15 research outputs found

    X-ray Absorption Linear Dichroism at the Ti K-edge of TiO2 anatase single crystal

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    Anatase TiO2 (a-TiO2) exhibits a strong X-ray absorption linear dichroism with the X-ray incidence angle in the pre-edge, the XANES and the EXAFS at the titanium K-edge. In the pre-edge region the behaviour of the A1-A3 and B peaks, originating from the 1s-3d transitions, is due to the strong pp-orbital polarization and strong pdp-d orbital mixing. An unambiguous assignment of the pre-edge peak transitions is made in the monoelectronic approximation with the support of ab initio finite difference method calculations and spherical tensor analysis in quantitative agreement with the experiment. It is found that A1 is mostly an on-site 3d-4p hybridized transition, while peaks A3 and B are non-local transitions, with A3 being mostly dipolar and influence by the 3d-4p intersite hybridization, while B is due to interactions at longer range. Finally, peak A2 which was previously assigned to a transition involving pentacoordinated titanium atoms exhibits a quadrupolar angular evolution with incidence angle. These results pave the way to the use of the pre-edge peaks at the K-edge of a-TiO2 to characterize the electronic structure of related materials and in the field of ultrafast XAS where the linear dichroism can be used to compare the photophysics along different axes.Comment: 43 pages, 19 figure

    Quantifying Photoinduced Polaronic Distortions in Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskites Nanocrystals

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    The development of next generation perovskite-based optoelectronic devices relies critically on the understanding of the interaction between charge carriers and the polar lattice in out-of-equilibrium conditions. While it has become increasingly evident for CsPbBr3 perovskites that the Pb-Br framework flexibility plays a key role in their light-activated functionality, the corresponding local structural rearrangement has not yet been unambiguously identified. In this work, we demonstrate that the photoinduced lattice changes in the system are due to a specific polaronic distortion, associated with the activation of a longitudinal optical phonon mode at 18 meV by electron-phonon coupling, and we quantify the associated structural changes with atomic-level precision. Key to this achievement is the combination of time-resolved and temperature-dependent studies at Br K-edge and Pb L3-edge X-ray absorption with refined ab-initio simulations, which fully account for the screened core-hole final state effects on the X-ray absorption spectra. From the temporal kinetics, we show that carrier recombination reversibly unlocks the structural deformation at both Br and Pb sites. The comparison with the temperature-dependent XAS results rules out thermal effects as the primary source of distortion of the Pb-Br bonding motif during photoexcitation. Our work provides a comprehensive description of the CsPbBr3 perovskites photophysics, offering novel insights on the light-induced response of the system and its exceptional optoelectronic properties.Comment: Main: 27 pages, 4 figures SI: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Conservation of vibrational coherence in ultrafast electronic relaxation: The case of diplatinum complexes in solution

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    This work was supported by the Swiss NSF via the NCCR:MUST, contract n° 200021_137717 and IZK0Z2_150425. We thank Yan Choi Lam and Tania Darnton for supplying samples (work at Caltech was supported by NSF CCI Solar FuelsCHE-1305124). Petr Pospíšil (J. Heyrovský Inst.) and Igor Sazanovich (Rutherford Appleton Lab, UK) are thanked for their help with measurements of stationary emission-excitation and nanosecond time-resolved spectra, respectively. We also thank the European collaboration program COST ActionCM1202, the Czech Ministry of Education grant LD14129, and the Czech Science Foundation grant 17-011375 for support

    X-ray absorption linear dichroism at the Ti K-edge of rutile (001) TiO2 single crystal

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    X-ray absorption linear dichroism of rutile TiO2 at the Ti K-edge provides information about the electronic states involved in the pre-edge transitions. Here, linear dichroism with high energy resolution is analyzed in combination with ab initio finite difference method calculations and spherical tensor analysis. It provides an assignment of the three pre-edge peaks beyond the octahedral crystal field splitting approximation and estimates the spatial extension of the corresponding final states. It is then discussed for the first time the X-ray absorption (XAS) of pentacoordinated titanium atoms due to oxygen vacancies and it is found that, similarly to anatase TiO2, rutile is expected to exhibit a transition on the low-energy side of peak A3. Its apparent absence in the experiment is related to the degree of p-d orbital mixing which is small in rutile due to its centrosymmetric point group. A recent XAS linear dichroism study on anatase TiO2 single crystals has shown that peak A2 has an intrinsic origin and is due to a quadrupolar transition to the 3d energy levels. In rutile, due to its centrosymmetric point group, the corresponding peak A2 has a small dipole moment explaining the weak transition. The results are confronted with recent picosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy on rutile TiO(2 )nanoparticles

    X-ray absorption linear dichroism at the TiK-edge of rutile (001) TiO2 single crystal

