358 research outputs found
Spin Fluctuations in an Itinerant Heisenberg System: Naive Rpa Treatment
The dynamical spin fluctuations in a two-dimensional square lattice in its
paramagnetic phase are examined within the framework of Random Phase
Approximation(RPA). Itinerant carriers with spin interact with each other via
an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction. Then there appear three
fundamental scattering processes;a) scattering between parallel spins,b)
scattering between antiparallel spins and c) scattering with spin-flip. To
examine how these scattering processes affect the dynamical spin fluctuations,
we pick up carefully all possible combination of RPA diagrams in a consistent
manner and take the spin rotational symmetry into account. Then it becomes
clear that we have to take up a sequence of the irreducible single loop which
in itself is modified due to the particle-hole ladder type vertex correction.We
set up the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the vertex correction and show that this
can be solved in a closed form due to separable nature of the antiferromagnetic
interaction. We evaluated numerically the effectof the vertex correction and
found that the correction is negligibly small. Therefore we propose that in an
itinerant Heisenberg system, including the - model as its derivertive,
the simplified RPA, where the irreducible single loop is unrenormalized, works
very well. This conclusion strongly support the simplified treatment which is
widely used in High- problem. Moreover the present formalism enables us
to proceed further microscopic calculations on the magnetic properties in the
current High- problem.Comment: 16 pages,latex, figures available upon request
([email protected]). Accepted for publication in
Prog.Theo.Phys. Vol94(1995, Oct.
Superconductivity of Carriers Doped into the Static Charge Density Wave State in 2-Dimensional Square Lattice
On the purpose of studying the effect of long-range Coulomb-interaction in
strongly correlated electronic systems we bring in as its representative the
nearest-neighbor repulsion () in addition to the on-site repulsion () and
shall investigate the possibility of the superconducting transition of carriers
doped into the charge-density wave (CDW) state expected for in
2-dimensional square lattice. We shall see that strongly correlated hopping
processes of doped carriers make the systems superconducting. The favored
superconducting phase is of extended s-wave symmetry, and 100K is
shown to easily be attained near the half-filling.Comment: 26 pages, Tex, 10 figures (available upon request
[email protected]
Spin Fluctuations in Magnetically Coupled Bi-layer Cuprates
We propose a possible mechanism of pseudo spin gap anomaly(PSGA) in
magnetically coupled bi-layer cuprates without any fermion pairing instability.
In our proposal PSGA does not necessarily require the spin-charge separation or
the breakdown of the Fermi liquid description of a normal state of the cuprate
superconductor.The low energy magnetic excitations are mainly governed by the
{\it itinerant nature of the intra-layer system} and {\it the inter-layer
antiferromagnetic coupling}. No matter how weak the bare inter-layer coupling
is, it can be dramatically enhanced due to the intra-layerspin fluctuations. As
the temperature decreases near the antiferromagnetic phase boundary the
strongly enhanced inter-layer correlation induces the inter-layer particle-hole
exchange scattering processes that tend to enhance the inter-layer spin singlet
formation and kill the triplet formation. We propose that the coupling of spin
fluctuations on the adjacend layers via the strong repulsive interaction
between parallel spins travelling on each layer give rise to the dynamical
screening effects. As a result the low energy part of the spin excitation
spectrum is strongly suppressed as the temperature decreases near the
antiferromagnetic phase boundary. We ascribe PSGA to this dynamical screening
effects.Comment: 30 page, latex, figures are available upon reques
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