80 research outputs found

    Assessment of Myocardial Function During Mechanical Left Ventricular Support Using Serial Echocardiography: A Case Report

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    A 40-year-old man with valvular heart disease was successfully treated using a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) after open heart surgery. Echocardiography revealed left ventricular ejection fraction (LV-EF) at LVAD on/off: 23.4%/14.6% on the 4th, 23.8%/23.8% on the 5th, and 23.8%/26.8% on the 6th postoperative day (POD), respectively. The patient was weaned from LVAD on the 8th POD and discharged from the hospital on the 58th POD. The LV-EF improved to 54% 6 months after surgery and increased from 57% to 64% in response to exercise stress testing 1 year after surgery.</p

    First Imaging Experiment of a Lithium Ion Battery by a Pulsed Neutron Beam at J-PARC/MLF/BL09

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    AbstractWe obtain the transmission image of a commercial lithium ion (Li-ion) battery using a pulsed neutron beam at the beamline 09 of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. The purpose of this study is to improve the performance of the Li-ion battery by nondestructive observation of its charging and discharging. The transmission images for three charge states (3.2V, 3.7V, and 4.2V) reveal differences between these three states, which we attribute to electrolyte migration. The transmission spectra show Bragg edges originating from the electrodes, current collectors, and battery vessel. Although the battery as a whole has the expected relation between the charge accumulation and the quantity of lithium amounts in the positive and negative electrodes, a portion of the battery deviates from this relation, which may imply a position dependent charging in the battery

    Post-Fontan care based on hemodynamic characteristics, with special reference to the central venous pressure.

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    Changes in the hemodynamics of six patients having received Fontan-like operations were closely observed during the first 48 h after the operation. Catheterization studies and simultaneous angiocardiography were also performed before and after the operation. Hemodynamic derangement was particularly severe during the first 24 h postoperatively as indicated by a low cardiac output of less than 2.01/min/m2, which persisted in spite of very high central venous pressure. Furthermore, the central venous pressure needed to re-establish the circulation soon after the Fontan procedure significantly correlated with the angiocardiographically assessed preoperative size of distal pulmonary arteries. Accordingly, the preoperative evaluation of the distal pulmonary arterial size is very important, that provides a good guide-line for the degree of circulatory volume expansion necessary to elevate the central venous pressure and to sustain the circulation in the early postoperative period.</p

    Measurement of the neutron capture resonances for platinum using the Ge spectrometer and pulsed neutron beam at the J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI

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    The neutron capture cross-section for platinum was measured at J-PARC/MLF/ANNRI. The intense pulsed neutron beam was impinging on a natural platinum foil sample and the emitted prompt γ-rays were detected by a Ge spectrometer. The peak energies of the low energy resonances for natural platinum are consistent with those of the JEFF-3.1.2, RUSFOND2010 and next-JENDL data libraries except for the 20-eV resonance. The resonance cross-sections of the next-JENDL library do not contradict the present measurements within the uncertainty of the absolute value of the present work. We analysed the prompt γ-ray spectrum and found a clear 7921.93 keV peak that originates from the transition from the 196Pt compound state to its ground state. The neutron capture cross-section for 195Pt was obtained by choosing events of this peak. The peak energies of most of the low energy resonances are almost consistent with those of the RUSFOND2010 and next-JENDL libraries. However, there was a disagreement for the 20-eV resonance

    Cell jamming, stratification and p63 expression in cultivated human corneal epithelial cell sheets

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    Corneal limbal epithelial stem cell transplantation using cultivated human corneal epithelial cell sheets has been used successfully to treat limbal stem cell deficiencies. Here we report an investigation into the quality of cultivated human corneal epithelial cell sheets using time-lapse imaging of the cell culture process every 20 minutes over 14 days to ascertain the level of cell jamming, a phenomenon in which cells become smaller, more rounded and less actively expansive. In parallel, we also assessed the expression of p63, an important corneal epithelial stem cell marker. The occurrence of cell jamming was variable and transient, but was invariably associated with a thickening and stratification of the cell sheet. p63 was present in all expanding cell sheets in the first 9 days of culture, but it’s presence did not always correlate with stratification of the cell sheet. Nor did p63 expression necessarily persist in stratified cell sheets. An assessment of cell jamming, therefore, can shed significant light on the quality and regenerative potential of cultivated human corneal epithelial cell sheets

    Use of ventricular assist devices in patients with postcardiotomy shock.

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    Over the last three years, we have used ventricular assist devices (VAD) in 7 patients. Of these 7, four patients with combined aortic and mitral valvular disease underwent double valve replacement; one patient with annuloaortic ectasia underwent a Cabrol's operation; another had aortic valve replacement; the last patient had triple coronary artery bypass grafts. The only patient who could be weaned from CPB developed cardiogenic shock after the operation. LVADs supported 6 patients for 4 to 8 days and a BVAD supported one patient for 9 days. All patients survived the weaning procedure. Three were discharged from the hospital and survived 7 to 21 months. The 4 other patients died of multiple organ failure. Three of these four suffered from both renal failure and infection, while one patient had arrhythmia and died of ileus. These data suggest that renal failure and major infection can be serious detrimental complications to VAD support.</p

    Mid-term results of bilateral internal thoracic artery grafting.

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    Forty patients underwent coronary revascularization using bilateral internal thoracic artery (ITA) grafts between 1988 and 1992. A total of 111 coronary grafts were performed, or an average of 2.8 grafts per patient. Each patient received bilateral ITA grafts, and in 20 patients an additional 29 grafts were constructed with 18 autologous veins and 11 gastroepiploic arteries. The right ITA was grafted as a free graft in 20 patients. The ITA graft patency rate was 96 per cent (67/70) at the time of hospital discharge. The operative morbidity included 3 reoperations for bleeding, 1 perioperative myocardial infarction, 1 renal failure, 2 postcardiotomy shock, and 1 colon perforation. Two hospital deaths occurred; one due to colon perforation and the other due to postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock. One patient died of cerebral infarction 6 month after the operation. Thirty-four patients were in New York Heart Association functional class I, 2 were in class II and 1 was in class III. Cardiac function evaluated by echocardiography and scintigraphy showed significant improvement postoperatively. These data suggest that the use of bilateral ITA grafts is associated with an acceptable mortality and increases the versatility of arterial grafting.</p

    Evaluating the Need for and Effect of Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty on Arteriovenous Fistulas by Using Total Recirculation Rate per Dialysis Session (“Clearance Gap”)

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    The functioning of an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) used for vascular access during hemodialysis has been assessed mainly by dilution methods. Although these techniques indicate the immediate recirculation rate, the results obtained may not correlate with Kt/V. In contrast, the clearance gap (CL-Gap) method provides the total recirculation rate per dialysis session and correlates well with Kt/V. We assessed the correlation between Kt/V and CL-Gap as well as the change in radial artery (RA) blood flow speed in the fistula before percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in 45 patients undergoing continuous hemodialysis. The dialysis dose during the determination of CL-Gap was 1.2 to 1.4 Kt/V. Patients with a 10% elevation or more than a 10% relative increase in CL-Gap underwent PTA (n=45), and the values obtained for Kt/V and CL-Gap before PTA were compared with those obtained immediately afterward. The mean RA blood flow speed improved significantly (from 52.9 to 97.5cm/sec) after PTA, as did Kt/V (1.07 to 1.30) and CL-Gap (14.1% to -0.2%). A significant correlation between these differences was apparent (r=-0.436 and p=0.003). These findings suggest that calculating CL-Gap may be useful for determining when PTA is required and for assessing the effectiveness of PTA, toward obtaining better dialysis