12 research outputs found

    Sensory Transduction: Confusing the Senses

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    SummaryTwo new studies in the fruit fly Drosophila demonstrate unexpected molecular, and mechanistic, overlaps between the different senses. In the centre stand two long-established families of sensory proteins — rhodopsins and TRP channels

    d-Tubocurarine and Berbamine: Alkaloids That Are Permeant Blockers of the Hair Cell's Mechano-Electrical Transducer Channel and Protect from Aminoglycoside Toxicity

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    Aminoglycoside antibiotics are widely used for the treatment of life-threatening bacterial infections, but cause permanent hearing loss in a substantial proportion of treated patients. The sensory hair cells of the inner ear are damaged following entry of these antibiotics via the mechano-electrical transducer (MET) channels located at the tips of the hair cell’s stereocilia. d-Tubocurarine (dTC) is a MET channel blocker that reduces the loading of gentamicin-Texas Red (GTTR) into rat cochlear hair cells and protects them from gentamicin treatment. Berbamine is a structurally related alkaloid that reduces GTTR labeling of zebrafish lateral-line hair cells and protects them from aminoglycoside-induced cell death. Both compounds are thought to reduce aminoglycoside entry into hair cells through the MET channels. Here we show that dTC (≥6.25 µM) or berbamine (≥1.55 µM) protect zebrafish hair cells in vivo from neomycin (6.25 µM, 1 h). Protection of zebrafish hair cells against gentamicin (10 µM, 6 h) was provided by ≥25 µM dTC or ≥12.5 µM berbamine. Hair cells in mouse cochlear cultures are protected from longer-term exposure to gentamicin (5 µM, 48 h) by 20 µM berbamine or 25 µM dTC. Berbamine is, however, highly toxic to mouse cochlear hair cells at higher concentrations (≥30 µM) whilst dTC is not. The absence of toxicity in the zebrafish assays prompts caution in extrapolating results from zebrafish neuromasts to mammalian cochlear hair cells. MET current recordings from mouse outer hair cells (OHCs) show that both compounds are permeant open-channel blockers, rapidly and reversibly blocking the MET channel with half-blocking concentrations of 2.2 µM (dTC) and 2.8 µM (berbamine) in the presence of 1.3 mM Ca2+ at −104 mV. Berbamine, but not dTC, also blocks the hair cell’s basolateral K + current, IK,neo, and modeling studies indicate that berbamine permeates the MET channel more readily than dTC. These studies reveal key properties of MET-channel blockers required for the future design of successful otoprotectants

    Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a new series of carvedilol derivatives that protect sensory hair cells from aminoglycoside-induced damage by blocking the mechanoelectrical transducer channel

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    Aminoglycosides (AGs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics used for the treatment of serious bacterial infections but have use-limiting side effects including irreversible hearing loss. Here, we assessed the otoprotective profile of carvedilol in mouse cochlear cultures and in vivo zebrafish assays and investigated its mechanism of protection which, we found, may be mediated by a block of the hair cell’s mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channel, the major entry route for the AGs. To understand the full otoprotective potential of carvedilol, a series of 18 analogues were prepared and evaluated for their effect against AG-induced damage as well as their affinity for the MET channel. One derivative was found to confer greater protection than carvedilol itself in cochlear cultures and also to bind more tightly to the MET channel. At higher concentrations, both carvedilol and this derivative were toxic in cochlear cultures but not in zebrafish, suggesting a good therapeutic window under in vivo conditions

    Charge and lipophilicity are required for effective block of the hair-cell mechano-electrical transducer channel by FM1-43 and its derivatives

