31 research outputs found

    Faiths and films: Countering the crisis of Thai Buddhism from below

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    10.1163/156853106777371265Asian Journal of Social Science342264-290AJSS

    Beyond syncretism: Hybridization of popular religion in contemporary Thailand

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    10.1017/S0022463405000251Journal of Southeast Asian Studies363461-48

    'Lives of hunting dogs': Muai Thai and the politics of Thai masculinities

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    South East Asia Research13157-9

    An ambiguous intimacy: Farang as siamese occidentalism

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    Ambiguous Allure of the West, The: Traces of the Colonial in Thailand57-7

    Missionary intent and monastic networks: Thai Buddhism as a transnational religion

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    Toward a sociology of Religious Commodification

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    10.1002/9781444320787.ch25The New Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Religion563-58

    The lyrics of laborious life: Popular music and the reassertion of migrant manhood in Northeastern Thailand

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    10.1080/14649370902949374Inter-Asia Cultural Studies103381-39

    The fall of Thai Rocky

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    Everyday Life in Southeast Asia195-20

    Muai Thai cinema and the burdens of Thai men

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    South East Asia Research153407-42