8 research outputs found
Three-body Dynamics in Single Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen by 75 KeV Proton Impact
Doubly differential cross sections for single ionization of atomic hydrogen by 75 keV proton impact have been measured and calculated as a function of the projectile scattering angle and energy loss. This pure three-body collision system represents a fundamental test case for the study of the reaction dynamics in few-body systems. A comparison between theory and experiment reveals that three-body dynamics is important at all scattering angles and that an accurate description of the role of the projectile-target-nucleus interaction remains a major challenge to theory
La pathologie de la jonction oesogastrique chez l’enfant peut revêtir des aspects variés, allant de la malposition cardio-tubérositaire mineure à la grande hernie hiatale. La gravité de l’affection réside dans le risque de reflux gastro-oesophagien par perturbation des mécanismes physiologiques de la continence oesogastrique. Le traitement chirurgical de la pathologie repose sur la mise en place d’un système anti-reflux ou la fundoplicature qui se fait de plus en plus par coelioscopie. L’objectif de notre travail est de rapporter les résultats à court et à long terme de la coelioscopie dans la cure de la hernie hiatale chez l’enfant en se basant sur une série de 90 cas colligés au service des urgences chirurgicales pédiatriques de Rabat en les comparants aux séries de la littérature, ainsi qu’une étude comparative des résultats de notre série avec ceux de 84 patients porteurs de RGO opérés par voie conventionnelle dans le même service
Ovarian tumours in children: A review of 18 cases
Background: To review the experience of Children’s Hospital of Rabat in managing ovarian tumours in children.Materials and Methods: There were 18 patients between 2 and 15 years of age who presented with an ovarian tumour at Children’s Hospital of Rabat between January 2000 and December 2008. Data collected from the hospital medical records included age at diagnosis, patient’s history, presenting complaints, radiological examination, tumour markers, management, operative procedure, histopathological examination and outcome of the patients.Results: The most common presenting complaint was abdominal pain in 10 (55%) patient. 77% of ovarian tumours were germ cell tumours; 71% of these were teratomas which were benign in 66% of cases. Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was the most common surgical procedure performed in 15 patients (83%) through laparotomy. Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy was carried out in 2 (11%) patients with benign cystic teratoma. Of the 7 (39%) patients with malignant tumours, three received postoperative chemotherapy. Outcome was good in most cases. There were no cases of resistance to treatment, or death.Conclusion: Early diagnosis of ovarian tumours in children and adolescents is important. Since most of these tumours are benign, surgical treatment should be conservative to minimise the risk of subsequent infertility, while the treatment of malignant tumours should include complete staging, resection of the tumour, postoperative chemotherapy when indicated, to give the patient a chance for future childbearing.Key words: Children, fertility, germ cell tumours, ovarian preservation, ovarian surgery, ovarian tumours, teratom