34 research outputs found

    Calibration of imaging plate for high energy electron spectrometer

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    Copyright 2005 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Review of Scientific Instruments, 76(1), 013507_1-013507_5, 2005 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.182437

    Cryogenic deuterium target experiments with the GEKKO XII, green laser system

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    Copyright 1995 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Physics of Plasmas, 2(6), 2495-2503, 1995 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.87121

    Fabrication of high-concentration Cu-doped deuterated targets for fast ignition experiments

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    In high-energy-density physics, including inertial fusion energy using high-power lasers, doping tracer atoms and deuteration of target materials play an important role in diagnosis. For example, a low-concentration Cu dopant acts as an x-ray source for electron temperature detection while a deuterium dopant acts as a neutron source for fusion reaction detection. However, the simultaneous achievement of Cu doping, a deuterated polymer, mechanical toughness and chemical robustness during the fabrication process is not so simple. In this study, we report the successful fabrication of a Cu-doped deuterated target. The obtained samples were characterized by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Simultaneous measurements of Cu K-shell x-ray emission and beam fusion neutrons were demonstrated using a petawatt laser at Osaka University.Ikeda T., Kaneyasu Y., Hosokawa H., et al. Fabrication of high-concentration Cu-doped deuterated targets for fast ignition experiments. Nuclear Fusion 63, 016010 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/aca2ba

    Hot electron and ion spectra on blow-off plasma free target in GXII-LFEX direct fast ignition experiment

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    Polystyrene deuteride shell targets with two holes were imploded by the Gekko XII laser and additionally heated by the LFEX laser in a direct fast ignition experiment. In general, when an ultra-intense laser is injected into a blow-off plasma created by the imploding laser, electrons are generated far from the target core and the energies of electrons increase because the electron acceleration distance has been extended. The blow-off plasma moves not only to the vertical direction but to the lateral direction against the target surface. In a shell target with holes, a lower effective electron temperature can be realized by reducing the inflow of the implosion plasma onto the LFEX path, and high coupling efficiency can be expected. The energies of hot electrons and ions absorbed into the target core were calculated from the energy spectra using three electron energy spectrometers and a neutron time-of-flight measurement system, Mandala. The ions have a large contribution of 74% (electron heating of 4.9 J and ion heating of 14.1 J) to target heating in direct fast ignition

    Demonstration of a spherical plasma mirror for the counter-propagating kilojoule-class petawatt LFEX laser system

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    A counter-propagating laser-beam platform using a spherical plasma mirror was developed for the kilojoule-class petawatt LFEX laser. The temporal and spatial overlaps of the incoming and redirected beams were measured with an optical interferometer and an x-ray pinhole camera. The plasma mirror performance was evaluated by measuring fast electrons, ions, and neutrons generated in the counter-propagating laser interaction with a Cu-doped deuterated film on both sides. The reflectivity and peak intensity were estimated as ∼50% and ∼5 × 1018 W/cm2, respectively. The platform could enable studies of counter-streaming charged particles in high-energy-density plasmas for fundamental and inertial confinement fusion research.Kojima S., Abe Y., Miura E., et al. Demonstration of a spherical plasma mirror for the counter-propagating kilojoule-class petawatt LFEX laser system. Optics Express 30, 43491 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1364/oe.475945

    Direct fast heating efficiency of a counter-imploded core plasma employing a laser for fast ignition experiments (LFEX)

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    Fast heating efficiency when a pre-imploded core is directly heated with an ultraintense laser (heating laser) was investigated. \u27Direct heating\u27 means that a heating laser hits a pre-imploded core without applying either a laser guiding cone or an external field. The efficiency, η, is defined as the increase in the internal core energy divided by the energy of the heating laser. Six beams (output of 1.6 kJ) from the GEKKO XII (GXII) green laser system at the Institute of Laser Engineering (ILE), Osaka University were applied to implode a spherical deuterated polystyrene (CD) shell target to form a dense core. The DD-reacted protons and the core x-ray emissions showed a core density of 2.8 ± 0.7 g cm−3, or 2.6 times the solid density. Furthermore, DD-reacted thermal neutrons were utilized to estimate the core temperature between 600 and 750 eV. Thereafter, the core was directly heated by a laser for fast-ignition experiments (LFEX, an extremely energetic ultrashort pulse laser) at ILE with its axis lying along or perpendicular to the GXII bundle axis, respectively. The former and latter laser configurations were termed \u27axial\u27 and \u27transverse modes\u27, respectively. The η was estimated from three independent methods: (1) the core x-ray emission, (2) the thermal neutron yield, and (3) the runaway hot electron spectra. For the axial mode, 0.8%< η <2.1% at low power (low LFEX energy) and 0.4%< η <2.5% at high power (high LFEX energy). For the transverse mode, 2.6%< η <7% at low power and 1.5%< η <7.7% at high power. Their efficiencies were compared with that in the uniform implosion mode using 12 GXII beams, 6% < η <12%, which appeared near to the η for the transverse mode, except that the error bar is very large

