that are modulated by the secret state. Most side-channel attacks are of divide-and-conquer nature, that is, they yield a ranked list of secret key chunks, e.g., the subkey bytes in AES. The problem of the key recovery is then to find the correct combined key. An optimal key enumeration algorithm (OKEA) was proposed by Charvil-lon et al at SAC’12. Given the ranked key chunks together with their probabilities, this algorithm outputs the full combined keys in the opti-mal order – from more likely to less likely ones. OKEA uses plenty of memory by its nature though, which limits its practical efficiency. Espe-cially in the cases where the side-channel traces are noisy, the memory and running time requirements to find the right key can be prohibitively high. To tackle this problem, we propose a score-based key enumeration algo-rithm (SKEA). Though it is suboptimal in terms of the output order of cadidate combined keys, SKEA’s memory and running time requirements are more practical than those of OKEA. We verify the advantage at the example of a DPA attack on an 8-bit embedded software implementation of AES-128. We vary the number of traces available to the adversary and report a significant increase in the success rate of the key recovery due to SKEA when compared to OKEA, within practical limitations on time and memory. We also compare SKEA to the probabilistic key enumera-tion algorithm (PKEA) by Meier and Staffelbach and show its practical superiority in this case. SKEA is efficiently parallelizable. We propose a high-performance solu-tion for the entire conquer stage of side-channel attacks that includes SKEA and the subsequent full key testing, using AES-NI on Haswell Intel CPUs. 2 A. Bogdanov et al

    Towards Fully Automated Analysis of Whiteboxes: Perfect Dimensionality Reduction for Perfect Leakage

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    Differential computation analysis (DCA) is a technique recently introduced by Bos et al. and Sanfelix et al. for key recovery from whitebox implementations of symmetric ciphers. It consists in applying the differential power analysis approach to software execution traces that are obtained by tracing the memory accesses of a whitebox application. While being very effective, DCA relies on analyst intuition to be efficient. In particular, memory range selection is needed to prevent software execution traces from becoming prohibitively long. Moreover, analyst failure to specify the relevant range lets the vulnerable whitebox implementation be evaluated as secure. We present a novel approach for dimensionality reduction of software execution traces, that takes a significant part of analyst intuition out of the loop. The approach exploits the lack of measurement noise in the traces and selects only the samples that are relevant for the key recovery. Our experiments with the published whitebox implementations show that the length of software execution traces can be automatically reduced to a few dozens of bits. This results in an attack speedup of several orders of magnitude, which in turn facilitates the use of more computationally intensive DCA flavours such as multiple leakage targets proposed by Klemsa. Our approach simplifies the methodology for whitebox analysis down to the tracing of a large default memory range, letting our dimensionality reduction techniques extract the relevant points for DCA, and run the attack on multiple leakage targets, excluding analyst errors and saving analysis time. It also provides quick insights in case of whitebox implementations with additional protection layers such as encodings, and can be used to identify the range for fault injection in differential fault analysis. We make our techniques available to the community as a part of a free/libre open-source side channel analysis toolkit. We believe they are a step forward for fully automated whitebox analysis tools

    EM Analysis in the IoT Context: Lessons Learned from an Attack on Thread

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    The distinguishing feature of the Internet of Things is that many devices get interconnected. The threat of side-channel attacks in this setting is less understood than the threat of traditional network and software exploitation attacks that are perceived to be more powerful.This work is a case study of Thread, an emerging network and transport level stack designed to facilitate secure communication between heterogeneous IoT devices. We perform the first side-channel vulnerability analysis of the Thread networking stack. We leverage various network mechanisms to trigger manipulations of the security material or to get access to the network credentials. We choose the most feasible attack vector to build a complete attack that combines network specific mechanisms and Differential Electromagnetic Analysis. When successfully applied on a Thread network, the attack gives full network access to the adversary. We evaluate the feasibility of our attack in a TI CC2538 setup running OpenThread, a certified open-source implementation of the stack.The full attack does not succeed in our setting. The root cause for this failure is not any particular security feature of the protocol or the implementation, but a side-effect of a feature not related to security. We summarize the problems that we find in the protocol with respect to side-channel analysis, and suggest a range of countermeasures to prevent our attack and the other attack vectors we identified during the vulnerability analysis.In general, we demonstrate that elaborate security mechanisms of Thread make a side-channel attack not trivial to mount. Similar to a modern software exploit, it requires chaining multiple vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, such attacks are feasible. Being perhaps too expensive for settings like smart homes, they pose a relatively higher threat to the commercial setting. We believe our experience provides a useful lesson to designers of IoT protocols and devices

    Analysis of the split mask countermeasure for embedded systems

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    We analyze a countermeasure against differential power and electromagnetic attacks that was recently introduced under the name of split mask. We show a general weakness of the split mask countermeasure that makes standard DPA attacks with a full key recovery applicable to masked AES and DES implementations. Complexity of the attacks is the same as for unmasked implementations. We implement the most efficient attack on an 8-bit AVR microcontroller. We also show that the strengthened variant of the countermeasure is susceptible to a second order DPA attack independently of the number of used mask tables