26 research outputs found

    Early Deletion and Late Positive Selection of T-Cells Expressing a Male-Specific Receptor in T-Cell Receptor Transgenic Mice

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    The ontogeny of T cells in T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice, which express a transgenic αβ heterodimer, specific for the male (H-Y) antigen in association with H-2Db, was determined. The transgenic α chain was expressed on about 10% of the fetal thymocytes on day 14 of gestation. About 50% of day-15 fetal thymocytes expressed both α and β transchains and virtually all fetal thymocytes expressed the transgenicαβ heterodimer by day 17. The early expression of the transgenic TCR on CD4-8- thymocytes prevented the development of γδ cells, and led to accelerated growth of thymocytes and an earlier expression of CD4 and CD8 molecules. Up to day 17, no significant differences in T-cell development could be detected between female and male thymuses. By day 18 of gestation, the male transgenic thymus contained more CD4-8- thymocytes than the female transgenic thymus. The preponderance of CD4-8- thymocytes in the male transgenic thymus increased until birth and was a consequence of the deletion of the CD4+8+ thymocytes and their CD4-8+ precursors. By the time of birth, the male transgenic thymus contained half the number of cells as the female transgenic thymus. The deletion of autospecific precursor cells in the male transgenic mouse began only at day 18 of gestation, despite the fact that the ligand could already be detected by day 16

    Complexity of transcriptional regulation within the Rag locus: identification of a second Nwc promoter region within the Rag2 intron

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    Nwc represents a mysterious third evolutionarily conserved gene within the Rag locus. Here, we analyzed the phenotype of Nwctmpro1 mice, in which the Rag2 intragenic region containing the previously identified promoter responsible for initiating transcription of Nwc in all cells except lymphocytes was deleted by homologous recombination. Despite strong nonlymphocyte-specific inhibition of Nwc transcription which runs through the regulatory region of Rag genes, their expression remained suppressed, and no developmental, morphological, anatomical, functional, physiological, or cellular defects in Nwctmpro1 mice could be observed. However, careful analysis of the Rag2 intergenic region uncovered a second evolutionarily conserved Nwc promoter region from which a previously unknown Nwc transcript can be generated in nonlymphocytes of Nwctmpro1 and normal mice. The above results reveal an unexpected additional complexity of transcriptional regulation within the Rag/Nwc locus and show that strong inhibition of Nwc transcription in nonlymphoid cells is well tolerated. Complete inactivation of Nwc is necessary to get insight into its function at transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels

    Bidirectional activity of the NWC promoter is responsible for RAG-2 transcription in non-lymphoid cells.

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    The recombination-activating genes (RAG-1 and RAG-2) encode a V(D)J recombinase responsible for rearrangements of antigen-receptor genes during T and B cell development, and RAG expression is known to correlate strictly with the process of rearrangement. In contrast to RAG-1, the expression of RAG-2 was not previously detected during any other stage of lymphopoiesis or in any other normal tissue. Here we report that the CpG island-associated promoter of the NWC gene (the third evolutionarily conserved gene in the RAG locus), which is located in the second intron of RAG-2, has bidirectional activity and is responsible for the detectable transcription of RAG-2 in some non-lymphoid tissues. We also identify evolutionarily conserved promoter fragments responsible for this bidirectional activity, and show that it is activated by transcription factor ZFP143. The possible implications of our findings are briefly discussed