    Fabrication of high-concentration Cu-doped deuterated targets for fast ignition experiments

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    先端科学・社会共創推進機構In high-energy-density physics, including inertial fusion energy using high-power lasers, doping tracer atoms and deuteration of target materials play an important role in diagnosis. For example, a low-concentration Cu dopant acts as an x-ray source for electron temperature detection while a deuterium dopant acts as a neutron source for fusion reaction detection. However, the simultaneous achievement of Cu doping, a deuterated polymer, mechanical toughness and chemical robustness during the fabrication process is not so simple. In this study, we report the successful fabrication of a Cu-doped deuterated target. The obtained samples were characterized by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Simultaneous measurements of Cu K-shell x-ray emission and beam fusion neutrons were demonstrated using a petawatt laser at Osaka University


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    Electron Acceleration in an Ultra-intense Laser Illuminated Capillary and Its Application

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    A gas jet is mainly used for the plasma source, limiting the acceleration length to 2 mm or less. This is only a few times larger than the Rayleigh range, in which the laser spot size increases by 2\sqrt{2} and is written as zR=πr02/λ0{z_R} = \pi r_0^2/\lambda_0, where r0r_0 is a laser spot radius and λ0\lambda_0 is the laser wavelength. Even though the ultra-intense lasers have dramatically increased the acceleration gradient from one GV/m of the above-mentioned CO2_2 laser beatwave to hundreds GV/m of a self-modulated wakefield or other scheme, nevertheless, nothing makes the plasma length longer. The acceleration gain is, therefore, limited to a few hundreds MeV level. Suppose an plasma, whose size is much longer than zR{z_R} and close to the dephasing limit, given by λpγϕ2/π\lambda_p\gamma_\phi^2/\pi, where λp\lambda_p is the plasma wave length and square of a relativistic factor γϕ2\gamma_\phi^2 is a ratio of the cutoff plasma density ncn_c to the electron density nen_e. The dephasing limit is typically 30 cm for 101710^{17}cm3^{-3}. In the relativistic laser regime, the maximum acceleration field is approximated by EmaxEwba0=mωpca0/eEL/γϕ,E_{max} \sim E_{wb}a_0 = m\omega_pca_0/e \sim E_L/{\gamma_\phi}, where EwbE_{wb} is the classical wavebreaking field 30ne/1017cm3\sim30\sqrt{n_e/10^{17}\rm{cm}^{-3}} [GV/m], and a0a_0 the normalized laser field eEL/mω0ceE_L/{m\omega_0c}. If, then, a laser of a0=2a_0 = 2 transmits 30 cm under a 101710^{17}cm3^{-3} plasma, electrons obtain the gain eEmax×30eE_{max} \times 30 cm >18>18 GeV. Many theoretical and experimental efforts, such as z-pinch, axicon channel and capillaries, are dedicated to make the acceleration length longer. On the other hand, the maximum energy gain WmaxW_{max}, which the electron can obtain within the dephasing limit, can be written as 2mc2γϕ2a02/1+a02/22mc^2\gamma_\phi^2a_0^2/\sqrt{1+a_0^2/2}. So if you want to have GeV electrons, since a0a_0 is 141 \sim 4 for 2×10182×10192 \times 10^{18} \sim 2\times 10^{19} Wcm2^{-2}, γϕ\gamma_\phi must be larger than 15, which means that the electron density must be less than 101910^{19} cm3^{-3}. Then, we need a thin but cm -class plasma. Some have realized 2102 \sim10 cm plasma columns, but no electron acceleration has been yet reported. Here the 1-cm long or longer capillary accelerations of electrons are presented\cite{YK}. A 1-mm long cone, attached to the entrance edge, guides the laser beam into the capillary. The laser ablates plasmas in the order of 101610^{16} cm3^{-3} from the capillary wall. We show a energy bump due to the trapping. Both the GMII laser of 15 J -1.053 μ\mum pulse in 0.50.5 ps and the PW laser of 150 J -1.053 μ\mum pulse in 0.60.6 ps were injected into the glass capillaries of 1 to 7 cm in length and 30 to 150 μ\mum in bore size, which accelerated plasma electrons to 100 MeV via the laser wakefield inside the capillary. The plasma length was longer than any gas jet plasmas. The one and two-dimensional Particle-In-Cell simulations show the middle energy shoulder. The simulations describe that the capillary sustains a 10 GV/m laser wakefield. The particle trapping and the resulting bunch are explained by the simulation, which is the important steps to cool the accelerated beams. The PIC simulations well described the capillary acceleration, since the capillary confines the laser pulse as well as the plasma over a distance much longer than zRz_R. The application of the capillary accelerator will be discussed. {YK} Y. Kitagawa {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 205002(2004).レーザーとビーム相互作用及びレーザーとプラズマの加速器に関するICFAワークショッ