9 research outputs found

    Managing professional jurisdiction and domestic energy use

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    Professionals involved in organizing and undertaking domestic works, such as extensions, maintenance and refurbishment, have an important role in influencing how homes are configured and how occupants live within them. Despite this, the professional identities of these actors, and their impact on domestic energy use, is often overlooked. In response, this paper argues that one useful way of examining their influence is to consider how professional identities shape everyday working practices in relation to clients. Data from two UK interview and observation studies are combined: one with heating installers and the other with architects. The data are analysed using concepts from Abbott’s ‘system of professions’ framework that focuses on how the routine working practices of professional groups are born of how they see themselves and the tasks for which they are responsible. This comparison provides insights into how these two groups manage their professional ‘jurisdictions’ during their client interactions and what this means for policy-makers and industry representatives hoping to influence their work in pursuit of less carbon-intensive living. It also points to the value of further in-depth studies that explore how the routine management of professional jurisdiction impacts upon domestic energy use in a range of contexts

    Measurement of the wall thermal resistance in existing buildings

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych, których celem było określenie możliwości i warunków koniecznych jakie muszą być spełnione przy diagnostyce ilościowej przegród budowlanych w warunkach rzeczywistych.Results of the experimental measurements of the walls in real climate conditions are presented. The aim of testing was to precise the possibilities and the necessary conditions for quantitative thermal diagnostics of the walls in the non-stationary boundary conditions

    Compound transparent insulation

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki polowych badań doświadczalnych kapilarnej izolacji transparentnej Sto Therm Solar. Na podstawie uśrednionych wartości miesięcznych danych pomirowych, oszacowano wielkość zysków energertycznych. Sformułowane zostały podstawowe wnioski dotyczące sensu stosowania izolacji tego typu w polskim budownictwie.Resulds of field measurement of the transparent capillary insulation Sto Therm Solar were presented. On the basis of the weekly averaged data, archieved energy gain has been evaluated. Main conclusions regarding use of the compound transparent insulation in Polish buildings have been reported

    Thermal imaging diagnostics in nonstationary boundry conditions

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych, których głównym celem jest określenie możliwości i warunków koniecznych jakie muszą być spełnione przy termowizyjnej diagnostyce ilościowej przegród budowlanych w warunkach rzeczywistych.Results of the experimental testing of the walls in climatic chamber are presented. The main aim of conducted testing is to precise the chances and the necessary conditions for quantitative thermal imaging diagnostics in the non- stationary boundary conditions

    Internal particulate matter pollution in educational building

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    The authors undertook research on the proper strategy of operation of educational building with gravitational ventilation in historic city center with high concentration of particulate matter PM10 and PM 2.5. In this facility the momentary increase in carbon dioxide concentration is often very high, and at the same time health requirements regarding atmospheric aerosol should be absolutely met. That is why long-term measurements of PM concentration outside and inside, as well as carbon dioxide concentration inside were carried out. CO2 was used also as a tracer gas for measurement of air change intensity. The article presents the first results of these tests and a correlation that occurs between the external and internal concentration of particulate matter PM 10 and PM 2.5. Due to a significant filtration effect of the external building envelope and particle deposition a potential conflict between required gravitational ventilation intensity and internal air pollution with particulate matters was partially reduced

    Evaluation of the thermal and damp properties of a slotted flat roof over a swimming pool, based on a practical example

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    Hale krytych basenów są obiektami, w których panuje wysoka temperatura i wilgotność względna powietrza wewnętrznego. Takie warunki stawiają wysokie wymagania przy projektowaniu przegród zewnętrznych tego rodzaju obiektów, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem stropodachów. W artykule przeanalizowano błędy projektowe w przykładowym zrealizowanym stropodachu, który wykazał problemy eksploatacyjne już w pierwszych miesiącach funkcjonowania obiektu.Indoor swimming pool buildings are subject to high temperatures and relative humidity of the air in their interior. These conditions entail stringent requirements for the design of the external partitions of such buildings, particularly their flat roofs. This article contains an analysis of design errors based on the example of a roof which suffered operational problems only months after the facility was opened

    The Indoor Thermal Environment in Fencing Halls: Assessment of the Environmental Conditions Through an Objective and Subjective Approach

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    As the importance of sport practice is currently growing, the evaluation of the environmental parameters and especially of the thermal conditions in sport halls is particularly relevant, since they can affect the health and perfor-mance of the athletes. In particular, as a lack of studies has been detected and current standards are missing a scientific base for the determination of the environmental parameters, a methodology for assessing the indoor thermal environment in fencing halls has been provided, starting from a case study. This research leads also to preliminary results obtained through objective and subjective measurements and lays the groundwork for future studies