28 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Preemptive Based Uniprocessor Scheduling

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    All the real-time systems are bound with response time constraints, or else, there is a risk of  severe consequences, which includes failure. The System will fail when not able to meet the requirements according to the specifications. The problem of real-time scheduling is very vast, ranging from uni-processor to complicated-multiprocessor. In this paper, we have compared the performance of real-time tasks that should be scheduled properly, to get optimum performance. Analysis methodology and the concept of optimization leads to the design of appropriate scheduling. We have done  the analysis among RM and EDF algorithm that are important for scheduling in uni-processor

    Development of a three-phase mathematical model of the catalytic cracking feedstock hydrotreating

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    Integration of mathematical models to the oil refining industry allows predicting the product composition and properties, as well as optimizing the process technological parameters without significant material and time costs. This paper describes an improved mathematical model of the vacuum distillate hydrotreating, taking into account presence of three phases in the system

    Автоматизация построения геолого-технического наряда на строительство скважин

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    Tunnel junctions of Co(10 nm)/AlOx (nominally 2 nm)/Co(20 nm) have been prepared by molecular beam epitaxy applying a shadow mask technique in conjunction with an UV light-assisted oxidation process of the AlOx barrier. The quality of the AlOx barrier has been proven by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and temperature dependent tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) measurements. Optimum-oxidized tunnel junctions show a TMR of 20% at 285 K and up to 36% at 100 K. At 285 K the TMR values as a function of oxidation time are not symmetric about the optimum time. For underoxidized junctions the TMR is reduced more strongly than for overoxidized junctions. The temperature dependence of the junction s resistance is a clear and reliable indicator whether pinholes (or imperfections)contribute to the conduction across the barrier

    XPS and transport studies of oxide barriers in tunnel magnetoresistance junctions

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    The thesis work treats the UV light-assisted oxidation of ultra-thin Al films to be employed as insulating barriers in TMR junctions. The oxidations of the ultra-thin Al layers (1-2 nm) was monitored by XPS a surface sensitive and element specific technique. The oxidation process and kinetics were analysed in terms of the Cabrera-Mott theory of thin film oxidation. Evidence is found in the XPS spectra of the Al 2p core levels for the existence of a complex surface oxide layer of the type Al2O3+x. The oxidation rate agrees fairly well with the inverse logarithmic law of Cabrera-Mott theory. However agreement with the direct logarithmic law is also found. Direct UV light-assisted oxidation by virtue of the photoemission of electrons from the Al layer accelerates the oxidation of the Al layer grown on smooth epitaxial Fe but not on the rougher polycrystalline Co layers. Shadow mask deposited and microstructured junctions were fabricated and their tunneling characteristics studied. Of special interest were the bias dependence and temperature dependence of the tunnel conductance and the TMR ratio. These were analyzed with fairly good success in terms of the Glazmann-Matveev model of inelastic tunneling via chains of localized defect states in the tunnel barrier. The Glazmann-Matveev model enables the separation of the elastic and the inelastic components of the tunnel conductivity at different temperatures and bias voltages