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    The styryl dye FM1-43 is widely used to study endocytosis but behaves as a permeant blocker of the mechano-electrical transducer (MET) channel in sensory hair cells, loading rapidly and specifically into the cytoplasm of hair cells in a MET channel-dependent manner. Patch clamp recordings of mouse outer hair cells (OHCs) were used to determine how a series of structural modifications of FM1-43 affect MET channel block. Fluorescence microscopy was used to assess how the modifications influence hair-cell loading in mouse cochlear cultures and zebrafish neuromasts. Cochlear cultures were also used to evaluate otoprotective potential of the modified FM1-43 derivatives. Structure-activity relationships reveal that the lipophilic tail and the cationic head group of FM1-43 are both required for MET channel block in mouse cochlear OHCs; neither moiety alone is sufficient. The extent of MET channel block is augmented by increasing the lipophilicity/bulkiness of the tail, by reducing the number of positive charges in the head group from two to one, or by increasing the distance between the two charged head groups. Loading assays with zebrafish neuromasts and mouse cochlear cultures are broadly in accordance with these observations but reveal a loss of hair-cell specific labelling with increasing lipophilicity. Although FM1-43 and many of its derivatives are generally cytotoxic when tested on cochlear cultures in the presence of an equimolar concentration of the ototoxic antibiotic gentamicin (5 µM), at a 10-fold lower concentration (0.5 µM), two of the derivatives protect OHCs from cell death caused by 48 h-exposure to 5 µM gentamicin

    Gentamicin affects the bioenergetics of isolated mitochondria and collapses the mitochondrial membrane potential in cochlear sensory hair cells

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    Aminoglycoside antibiotics are widely prescribed to treat a variety of serious bacterial infections. They are extremely useful clinical tools, but have adverse side effects such as oto- and nephrotoxicity. Once inside a cell they are thought to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, subsequently leading to apoptotic cell death due to an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Here we present evidence of a direct effect of gentamicin (the most commonly prescribed aminoglycoside) on the respiratory activities of isolated rat liver and kidney mitochondria. We show that gentamicin stimulates state 4 and inhibits state 3u respiratory rates, thereby reducing the respiratory control ratio (RCR) whilst simultaneously causing a collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential (MtMP). We propose that gentamicin behaves as an uncoupler of the electron transport chain (ETC) – a hypothesis supported by our evidence that it reduces the production of mitochondrial ROS (MtROS). We also show that gentamicin collapses the MtMP in the sensory hair cells (HCs) of organotypic mouse cochlear cultures

    Identification of a series of hair-cell MET channel blockers that protect against aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity

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    To identify small molecules that shield mammalian sensory hair cells from the ototoxic side effects of aminoglycoside antibiotics, 10,240 compounds were initially screened in zebrafish larvae, selecting for those that protected lateral-line hair cells against neomycin and gentamicin. When the 64 hits from this screen were retested in mouse cochlear cultures, 8 protected outer hair cells (OHCs) from gentamicin in vitro without causing hair-bundle damage. These 8 hits shared structural features and blocked, to varying degrees, the OHC's mechanoelectrical transducer (MET) channel, a route of aminoglycoside entry into hair cells. Further characterization of one of the strongest MET channel blockers, UoS-7692, revealed it additionally protected against kanamycin and tobramycin and did not abrogate the bactericidal activity of gentamicin. UoS-7692 behaved, like the aminoglycosides, as a permeant blocker of the MET channel; significantly reduced gentamicin-Texas red loading into OHCs; and preserved lateral-line function in neomycin-treated zebrafish. Transtympanic injection of UoS-7692 protected mouse OHCs from furosemide/kanamycin exposure in vivo and partially preserved hearing. The results confirmed the hair-cell MET channel as a viable target for the identification of compounds that protect the cochlea from aminoglycosides and provide a series of hit compounds that will inform the design of future otoprotectants

    Transduction without Tip Links in Cochlear Hair Cells Is Mediated by Ion Channels with Permeation Properties Distinct from Those of the Mechano-Electrical Transducer Channel