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    X-ray absorption linear dichroism of rutile TiO2 at the Ti K-edge provides information about the electronic states involved in the pre-edge transitions. Here, linear dichroism with high energy resolution is analyzed in combination with abinitio finite difference method calculations and spherical tensor analysis. It provides an assignment of the three pre-edge peaks beyond the octahedral crystal field splitting approximation and estimates the spatial extension of the corresponding final states. It is then discussed for the first time the X-ray absorption (XAS) of pentacoordinated titanium atoms due to oxygen vacancies and it is found that, similarly to anatase TiO2, rutile is expected to exhibit a transition on the low-energy side of peak A3. Its apparent absence in the experiment is related to the degree of p-d orbital mixing which is small in rutile due to its centrosymmetric point group. A recent XAS linear dichroism study on anatase TiO2 single crystals has shown that peak A2 has an intrinsic origin and is due to a quadrupolar transition to the 3d energy levels. In rutile, due to its centrosymmetric point group, the corresponding peak A2 has a small dipole moment explaining the weak transition. The results are confronted with recent picosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy on rutile TiO2 nanoparticles

    Toward time-resolved laser T-jump/X-ray probe spectroscopy in aqueous solutions

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    Most chemical and biochemical reactions in nature and in industrial processes are driven by thermal effects that bring the reactants above the energy barrier for reaction. In aqueous solutions, this process can also be triggered by the laser driven temperature jump (T-jump) method, in which the water vibrational (stretch, bend, or combination) modes are excited by a short laser pulse, leading to a temperature increase in the irradiated volume within a few picoseconds. The combination of the laser T-jump with X-ray spectroscopic probes would add element-specificity as well as sensitivity to the structure, the oxidation state, and the spin state of the intermediates of reactions. Here, we present preliminary results of a near infrared pump/X-ray absorption spectroscopy probe to study the ligand exchange of an octahedral aqueous Cobalt complex, which is known to pass through intermediate steps yielding tetrahedral chlorinated as final species. The structural changes of the chemical reaction are monitored with great sensitivity, even in the presence of a mild local increase in temperature. This work opens perspectives for the study of non-light-driven reactions using time-resolved X-ray spectroscopic methods

    X-ray absorption linear dichroism at the Ti K edge of anatase TiO2 single crystals

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    Anatase TiO2 (a-TiO2) exhibits a strong x-ray absorption linear dichroism in the pre-edge, the XANES and the EXAFS at the titanium K edge. In the pre-edge region, the behavior of the A1-A3 and B peaks originating from the 1s-3d transitions is due to the strong p-orbital polarization and strong p-d orbital mixing. An unambiguous assignment of the pre-edge peak transitions is made in the monoelectronic approximation with the support of ab initio finite difference method calculations and spherical tensor analysis in quantitative agreement with the experiment. Our results suggest that several previous studies relying on octahedral crystal field splitting assignments are in accurate due to the significant p-d orbital hybridization induced by the broken inversion symmetry in a-TiO2. It is found that A1 is mostly an on-site 3d-4p hybridized transition, while peaks A3 and B are nonlocal transitions, with A3 being mostly dipolar and influenced by the 3d-4p intersite hybridization, while B is due to interactions at longer range. Peak A2, which was previously assigned to a transition involving pentacoordinated titanium atoms, is shown to exhibit a quadrupolar angular evolution with incidence angle, which implies that its origin is primarily related to a transition to bulk energy levels of a-TiO2 and not to defects, in agreement with theoretical predictions [Vorwerk, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155121 (2017)2469-995010.1103/PhysRevB.95.155121]. Finally, ab initio calculations show that the occurence of an enhanced absorption at peak A2 in defect-rich a-TiO2 materials originates from defect-related p density of states due to the formation of doubly ionized oxygen vacancies. The formation of peak A2 at almost the same energy for single crystals and nanomaterials is a coincidence while the origin is different. These results pave the way to the use of the pre-edge peaks at the Ti K edge of a-TiO2 to characterize the electronic structure of related materials and in the field of ultrafast x-ray absorption spectroscopy where the linear dichroism can be used to compare the photophysics along different axes

    Element-selective probing of photo-driven structural changes in all-inorganic lead perovskites

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    Out-of-equilibrium photo-induced structural changes are probed with element-selectivity in CsPbBr3 perovskite nanoparticles using 100 ps resolution time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy

    Ultrafast Energy Transfer from Photoexcited Tryptophan to the Haem in Cytochrome c

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    We report femtosecond Fe K-edge absorption (XAS) and nonresonant X-ray emission (XES) spectra of ferric cytochrome C (Cyt c) upon excitation of the haem (>300 nm) or mixed excitation of the haem and tryptophan (<300 nm). The XAS and XES transients obtained in both excitation energy ranges show no evidence for electron transfer processes between photoexcited tryptophan (Trp) and the haem, but rather an ultrafast energy transfer, in agreement with previous ultrafast optical fluorescence and transient absorption studies. The reported (J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115 (46), 13723-13730) decay times of Trp fluorescence in ferrous (∼350 fs) and ferric (∼700 fs) Cyt c are among the shortest ever reported for Trp in a protein. The observed time scales cannot be rationalized in terms of Förster or Dexter energy transfer mechanisms and call for a more thorough theoretical investigation