8 research outputs found

    Dependence of the human flow density from the staircase and exit width

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    The article studies the dependence of the human flow density on two main parameters: the width of the staircase and the number of people on the floor. It was established that violation of standards in terms of the entrance door width and the presence of a stair hall have a strong influence on the total time of evacuation due to the formation of clusters. The tabular dependence of the maximum human flow density on the staircase width on the number of people per floor was obtained. On the basis of this dependence, the graph was built, which can be used in the stair width design, taking into account the allowable human flows density in the case of known average number of people on each floor of the building

    Estimation of evacuation time with elevator application in high-rise buildings

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    The article considers elevator application as an integral part of the main evacuation path from high-rise multi-storey buildings and structures. The evacuation ways are rather long in this building type. It makes the evacuation process difficult and dangerous, and sometimes physically impossible. The combined evacuation with using of vertical transport can solve this problem. The complex of buildings of various storeys (20, 30 ... 60) was modeled in the program complex Pathfinder. We determine and compare the values of the evacuation time for different health categories people during movement on stairs and with particular elevator use. The percentage of acceleration of evacuation is given. It is shown that evacuation along the staircase develops as a linear function. The necessary of the joint stair-lift evacuation method increases with the height of the building. We offer the human flow ratios for evacuating people in simulated buildings (20, 30 ... 60), which is made taking into account the various mobility categories

    Phased evacuation algorithm for high–rise buildings

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    The article explores a new phased evacuation algorithm for high-rise buildings and structures. The necessity of using this evacuation type is justified by reducing of the human flow density, which minimizes the people injury risks and the crowd formation during the movement process. This type of evacuation prevents the appearance of clusters in local narrowing places (the floor entrance), as well as on stairway. The calculation model is made in Pathfinder PC. The scheme of organizing a phased evacuation is based on the separation of the evacuating people flows and the prevention of their crossing. The design scheme is given for the twenty-story section of a high-rise building. A detailed instruction describes the process of dividing a section into stages and determining the sequence of evacuation floors. The time delays table is calculated for each floor of the simulated twenty-storey section

    The use of elevators in the evacuation of high-rise buildings

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    The paper substantiates the possibility of using the elevators as the main evacuation path from high-rise multi-storey buildings. The analysis of the reasons preventing effective evacuation of people from high-rise buildings is carried out. A tall multi-storey office building was modeled in the Pathfinder software package. Several scenarios of the human flow are presented, and the influence of time parameters (the beginning of evacuation and delay of signal delivery), the composition of the flow (different ratios of people of different mobility groups), and the level at which the evacuation of each group begins are reflected on the time of evacuation using elevators. The time of evacuation by a staircase is compared with the time of evacuation using elevators. It is shown that it is effective to use evacuation elevators in 60-storey buildings, but it is not rational to use them for a 20-storey building

    Estimation of evacuation time with elevator application in high-rise buildings

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    The article considers elevator application as an integral part of the main evacuation path from high-rise multi-storey buildings and structures. The evacuation ways are rather long in this building type. It makes the evacuation process difficult and dangerous, and sometimes physically impossible. The combined evacuation with using of vertical transport can solve this problem. The complex of buildings of various storeys (20, 30 ... 60) was modeled in the program complex Pathfinder. We determine and compare the values of the evacuation time for different health categories people during movement on stairs and with particular elevator use. The percentage of acceleration of evacuation is given. It is shown that evacuation along the staircase develops as a linear function. The necessary of the joint stair-lift evacuation method increases with the height of the building. We offer the human flow ratios for evacuating people in simulated buildings (20, 30 ... 60), which is made taking into account the various mobility categories

    Vertical transport systems for evacuation from high-rise buildings

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    The article discusses the possibility of using the elevators as the main evacuation path from high-rise buildings. It starts by analysis of the reasons, which make effective evacuation of people from high-rise buildings difficult. The high multi-storey office building was modelled in the Pathfinder software package. There are presented some scenarios of the human flow and their influence on time parameters (the evacuation start and signal delivery delay), on flow composition (ratio of people with different mobility) and base evacuation level of each group. The time of evacuation is compared on the staircase and using elevators. It is effective to use evacuation elevators in 60-storey buildings, but it is not rational to use them in 20-storey building

    Vertical transport systems for evacuation from high-rise buildings

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    The article discusses the possibility of using the elevators as the main evacuation path from high-rise buildings. It starts by analysis of the reasons, which make effective evacuation of people from high-rise buildings difficult. The high multi-storey office building was modelled in the Pathfinder software package. There are presented some scenarios of the human flow and their influence on time parameters (the evacuation start and signal delivery delay), on flow composition (ratio of people with different mobility) and base evacuation level of each group. The time of evacuation is compared on the staircase and using elevators. It is effective to use evacuation elevators in 60-storey buildings, but it is not rational to use them in 20-storey building

    Dependence of the human flow density from the staircase and exit width

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    The article studies the dependence of the human flow density on two main parameters: the width of the staircase and the number of people on the floor. It was established that violation of standards in terms of the entrance door width and the presence of a stair hall have a strong influence on the total time of evacuation due to the formation of clusters. The tabular dependence of the maximum human flow density on the staircase width on the number of people per floor was obtained. On the basis of this dependence, the graph was built, which can be used in the stair width design, taking into account the allowable human flows density in the case of known average number of people on each floor of the building