31 research outputs found

    Induced Gravity on RS Branes

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    It is shown that a localized four-dimensional Einstein term, induced by quantum corrections, modifies significantly the law of gravity in a Randall-Sundrum brane world. In particular, the short-distance behavior of gravity changes from five- to four-dimensional, while, depending on the values of parameters, there can be an intermediate range where gravity behaves as in five dimensions. The spectrum of graviton fluctuations around the brane, their relative importance for the gravitational force, and the relevance of their emission in the bulk for the brane cosmology are analysed. Finally, constraints on parameters are derived from energy loss in astrophysical and particle physics processes.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, JHEP.cl

    QCD uncertainties at the LHC and the implications of HERA

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    Strong interaction physics will be ubiquitous at the Large Hadron Collider since the colliding beams consist of confined quarks and gluons. Although the main purpose of the LHC is to study the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking and to search for physics beyond the Standard Model, to maximise the precision and sensitivity of such anaylses it is necessary to understand in detail various perturbative, semi-perturbative and non-perturbative QCD effects. Many of these effects have been extensively studied at HERA and will be studied further at HERA II. We discuss the impact of the knowledge thus gained on physics at the LHC.Comment: Contributed to the Proceedings of DIS04, Strbske Pleso, Slovaki

    Non-uniform Braneworld Stars: an Exact Solution

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    The first exact interior solution to Einstein's field equations for a static and non-uniform braneworld star with local and non-local bulk terms is presented. It is shown that the bulk Weyl scalar U(r){\cal U}(r) is always negative inside the stellar distribution, in consequence it reduces both the effective density and the effective pressure. It is found that the anisotropy generated by bulk gravity effect has an acceptable physical behaviour inside the distribution. Using a Reissner-N\"{o}rdstrom-like exterior solution, the effects of bulk gravity on pressure and density are found through matching conditions.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, version to be published in International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD

    Gravitational collapse in braneworld models with curvature corrections

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    We study the collapse of a homogeneous braneworld dust cloud in the context of the various curvature correction scenarios, namely, the induced-gravity, the Gauss-Bonnet, and the combined induced-gravity and Gauss-Bonnet. In accordance to the Randall-Sundrum model, and contrary to four-dimensional general relativity, we show in all cases that the exterior spacetime on the brane is non-static.Comment: References adde

    Gravity induced over a smooth soliton

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    I consider gravity induced over a smooth (finite thickness) soliton. Graviton kinetic term is coupled to bulk scalar that develops solitonic vacuum expectation value. Couplings of Kaluza-Klein modes to soliton-localized matter are suppressed, giving rise to crossover distance rc=MP2/M∗3r_c=M_{P}^2/M_{*}^3 between 4D and 5D behavior. This system can be viewed as a finite thickness brane regularization of the model of Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Gravitino dark matter in brane-world cosmology

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    The gravitino dark matter hypothesis in the brane cosmology is studied. The theoretical framework is the CMSSM for particle physics and RS II brane model for gravity. It is found that the gravitino can play the role of dark matter in the universe and we determine what the gravitino mass should be for different values of the five-dimensional Planck mass. An upper bound is obtained for the latter.Comment: Improved version with minor corrections, to appear in JCA

    Gravitational waves from brane-world inflation with induced gravity

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    We calculate the amplitude of gravitational waves produced by inflation on a de Sitter brane embedded in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter bulk spacetime, extending previous calculations in Randall-Sundrum type cosmology to include the effect of induced gravity corrections on the brane. These corrections arise via a term in the brane action that is proportional to the brane Ricci scalar. We find that, as in the Randall-Sundrum case, there is a mass gap between the discrete zero-mode and a continuum of massive bulk modes, which are too heavy to be excited during inflation. We give the normalization of the zero-mode as a function of the Hubble rate on the brane and are thus able to calculate the high energy correction to the spectrum of gravitational wave (tensor) modes excited on large scales during inflation from initial vacuum fluctuations on small scales. We also calculate the amplitude of density (scalar) perturbations expected due to inflaton fluctuations on the brane, and show that the usual four-dimensional consistency relation for the tensor/scalar ratio remains valid for brane inflation with induced gravity corrections.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Towards a covariant model for cosmic self-acceleration

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    An explicitly covariant formulation is presented of a modified DGP scenario proposed recently [1], to avoid the instability of the self-accelerating branch. It is based on the introduction of a bulk scalar field with appropriate non-minimal coupling to the bulk Einstein-Hilbert term. The method is general and may be applied to other models as well.Comment: 10 pages, no figures; v2: version published in JHE

    Brane-bulk energy exchange : a model with the present universe as a global attractor

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    The role of brane-bulk energy exchange and of an induced gravity term on a single braneworld of negative tension and vanishing effective cosmological constant is studied. It is shown that for the physically interesting cases of dust and radiation a unique global attractor which can realize our present universe (accelerating and 0<Omega_{m0}<1) exists for a wide range of the parameters of the model. For Omega_{m0}=0.3, independently of the other parameters, the model predicts that the equation of state for the dark energy today is w_{DE,0}=-1.4, while Omega_{m0}=0.03 leads to w_{DE,0}=-1.03. In addition, during its evolution, w_{DE} crosses the w_{DE}=-1 line to smaller values.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, RevTex; references added, to appear in JHE

    Dark matter in supersymmetric models with axino LSP in Randall-Sundrum II brane model

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    The axino dark matter hypothesis in RSII brane model is studied. Within the framework of CMSSM we assume that the lightest neutralino or stau is the NLSP, and that the axino production has a single contribution from the NLSP decay. It is found that the axino can play the role of dark matter in the universe and we determine what the axino mass should be for different values of the five-dimensional Planck mass. An upper bound is obtained for the latterComment: 12 pages,3 figures, accepted in JHE