2 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this research was to estimate the concentrations of N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and Ambroxol Hydrochloride (AMB) simultaneously, in bulk and combined tablet formulation using a new, simple, precise and accurate absorption correction method using UV Spectrophotometer.Methods: The concentrations of both the drugs (NAC and AMB) were determined using absorption correction method as; at 244 nm only AMB gave substantial absorbance and at 220 nm both NAC and AMB gave absorbance. Distilled water was used as a common solvent for both the drugs and the method was developed. Further statistical evaluations were carried out and the method was validated.Results: In the range of 3-18 µg/ml for AMB at 244 nm and 20-120 µg/ml for NAC at 220 nm, the Beer's law was obeyed. Percentage recovery for AMB was in the range 100.50-101.10% and for NAC it was 99.85-100.20%. The % RSD values reported were less than 2. The developed method was validated and was found to be linear, accurate, precise and also rugged.Conclusion: The results obtained clearly demonstrated that the proposed method of analysis was simple, sensitive, accurate, precise, rapid and also economical and could be applied successfully for the simultaneous estimation of NAC and AMB in bulk and combined tablet formulation.Keywords: N-Acetyl-L-cysteine, Ambroxol Hydrochloride, Absorption correction method, Mucolytic, UV spectrophotomete

    A novel high-performance thin layer chromatography method for quantification of long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons from Cissus quadrangularis

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    Context: A high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is an analytical technique, which can be used for the determination of constituents or marker components in various parts of the plants. Earlier studies have estimated phytoconstituents from the stem and other aerial plant parts of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. Estimation of hydrocarbons can also be successfully done using HPTLC technique using suitable derivatization. Aims: To develop and validate a simple and rapid method for the estimation of long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons from the leaves of C. quadrangularis using HPTLC technique. Methods: Precoated silica gel 60 F254 plates were used as stationary phase. The mobile phase used was hexane (100 %). The detection of spots was carried out using berberine sulphate as detecting reagent. Results: The method was validated in terms of linearity, sensitivity, accuracy, and precision. Linearity range was found to be 2-10 µg/mL, limit of detection 0.127 µg/mL, and limit of quantification 0.384 µg/mL. Conclusions: A novel, simple, accurate, precise and sensitive HPTLC method has been developed and validated for the estimation of long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons obtained from the leaves of C. quadrangularis Linn