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    Tip links between adjacent stereocilia are believed to gate mechano-electrical transducer (MET) channels and mediate the electrical responses of sensory hair cells. We found that mouse auditory hair cells that lack tip links due to genetic mutations or exposure to the Ca2� chelator BAPTA can, however, still respond to mechanical stimuli. These MET currents have unusual properties and are predominantly of the opposite polarity relative to those measured when tip links are present. There are other striking differences, for example, the channels are usually all closed when the hair cell is not stimulated and the currents in response to strong stimuli can be substantially larger than normal. These anomalous MET currents can also be elicited early in development, before the onset of mechano-electrical transduction with normal response polarity. Current–voltage curves of the anomalous MET currents are linear and do not show the rectification characteristic of normalMETcurrents. The permeantMETchannel blocker dihydrostreptomycin is two orders of magnitude less effective in blocking the anomalousMETcurrents. The findings suggest the presence of a large population ofMETchannels with pore properties that are distinct from those of normal MET channels. These channels are not gated by hair-bundle links and can be activated under a variety of conditions in which normal tip-link-mediated transduction is not operational

    Human-like APOBEC3 gene expression and anti-viral responses following replacement of mouse Apobec3 with the 7-gene human APOBEC3 locus

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    The seven human APOBEC3 (hA3) genes encode polynucleotide cytidine deaminases that play vital roles in restricting replication of viruses and retrotransposons. However, off-target A3 deamination of the cellular genome is a major source of somatic mutations in human cancer. The ability to study A3 biology in vivo is hindered by the fact that the solitary murine Apobec3 gene (mA3) encodes a cytoplasmic enzyme, with no apparent mutagenic activity. Transgenic expression of individual hA3 genes in mice has helped to confirm their oncogenic potential but important questions including which hA3 genes are active in different tissue contexts and how they function in concert when under control of their cognate promoters cannot be addressed using these models. Here we describe humanization of the mouse mA3 locus by integration of a modified BAC clone encompassing the entire 7-gene hA3 locus from human chromosome 22 replacing mA3 on mouse chromosome 15. APOBEC3 mice are viable and fertile and hA3 gene expression in cells and tissues correlates strongly with expression in corresponding human cells and tissues, indicating human-like regulation of hA3 gene expression in the mice. Splenocytes from this line display a functional human A3 response to Friend Murine Leukaemia Virus (F-MLV) infection. We propose that the Hs-APOBEC3 mouse will uniquely model the function of the complete hA3 locus in a living organism and that it will serve as a useful background upon which to model human cancer, as well as assisting drug discovery efforts

    DataSheet1_Charge and lipophilicity are required for effective block of the hair-cell mechano-electrical transducer channel by FM1-43 and its derivatives.pdf

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    The styryl dye FM1-43 is widely used to study endocytosis but behaves as a permeant blocker of the mechano-electrical transducer (MET) channel in sensory hair cells, loading rapidly and specifically into the cytoplasm of hair cells in a MET channel-dependent manner. Patch clamp recordings of mouse outer hair cells (OHCs) were used to determine how a series of structural modifications of FM1-43 affect MET channel block. Fluorescence microscopy was used to assess how the modifications influence hair-cell loading in mouse cochlear cultures and zebrafish neuromasts. Cochlear cultures were also used to evaluate otoprotective potential of the modified FM1-43 derivatives. Structure-activity relationships reveal that the lipophilic tail and the cationic head group of FM1-43 are both required for MET channel block in mouse cochlear OHCs; neither moiety alone is sufficient. The extent of MET channel block is augmented by increasing the lipophilicity/bulkiness of the tail, by reducing the number of positive charges in the head group from two to one, or by increasing the distance between the two charged head groups. Loading assays with zebrafish neuromasts and mouse cochlear cultures are broadly in accordance with these observations but reveal a loss of hair-cell specific labelling with increasing lipophilicity. Although FM1-43 and many of its derivatives are generally cytotoxic when tested on cochlear cultures in the presence of an equimolar concentration of the ototoxic antibiotic gentamicin (5 µM), at a 10-fold lower concentration (0.5 µM), two of the derivatives protect OHCs from cell death caused by 48 h-exposure to 5 µM gentamicin.</p