47 research outputs found

    Engineering Functional Quantum Algorithms

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    Suppose that a quantum circuit with K elementary gates is known for a unitary matrix U, and assume that U^m is a scalar matrix for some positive integer m. We show that a function of U can be realized on a quantum computer with at most O(mK+m^2log m) elementary gates. The functions of U are realized by a generic quantum circuit, which has a particularly simple structure. Among other results, we obtain efficient circuits for the fractional Fourier transform.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Efficient Quantum Tensor Product Expanders and k-designs

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    Quantum expanders are a quantum analogue of expanders, and k-tensor product expanders are a generalisation to graphs that randomise k correlated walkers. Here we give an efficient construction of constant-degree, constant-gap quantum k-tensor product expanders. The key ingredients are an efficient classical tensor product expander and the quantum Fourier transform. Our construction works whenever k=O(n/log n), where n is the number of qubits. An immediate corollary of this result is an efficient construction of an approximate unitary k-design, which is a quantum analogue of an approximate k-wise independent function, on n qubits for any k=O(n/log n). Previously, no efficient constructions were known for k>2, while state designs, of which unitary designs are a generalisation, were constructed efficiently in [Ambainis, Emerson 2007].Comment: 16 pages, typo in references fixe

    Temperature dependance of the tunneling density of states in sub-micron planar metal / oxide / graphene junctions

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    We present tunneling measurements of sub-micron metal/insulator/graphene planar tunnel junctions up to room temperature. We observe a gate independent gap, as previously observed only by low temperature STM[Y. Zhang et al., Nat. Phys. 4, 627 (2008)]. No gap appears at temperatures above 150K, which is four times smaller than the theoretically expected TcT_{c}, from the accepted mean field model[T. O. Wehling et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 216803 (2008)]. We show that taking into account an additional vibrational effect of out-of-plane phonon soft modes the gap may disappear from the measurements at temperatures much lower than the calculated TcT_{c}.Comment: http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/99/17210

    Topological Superfluid in one-dimensional Ultracold Atomic System with Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    We propose a one-dimensional Hamiltonian H1DH_{1D} which supports Majorana fermions when dx2y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}-wave superfluid appears in the ultracold atomic system and obtain the phase-separation diagrams both for the time-reversal-invariant case and time-reversal-symmetry-breaking case. From the phase-separation diagrams, we find that the single Majorana fermions exist in the topological superfluid region, and we can reach this region by tuning the chemical potential μ\mu and spin-orbit coupling αR\alpha_{R}. Importantly, the spin-orbit coupling has realized in ultracold atoms by the recent experimental achievement of synthetic gauge field, therefore, our one-dimensional ultra-cold atomic system described by H1DH_{1D} is a promising platform to find the mysterious Majorana fermions.Comment: 5 papers, 2 figure

    Correlation inequalities for classical and quantum XY models

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    We review correlation inequalities of truncated functions for the classical and quantum XY models. A consequence is that the critical temperature of the XY model is necessarily smaller than that of the Ising model, in both the classical and quantum cases. We also discuss an explicit lower bound on the critical temperature of the quantum XY model.Comment: 13 pages. Submitted to the volume "Advances in Quantum Mechanics: contemporary trends and open problems" of the INdAM-Springer series, proceedings of the INdAM meeting "Contemporary Trends in the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics" (4-8 July 2016) organised by G. Dell'Antonio and A. Michelangel

    A geometric theory of non-local two-qubit operations

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    We study non-local two-qubit operations from a geometric perspective. By applying a Cartan decomposition to su(4), we find that the geometric structure of non-local gates is a 3-Torus. We derive the invariants for local transformations, and connect these local invariants to the coordinates of the 3-Torus. Since different points on the 3-Torus may correspond to the same local equivalence class, we use the Weyl group theory to reduce the symmetry. We show that the local equivalence classes of two-qubit gates are in one-to-one correspondence with the points in a tetrahedron except on the base. We then study the properties of perfect entanglers, that is, the two-qubit operations that can generate maximally entangled states from some initially separable states. We provide criteria to determine whether a given two-qubit gate is a perfect entangler and establish a geometric description of perfect entanglers by making use of the tetrahedral representation of non-local gates. We find that exactly half the non-local gates are perfect entanglers. We also investigate the non-local operations generated by a given Hamiltonian. We first study the gates that can be directly generated by a Hamiltonian. Then we explicitly construct a quantum circuit that contains at most three non-local gates generated by a two-body interaction Hamiltonian, together with at most four local gates generated by single qubit terms. We prove that such a quantum circuit can simulate any arbitrary two-qubit gate exactly, and hence it provides an efficient implementation of universal quantum computation and simulation.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Experimentally feasible measures of distance between quantum operations

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    We present two measures of distance between quantum processes based on the superfidelity, introduced recently to provide an upper bound for quantum fidelity. We show that the introduced measures partially fulfill the requirements for distance measure between quantum processes. We also argue that they can be especially useful as diagnostic measures to get preliminary knowledge about imperfections in an experimental setup. In particular we provide quantum circuit which can be used to measure the superfidelity between quantum processes. As the behavior of the superfidelity between quantum processes is crucial for the properties of the introduced measures, we study its behavior for several families of quantum channels. We calculate superfidelity between arbitrary one-qubit channels using affine parametrization and superfidelity between generalized Pauli channels in arbitrary dimensions. Statistical behavior of the proposed quantities for the ensembles of quantum operations in low dimensions indicates that the proposed measures can be indeed used to distinguish quantum processes.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    The Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem based on One-Shot Information Theory

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    The Quantum Reverse Shannon Theorem states that any quantum channel can be simulated by an unlimited amount of shared entanglement and an amount of classical communication equal to the channel's entanglement assisted classical capacity. In this paper, we provide a new proof of this theorem, which has previously been proved by Bennett, Devetak, Harrow, Shor, and Winter. Our proof has a clear structure being based on two recent information-theoretic results: one-shot Quantum State Merging and the Post-Selection Technique for quantum channels.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Digital Quantum Simulation with Rydberg Atoms

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    We discuss in detail the implementation of an open-system quantum simulator with Rydberg states of neutral atoms held in an optical lattice. Our scheme allows one to realize both coherent as well as dissipative dynamics of complex spin models involving many-body interactions and constraints. The central building block of the simulation scheme is constituted by a mesoscopic Rydberg gate that permits the entanglement of several atoms in an efficient, robust and quick protocol. In addition, optical pumping on ancillary atoms provides the dissipative ingredient for engineering the coupling between the system and a tailored environment. As an illustration, we discuss how the simulator enables the simulation of coherent evolution of quantum spin models such as the two-dimensional Heisenberg model and Kitaev's toric code, which involves four-body spin interactions. We moreover show that in principle also the simulation of lattice fermions can be achieved. As an example for controlled dissipative dynamics, we discuss ground state cooling of frustration-free spin Hamiltonians.Comment: submitted to special issue "Quantum Information with Neutral Particles" of "Quantum Information Processing

    Quantitative Treatment of Decoherence

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    We outline different approaches to define and quantify decoherence. We argue that a measure based on a properly defined norm of deviation of the density matrix is appropriate for quantifying decoherence in quantum registers. For a semiconductor double quantum dot qubit, evaluation of this measure is reviewed. For a general class of decoherence processes, including those occurring in semiconductor qubits, we argue that this measure is additive: It scales linearly with the number of qubits.Comment: Revised version, 26 pages, in LaTeX, 3 EPS figure