49 research outputs found

    Carbon footprint of hydrogen-powered inland shipping:impacts and hotspots

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    The shipping sector is facing increasing pressure to implement clean fuels and drivetrains. Especially hydrogen-fuel cell drivetrains seem attractive. Although several studies have been conducted to assess the carbon footprint of hydrogen and its application in ships, their results remain hard to interpret and compare. Namely, it is necessary to include a variety of drivetrain solutions, and different studies are based on various assumptions and are expressed in other units. This paper addresses this problem by offering a three-step meta-review of life cycle assessment studies. First, a literature review was conducted. Second, results from the literature were harmonized to make the different analyses comparable, serving cross-examination. The entire life cycle of both the fuels and drivetrains were included. The results showed that the dominant impact was fuel use and related fuel production. And finally, life-cycle hot spots have been identified by looking at the effect of specific configurations in more detail. Hydrogen production by electrolysis powered by wind has the most negligible impact. For this ultra-low carbon pathway, the modes of hydrogen transport and the use of specific materials and components become relevant

    Circular business model innovation in incumbents: a tool for tactical experimentation

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    This paper addresses the following question using a design science approach: How to design and integrate a tactical decision-making artifact that facilitates the circular business model experimentation process with the customer in the B2B context of an incumbent company?The paper contributes to the literature in two ways. Firstly, it presents one solution for integrating impact assessments in the decision-making processes of CBM experimentation, addressing the lack of impact assessments in business model research. Secondly, the paper builds upon the micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities (Santa-Maria, Vermeulen & Baumgartner, 2022) and operational management actions needed for experimentation capability (Bocken & Konietzko, 2022b) to make the experimentation discourse more tactical

    What & how? 6 lessons on system integration

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    What is a project ? How to combine theory & practice ? Systems perspective, how to take into account ? Short term (action) vs long term (full transition) ? Which stakeholders, how to involve ? Choices, values, uncertainty how to account for

    Assessment tools for sustainability

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    What is an assessment ? - Process to understand the situation, act upon thatand go in the right direction. Why use tools ? - Practical, methodological and social value Tools to assess sustainability… … specific for People, Planet, Profit domains … some are integrative – can show trade-offs & optimization … cover either ‘now’ or ‘future

    The structure of a strong research proposal

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    Circular design in the built environment

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    From concept mapping to conceptual frameworks

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    Energy analysis for industry and the built environment:Exercises - tutorial for teachers

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