3 research outputs found

    Gradient flows and instantons at a Lifshitz point

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    I provide a broad framework to embed gradient flow equations in non-relativistic field theory models that exhibit anisotropic scaling. The prime example is the heat equation arising from a Lifshitz scalar field theory; other examples include the Allen-Cahn equation that models the evolution of phase boundaries. Then, I review recent results reported in arXiv:1002.0062 describing instantons of Horava-Lifshitz gravity as eternal solutions of certain geometric flow equations on 3-manifolds. These instanton solutions are in general chiral when the anisotropic scaling exponent is z=3. Some general connections with the Onsager-Machlup theory of non-equilibrium processes are also briefly discussed in this context. Thus, theories of Lifshitz type in d+1 dimensions can be used as off-shell toy models for dynamical vacuum selection of relativistic field theories in d dimensions.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, contribution to conference proceedings (NEB14); minor typos corrected in v

    Topologically Massive Gravity and Ricci-Cotton Flow

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    We consider Topologically Massive Gravity (TMG), which is three dimensional general relativity with a cosmological constant and a gravitational Chern-Simons term. When the cosmological constant is negative the theory has two potential vacuum solutions: Anti-de Sitter space and Warped Anti-de Sitter space. The theory also contains a massive graviton state which renders these solutions unstable for certain values of the parameters and boundary conditions. We study the decay of these solutions due to the condensation of the massive graviton mode using Ricci-Cotton flow, which is the appropriate generalization of Ricci flow to TMG. When the Chern-Simons coupling is small the AdS solution flows to warped AdS by the condensation of the massive graviton mode. When the coupling is large the situation is reversed, and warped AdS flows to AdS. Minisuperspace models are constructed where these flows are studied explicitly

    Mixmaster universe in Horava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We consider spatially homogeneous (but generally non-isotropic) cosmologies in the recently proposed Horava-Lifshitz gravity and compare them to those of general relativity using Hamiltonian methods. In all cases, the problem is described by an effective point particle moving in a potential well with exponentially steep walls. Focusing on the closed-space cosmological model (Bianchi type IX), the mixmaster dynamics is now completely dominated by the quadratic Cotton tensor potential term for very small volume of the universe. Unlike general relativity, where the evolution towards the initial singularity always exhibits chaotic behavior with alternating Kasner epochs, the anisotropic universe in Horava-Lifshitz gravity (with parameter lambda > 1/3) is described by a particle moving in a frozen potential well with fixed (but arbitrary) energy E. Alternating Kasner epochs still provide a good description of the early universe for very large E, but the evolution appears to be non-ergodic. For very small E there are harmonic oscillations around the fully isotropic model. The question of chaos remains open for intermediate energy levels.Comment: 1+35 pages, 4 figure