170 research outputs found

    Urbanisation in Between

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    This article focuses on the lived experiences of people who have moved to Zouping, a rapidly urbanising city in Shandong Province. It argues that the variety of their experiences reveals much about Chinese processes of urbanisation. Recent writing on Chinese urbanisation often portrays a sharp social break with rural experience. This article discusses the variable degrees of continuity with rural pasts that different groups of new urbanites experience. It presents Zouping as an intermediate case of Chinese urbanisation, illustrating aspects of both migrant and in situ development, and also argues for the importance of attention to divergent examples of lived experiences, which often blend or transcend the ideal types presented in models of urban experience

    The Universality of Sex and Death: The Work of the Dead: A Cultural History of Mortal Remains

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    Research informing this essay was supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant (DP140101294)

    Governing the souls of Chinese modernity

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    Philippe Descola argues that human societies can be categorized by the ways in which they utilize broad assumptions about interiority and physicality, where interiority refers to something similar to what Edward Tylor and James Frazer meant by soul. In Descola's scheme, traditional Chinese culture, which gives play to infinite variability in both interiority and physicality, is strongly 'analogist.' In contrast, Descola defines modern, Western societies as 'naturalist.' We moderns see nature or physicality as universally fixed, but culture or interiority as variable. Contemporary China is rapidly modernizing and scientizing. In Descola's terms, its culture should be transitioning from an analogist one to a naturalist one. Through an examination of practices of memorialization and funerary ritual in urban China as well as Chinese Communist Party attempts to steer the evolution of these practices in reaction to 'modernity,' this essay attempts to tease out what is modern about the conceptions of soul implicit in contemporary Chinese dealings with death.Grants from the Australian Research Council (DP140101294 and DP140101289) supported the research leading to this article

    Une urbanisation intermédiaire

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse aux expĂ©riences vĂ©cues par des personnes qui ont emmĂ©nagĂ© Ă  Zouping, une ville soumise Ă  un phĂ©nomĂšne d’urbanisation rapide dans la province du Shandong. Il dĂ©veloppe la thĂšse selon laquelle les diffĂ©rentes expĂ©riences dĂ©crites symbolisent les multiples processus d’urbanisation qui ont cours dans la Chine contemporaine. Les Ă©crits rĂ©cents sur l’urbanisation chinoise rendent souvent compte d’une rupture sociale profonde avec le mode de vie rural. Cet article analyse les degrĂ©s de continuitĂ© que ressentent les diffĂ©rents groupes de nouveaux urbains avec leur passĂ© rural. Il prĂ©sente Zouping comme un cas intermĂ©diaire de l’urbanisation chinoise, caractĂ©risĂ© par un dĂ©veloppement local et un afflux de migrants extĂ©rieurs, et souligne la nĂ©cessitĂ© de prendre en compte les divergences qui existent entre les expĂ©riences vĂ©cues, nuançant ainsi ou dĂ©passant les idĂ©aux types prĂ©sentĂ©s dans les modĂšles de l’expĂ©rience urbaine

    Urbanisation in Between

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    This article focuses on the lived experiences of people who have moved to Zouping, a rapidly urbanising city in Shandong Province. It argues that the variety of their experiences reveals much about Chinese processes of urbanisation. Recent writing on Chinese urbanisation often portrays a sharp social break with rural experience. This article discusses the variable degrees of continuity with rural pasts that different groups of new urbanites experience. It presents Zouping as an intermediate case of Chinese urbanisation, illustrating aspects of both migrant and in situ development, and also argues for the importance of attention to divergent examples of lived experiences, which often blend or transcend the ideal types presented in models of urban experience

    Une urbanisation intermédiaire

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse aux expĂ©riences vĂ©cues par des personnes qui ont emmĂ©nagĂ© Ă  Zouping, une ville soumise Ă  un phĂ©nomĂšne d’urbanisation rapide dans la province du Shandong. Il dĂ©veloppe la thĂšse selon laquelle les diffĂ©rentes expĂ©riences dĂ©crites symbolisent les multiples processus d’urbanisation qui ont cours dans la Chine contemporaine. Les Ă©crits rĂ©cents sur l’urbanisation chinoise rendent souvent compte d’une rupture sociale profonde avec le mode de vie rural. Cet article analyse les degrĂ©s de continuitĂ© que ressentent les diffĂ©rents groupes de nouveaux urbains avec leur passĂ© rural. Il prĂ©sente Zouping comme un cas intermĂ©diaire de l’urbanisation chinoise, caractĂ©risĂ© par un dĂ©veloppement local et un afflux de migrants extĂ©rieurs, et souligne la nĂ©cessitĂ© de prendre en compte les divergences qui existent entre les expĂ©riences vĂ©cues, nuançant ainsi ou dĂ©passant les idĂ©aux types prĂ©sentĂ©s dans les modĂšles de l’expĂ©rience urbaine

    Continuous positive airway pressure increases CSF flow and glymphatic transport

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    Respiration can positively influence cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow in the brain, yet its effects on central nervous system (CNS) fluid homeostasis, including waste clearance function via glymphatic and meningeal lymphatic systems, remain unclear. Here, we investigated the effect of supporting respiratory function via continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on glymphatic-lymphatic function in spontaneously breathing anesthetized rodents. To do this, we used a systems approach combining engineering, MRI, computational fluid dynamics analysis, and physiological testing. We first designed a nasal CPAP device for use in the rat and demonstrated that it functioned similarly to clinical devices, as evidenced by its ability to open the upper airway, augment end-expiratory lung volume, and improve arterial oxygenation. We further showed that CPAP increased CSF flow speed at the skull base and augmented glymphatic transport regionally. The CPAP-induced augmented CSF flow speed was associated with an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP), including the ICP waveform pulse amplitude. We suggest that the augmented pulse amplitude with CPAP underlies the increase in CSF bulk flow and glymphatic transport. Our results provide insights into the functional crosstalk at the pulmonary-CSF interface and suggest that CPAP might have therapeutic benefit for sustaining glymphatic-lymphatic function
