776 research outputs found

    Universal Quantum Computation with the nu=5/2 Fractional Quantum Hall State

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    We consider topological quantum computation (TQC) with a particular class of anyons that are believed to exist in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect state at Landau level filling fraction nu=5/2. Since the braid group representation describing statistics of these anyons is not computationally universal, one cannot directly apply the standard TQC technique. We propose to use very noisy non-topological operations such as direct short-range interaction between anyons to simulate a universal set of gates. Assuming that all TQC operations are implemented perfectly, we prove that the threshold error rate for non-topological operations is above 14%. The total number of non-topological computational elements that one needs to simulate a quantum circuit with LL gates scales as L(logL)3L(\log L)^3.Comment: 17 pages, 12 eps figure

    The computational difficulty of finding MPS ground states

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    We determine the computational difficulty of finding ground states of one-dimensional (1D) Hamiltonians which are known to be Matrix Product States (MPS). To this end, we construct a class of 1D frustration free Hamiltonians with unique MPS ground states and a polynomial gap above, for which finding the ground state is at least as hard as factoring. By lifting the requirement of a unique ground state, we obtain a class for which finding the ground state solves an NP-complete problem. Therefore, for these Hamiltonians it is not even possible to certify that the ground state has been found. Our results thus imply that in order to prove convergence of variational methods over MPS, as the Density Matrix Renormalization Group, one has to put more requirements than just MPS ground states and a polynomial spectral gap.Comment: 5 pages. v2: accepted version, Journal-Ref adde

    Ettingshausen effect due to Majorana modes

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    The presence of Majorana zero-energy modes at vortex cores in a topological superconductor implies that each vortex carries an extra entropy s0s_0, given by (kB/2)ln2(k_{B}/2)\ln 2, that is independent of temperature. By utilizing this special property of Majorana modes, the edges of a topological superconductor can be cooled (or heated) by the motion of the vortices across the edges. As vortices flow in the transverse direction with respect to an external imposed supercurrent, due to the Lorentz force, a thermoelectric effect analogous to the Ettingshausen effect is expected to occur between opposing edges. We propose an experiment to observe this thermoelectric effect, which could directly probe the intrinsic entropy of Majorana zero-energy modes.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    The Topological Relation Between Bulk Gap Nodes and Surface Bound States : Application to Iron-based Superconductors

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    In the past few years materials with protected gapless surface (edge) states have risen to the central stage of condensed matter physics. Almost all discussions centered around topological insulators and superconductors, which possess full quasiparticle gaps in the bulk. In this paper we argue systems with topological stable bulk nodes offer another class of materials with robust gapless surface states. Moreover the location of the bulk nodes determines the Miller index of the surfaces that show (or not show) such states. Measuring the spectroscopic signature of these zero modes allows a phase-sensitive determination of the nodal structures of unconventional superconductors when other phase-sensitive techniques are not applicable. We apply this idea to gapless iron based superconductors and show how to distinguish accidental from symmetry dictated nodes. We shall argue the same idea leads to a method for detecting a class of the elusive spin liquids.Comment: updated references, 6 pages, 4 figures, RevTex

    Experimental Quantum Process Discrimination

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    Discrimination between unknown processes chosen from a finite set is experimentally shown to be possible even in the case of non-orthogonal processes. We demonstrate unambiguous deterministic quantum process discrimination (QPD) of non-orthogonal processes using properties of entanglement, additional known unitaries, or higher dimensional systems. Single qubit measurement and unitary processes and multipartite unitaries (where the unitary acts non-separably across two distant locations) acting on photons are discriminated with a confidence of 97\geq97% in all cases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, comments welcome. Revised version includes multi-partite QP

    Universal 2-local Hamiltonian Quantum Computing

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    We present a Hamiltonian quantum computation scheme universal for quantum computation (BQP). Our Hamiltonian is a sum of a polynomial number (in the number of gates L in the quantum circuit) of time-independent, constant-norm, 2-local qubit-qubit interaction terms. Furthermore, each qubit in the system interacts only with a constant number of other qubits. The computer runs in three steps - starts in a simple initial product-state, evolves it for time of order L^2 (up to logarithmic factors) and wraps up with a two-qubit measurement. Our model differs from the previous universal 2-local Hamiltonian constructions in that it does not use perturbation gadgets, does not need large energy penalties in the Hamiltonian and does not need to run slowly to ensure adiabatic evolution.Comment: recomputed the necessary number of interactions, new geometric layout, added reference

    The computational complexity of PEPS

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    We determine the computational power of preparing Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS), as well as the complexity of classically simulating them, and generally the complexity of contracting tensor networks. While creating PEPS allows to solve PP problems, the latter two tasks are both proven to be #P-complete. We further show how PEPS can be used to approximate ground states of gapped Hamiltonians, and that creating them is easier than creating arbitrary PEPS. The main tool for our proofs is a duality between PEPS and postselection which allows to use existing results from quantum compexity.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Published version, plus a few extra

    Matrix Product State and mean field solutions for one-dimensional systems can be found efficiently

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    We consider the problem of approximating ground states of one-dimensional quantum systems within the two most common variational ansatzes, namely the mean field ansatz and Matrix Product States. We show that both for mean field and for Matrix Product States of fixed bond dimension, the optimal solutions can be found in a way which is provably efficient (i.e., scales polynomially). This implies that the corresponding variational methods can be in principle recast in a way which scales provably polynomially. Moreover, our findings imply that ground states of one-dimensional commuting Hamiltonians can be found efficiently.Comment: 5 pages; v2: accepted version, Journal-ref adde

    Simulating adiabatic evolution of gapped spin systems

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    We show that adiabatic evolution of a low-dimensional lattice of quantum spins with a spectral gap can be simulated efficiently. In particular, we show that as long as the spectral gap \Delta E between the ground state and the first excited state is any constant independent of n, the total number of spins, then the ground-state expectation values of local operators, such as correlation functions, can be computed using polynomial space and time resources. Our results also imply that the local ground-state properties of any two spin models in the same quantum phase can be efficiently obtained from each other. A consequence of these results is that adiabatic quantum algorithms can be simulated efficiently if the spectral gap doesn't scale with n. The simulation method we describe takes place in the Heisenberg picture and does not make use of the finitely correlated state/matrix product state formalism.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, minor change

    Topological Quantum Compiling

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    A method for compiling quantum algorithms into specific braiding patterns for non-Abelian quasiparticles described by the so-called Fibonacci anyon model is developed. The method is based on the observation that a universal set of quantum gates acting on qubits encoded using triplets of these quasiparticles can be built entirely out of three-stranded braids (three-braids). These three-braids can then be efficiently compiled and improved to any required accuracy using the Solovay-Kitaev algorithm.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, published versio