16 research outputs found

    Selected Characteristics for Census Tracts in Douglas and Sarpy Counties, Nebraska, and Pottawattamie County, Iowa, from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey

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    This report presents a series of maps and a table of selected characteristics for census tracts in Douglas and Sarpy counties in Nebraska and Pottawattamie County in Iowa. Each map has a smaller map of the entire three county area, along with a larger map of the most populated census tracts in the area to show more detail in the population core. The counties are combined without indication of county or state boundaries to illustrate that the pattern of the characteristics are consistent across boundaries when viewing the core area as a whole

    Visualizing Data with Tableau Computer Training

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    Twenty counties in Nebraska have uninsured rate over 20 percen

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    The U.S. Census Bureau recently released 2010 estimates of health insurance coverage for each of the nation’s roughly 3,140 counties. Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE; http://www.census.gov/did/www/sahie/index.html) are the only source for single-year estimates of health insurance coverage status for every county in the nation. These estimates are available by sex, age groups, race and Hispanic origin (for states only), and income-to-poverty ratios

    Visualizing Data with Excel Training

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    Visualizing your data is an effective way to help others understand the data. This session will provide hands-on training for creating basic charts, combination charts, and maps using built-in tools provided by Excel. There will also be discussion on visualization best practices and useful add-ons

    Data Resources from the Center for Public Affairs Research

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    CPAR offers several online resources so you can easily access common demographic and socioeconomic data about Nebraska, our region, and the nation. Learn how to access these resources and when they are updated to ensure you have timely data insights

    Nebraska Ranked Ninth in National Child Well-Being Report

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    Nebraska ranks 9th nationally in the 2012 Kids Count report on child well-being. The 23rd annual Kids Count Data Book: State trends in child well-being, released in July by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, compares and ranks the 50 states on 16 child and family well-being indicators. The 16 indicators are grouped into four dimensions: economic well-being; health; education; and family and community

    Data Mapping Computer Training

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    This presentation features how to use Data Mapping applications

    Majority of persons in shelters in Nebraska are males over 18 years of age

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    In September 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau released a 2010 special report, The Emergency and Transitional Shelter Population: 2010 (ESTP:2010). The ETSP:2010 provides information on the numbers, demographic characteristics and geographic distribution of persons at emergency and transitional shelters. Shelters are defined as places where people who are experiencing homelessness stay overnight

    Online Data Mapping Systems

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    This presentation on Target Map discusses: Strengths; Weaknesses; Software Limits And Requirements; Connect and Register; About their “Home Page”; Main Screen Elements; Create A Map; Basics About the Map; The Legend; Map Editor; Map Labels; and Saving

    COVID-19 Impact on Nebraska Businesses: Nebraska Business Response Survey Report Round 2

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    The State of Nebraska, the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, the University of Nebraska and several local project partners came together to develop and share the Nebraska Business Response Survey, Rounds one and two, to understand the impact coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on the revenue and workforce of organizations across the state and find the best ways to support our business and nonprofit community during this crisis. The first round of the survey launched Wednesday, April 15, 2020, at 2 P.M. and closed Friday, April 24, 2020, at 5 P.M. At the end of the first survey, we asked respondents if they would be willing to participate in future studies on this topic. On June 16 an email invited 2,251 business and nonprofit operators to complete the round two survey. After three reminder emails, the survey closed on June 28, 2020. We received 905 responses to the second round of the survey. When reviewing the results of the survey be aware of the caveats. First, the survey results can only represent the views of those that responded during the time the survey was open. We recognize that the current global pandemic is rapidly evolving and thus viewpoints may evolve as well. Second, not all respondents answered all questions. Thus, the percentages and the number of respondents are given for most data points in the report and do vary across questions. Finally, in some places results may not add up to 100% due to rounding