660 research outputs found

    Ultimate flexibility in future CO2-free dispatchable power generation:Transition pathways for the Netherlands

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    With the increase in intermittent power supply by renewables, there is an integration challenge in the power system and a need for new approaches to supply-demand matching. Dispatchable capacity is expected to remain an essential source of ultimate flexibility, although active for only a few hours per year. We assess the (dis)advantages of different CO2-free dispatchable power options for the Netherlands through a literature review and expert interviews. Subsequently, we use these findings and different policy goals to project possible transition pathways. For the Netherlands, these pathways differ mainly in the short-term, but align on a hydrogen-based solution in the long-term.With the increase in intermittent power supply by renewables, there is an integration challenge in the power system and a need for new approaches to supply-demand matching. Dispatchable capacity is expected to remain an essential source of ultimate flexibility, although active for only a few hours per year. We assess the (dis)advantages of different CO2-free dispatchable power options for the Netherlands through a literature review and expert interviews. Subsequently, we use these findings and different policy goals to project possible transition pathways. For the Netherlands, these pathways differ mainly in the short-term, but align on a hydrogen-based solution in the long-term

    Carbon footprint of hydrogen-powered inland shipping:impacts and hotspots

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    The shipping sector is facing increasing pressure to implement clean fuels and drivetrains. Especially hydrogen-fuel cell drivetrains seem attractive. Although several studies have been conducted to assess the carbon footprint of hydrogen and its application in ships, their results remain hard to interpret and compare. Namely, it is necessary to include a variety of drivetrain solutions, and different studies are based on various assumptions and are expressed in other units. This paper addresses this problem by offering a three-step meta-review of life cycle assessment studies. First, a literature review was conducted. Second, results from the literature were harmonized to make the different analyses comparable, serving cross-examination. The entire life cycle of both the fuels and drivetrains were included. The results showed that the dominant impact was fuel use and related fuel production. And finally, life-cycle hot spots have been identified by looking at the effect of specific configurations in more detail. Hydrogen production by electrolysis powered by wind has the most negligible impact. For this ultra-low carbon pathway, the modes of hydrogen transport and the use of specific materials and components become relevant

    Werktuigbouwkunde en duurzame ontwikkeling : duurzame ontwikkeling in opleidingen werktuigbouwkunde : een verkenning

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    Werktuigbouwkunde en duurzame ontwikkeling hebben veel met elkaar te maken. In deze publicatie wordt de stand van zaken in het bedrijfsleven en het universitair onderwijs beschreven. De vakreview De auteur ir. A. Kirkels (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven) heeft met dit boekje een eerste aanzet willen geven voor mensen die aan de slag willen met de integratie van duurzame ontwikkeling in opleidingen Werktuigbouwkunde. Het boekje schetst de raakvlakken en knelpunten hiertussen. Na een korte inleiding richt Kirkels zich op de vakinhoudelijke mogelijkheden voor de integratie van duurzame ontwikkeling. Dit is concreet uitgewerkt voor drie deelgebieden, te weten energietechnologie, materiaalkunde en technologisch ontwerpen. Vervolgens gaat de auteur in op het Werktuigbouwkunde onderwijs; waarom is het zinvol om aandacht aan duurzame ontwikkeling te besteden en hoe hebben een aantal opleidingen dit thema opgepakt? Tenslotte biedt het boekje een eerste aanzet voor de praktische, organisatorische aspecten van duurzaam Werktuigbouwkunde onderwijs

    Gehandicapten en ouderen deur-tot-deur vervoer

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    Circular business model innovation in incumbents: a tool for tactical experimentation

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    This paper addresses the following question using a design science approach: How to design and integrate a tactical decision-making artifact that facilitates the circular business model experimentation process with the customer in the B2B context of an incumbent company?The paper contributes to the literature in two ways. Firstly, it presents one solution for integrating impact assessments in the decision-making processes of CBM experimentation, addressing the lack of impact assessments in business model research. Secondly, the paper builds upon the micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities (Santa-Maria, Vermeulen & Baumgartner, 2022) and operational management actions needed for experimentation capability (Bocken & Konietzko, 2022b) to make the experimentation discourse more tactical

    Design principles for sustainability assessments in the sustainable business model innovation process

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    Assessing business models’ sustainability performance has become necessary to help organizations transition towards sustainability and circular economy. Organizations face multiple challenges in developing sustainable business models during the sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) process. Many of these challenges can be solved by assessing the sustainability performance of the various business model designs. Scholars have employed various approaches to develop sustainability assessment tools and processes that fit different organizational needs in the SBMI process. This paper contributes to this organizational process by analyzing the existing sustainability assessment frameworks for business models and synthesizing the lessons from these into a set of design principles for supporting future assessments of business models. The proposed design principles act as guidelines to help organizations integrate sustainability assessments into their sustainable business model innovation (SBMI) process. For the methodology, the paper utilizes a systematic literature review for selecting the sustainability assessment frameworks present in literature and CIMO-logic from design science for analyzing the selected assessment frameworks. The paper discusses the heterogeneity observed in the various frameworks’ approaches and the wide range of functions the assessment frameworks fulfil within the SBMI process. These insights help understand how best to design sustainability assessments to support the SBMI process. The paper concludes by presenting a research agenda with identified avenues for future research to integrate sustainability assessments in the SBMI process
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