4 research outputs found
Biometrical characteristics of R2 generation of anther-derived pepper (Capsicum spp.) plants
Eight anther-derived DH lines of pepper hybrids: two red-fruited (AP14, AP15) and two yellow lines (AP25 and AP32) of C. annuum (ATZ1 × PO)F2, two lines of (C. frutescens × C. annuum)F1 (FA1, FA2), and two of (C. frutescens × C. chinense)F1 (FCH2, FCH3), were studied regarding important morphological plant and fruit characters. C. annuum breeding line 'ATZ1' was used as a standard. The following traits were evaluated: total fruit yield, fruit weight, weight of placenta with seeds, technological matter, pericarp thickness, extract content, dry matter content, weight and number of seeds per fruit. The level of homogeneity within the DH lines was analysed with a one-way analysis of variance, additionally the values of coefficient of variation (CV) were determined for the tested plant characters. The highest phenotypic uniformity was noted for the red-fruited lines obtained from anthers of (ATZ1 × PO)F2 and for the DH lines of (C. frutescens × C. annuum) F1, while the least uniform were FCH2 and FCH3 lines of (C. frutescens × C. chinense)F1. The DH lines AP14 and AP15, as well as FA1 and FA2 were phenotype homogeneous in respect of weight of fruit, technological matter, pericarp thickness and extract content. For these parameters, also the values of CV were the lowest. Statistically significant interline polymorphism between the androgenic lines of the same origin was detected among the lines of C. annuum (ATZ1 × PO)F2
Postawy społeczności lokalnej wobec planów eksploatacji złóż węgla brunatnego – przykład południowo-zachodniej Wielkopolski
Lignite is a raw material considered a strategic fuel in the Polish energy sector. One of the prognostic lignite deposits is located in the south-western Wielkopolska (Krobia, Miejska Górka and Poniec communes). However, the perspective of exploitation causes concern to the local community. In this context, the paper aimed to identify the attitudes towards lignite mining in this area. In the research procedure aimed at statistical verification of factors differentiating these attitudes, a survey was conducted. The results of the study showed that the inhabitants of the analysed communes had indecisive attitudes, yet with a very clear tendency towards negative assessments of the subject issue. Farmers and rural residents were the most sceptical, while entrepreneurs, town dwellers and young people had the most conciliatory attitudes. Moreover, it has been proved that professional status, place of residence (town-village) and age can be considered as factors affecting these attitudes.Węgiel brunatny jest surowcem, który w polskiej energetyce od lat pełnił rolę strategicznego paliwa. Jedno z prognostycznych złóż węgla brunatnego położone jest w południowo- -zachodniej Wielkopolsce (gminy Krobia, Miejska Górka oraz Poniec). Jednak plany eksploatacji wywołują duże obawy społeczności lokalnej. W tym kontekście celem pracy była diagnoza postaw społeczności lokalnej wobec planów eksploatacji węgla brunatnego na tym terenie. W postępowaniu badawczym zmierzającym do statystycznej weryfikacji czynników różnicujących te postawy, wykorzystano dane zgromadzone w wyniku sondażu diagnostycznego. Wyniki badania wskazują, że mieszkańców badanych gmin cechowały niezdecydowane postawy, jednak z bardzo wyraźnymi tendencjami do negatywnych ocen analizowanego zagadnienia. Najbardziej sceptycznie do planów eksploatacji węgla brunatnego nastawieni byli rolnicy oraz mieszkańcy wsi, a do grup respondentów o postawach najbardziej przychylnych zaliczono przedsiębiorców, mieszkańców miast oraz ludzi młodych. Dowiedziono ponadto, że status zawodowy, miejsce zamieszkania (miasto-wieś) oraz wiek można uznać za czynniki kształtujące postawy społeczności lokalnej wobec planów eksploatacji węgla brunatnego na badanym terenie
Impact of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides on phyllospheric Methylobacterium
Abstract Symbiotic Methylobacterium comprise a significant portion of the phyllospheric microbiome, and are known to benefit host plant growth, development, and confer tolerance to stress factors. The near ubiquitous use of the broad-spectrum herbicide, glyphosate, in farming operations globally has necessitated a more expansive evaluation of the impacts of the agent itself and formulations containing glyphosate on important components of the plant phyllosphere, including Methylobacterium. This study provides an investigation of the sensitivity of 18 strains of Methylobacterium to glyphosate and two commercially available glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH). Nearly all strains of Methylobacterium showed signs of sensitivity to the popular GBH formulations WeatherMax® and Transorb® in a modified Kirby Bauer experiment. However, exposure to pure forms of glyphosate did not show a significant effect on growth for any strain in both the Kirby Bauer test and in liquid broth, until polysorbate-20 (Tween20) was added as a surfactant. Artificially increasing membrane permeability through the introduction of polysorbate-20 caused a 78–84% reduction in bacterial cell biomass relative to controls containing glyphosate or high levels of surfactant only (0–9% and 6–37% reduction respectively). Concentrations of glyphosate as low as 0.05% w/v (500 µg/L) from both commercial formulations tested, inhibited the culturability of Methylobacterium on fresh nutrient-rich medium. To better understand the compatibility of important phyllospheric bacteria with commercial glyphosate-based herbicides, this study endeavours to characterize sensitivity in multiple strains of Methylobacterium, and explore possible mechanisms by which toxicity may be induced