5 research outputs found
Seeking Opportunities: Migration as an Income Diversification Strategy of Households in Kakamega District in Kenya
- Author
- Adama Konseiga
- Aderanti Adepoju
- Arne Bigsten
- Arthur Lewis
- Bernard Poirine
- Bradford / Barham
- Cecilia Tacoli
- Christopher B Barrett
- Deborah F Bryceson
- Donald / Cox
- Ernest G Ravenstein
- Ernest G Ravenstein
- Everett S Lee
- F Maphosa
- Frank / Ellis
- Frank / Ellis
- Frank Ellis
- G E Johnson
- Gustav / Ranis
- H Rempel
- J C Mitchell
- J C Mitchell
- J E Taylor
- J Knowles
- J O Oucho
- Jann Lay/George Michuki
- Jean-Paul / Azam
- Jean-Paul/ Azam
- John Hoddinott
- John Nelson
- John R/ Harris
- Josef / Gugler
- Kingsley G Garbett
- Larry A Sjaastad
- Lena Giesbert
- M R Rosenzweig
- M R Rosenzweig
- Mariapia Mendola
- Oded Stark
- Richard U Agesa
- Robert E B Lucas
- Robert E B Lucas
- Wondimu Kenea
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Shona Religion. By Michael Gelfand. Cape Town: Juta, 1962. Pp. 184, map. 37 s
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prestige, Status, and Power in a Modern Valley Korekore Chiefdom, Rhodesia
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Reversal of migration in the labor reserves of Zimbabwe? Prospects for change
- Author
- Aderanti Adepoju
- Alejandro Portes
- B. Munslow
- B. Munslow
- B.H. Kinsey
- B.H. Kinsey
- Bryan R. Roberts
- Charles H. Wood
- Claude Meillassoux
- D.M. Kumalo
- David Goodman
- Dennis A. Rondinelli
- Diane Patel
- Duncan G. Clarke
- Fernando H. Cardoso
- G. Kingsley Garbett
- Giovanni Arrighi
- Glenn Firebaugh
- Guy Standing
- Harry W. Richardson
- J. Barry Riddell
- J. Clyde Mitchell
- Jeffrey Kentor
- John Connell
- John Gilmurray
- John Walton
- Kenneth D. Roberts
- Lawrence A. Brown
- Lionel Cliffe
- Lourdes Arizpe
- M.F.C. Bourdillion
- Michael Timberlake
- Moshe Semyonov
- Moto
- Moto
- R. Paul Shaw
- Ray Bush
- Robert E. Mazur
- Robin Palmer
- Roger C. Riddell
- T.H.P. Chang
- Thomas D. Shopo
- United Nations
- William E. Cole
- William R. Duggan
- Zimbabwe Government Publications
- Zimbabwe Government Publications
- Zimbabwe Government Publications
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Indigenous Healers and Western Dominance : Challenge for Social Scientists ?
- Author
- Alexander John B.
- Barker Lerch Patricia.
- Bastide Roger
- Benjamin Medea
- Berman Morris
- Bourdillon Michael
- Bourguignon Erika
- Bourguignon Erika c. s.
- Brown Diana
- Brown E. Richard
- Bucher Hubert
- Capra Fritjof
- Capra Fritjof
- Capra Fritjof
- Chavunduka G.
- Chavunduka G.
- Chavunduka G.L.
- Coxhead Nona
- Deloria Jr. Vine
- Doucet Friedrich
- Ehrenreich Barbara
- Ehrenreich Barbara
- Fals Borda Orlando
- Feierman Steven
- Ferguson Marilyn
- Freiberg J.W.
- Freire Paolo
- Fromm Erich
- Fry Peter
- Garbett G. Kingsley
- Gelfand Michael
- Gelfand Michael
- Gerrit Huizer
- Goonatilake Susantha
- Griffin Edward
- Gris Henry
- Hamelink Cees J.
- Harris M.
- Harwood Allan
- Hirst Manton
- Huizer Gerrit
- Huizer Gerrit
- Huizer Gerrit
- Huizer Gerrit
- Huizer Gerrit
- Hurbon Laennec
- Isaacman Allen F.
- Katz Richard
- Krippner Stanley
- Krivorotov Victor, c. s.
- Lagerwerf L.
- Lan David M.
- Last Murray
- Lava Jesus
- LeShan Lawrence
- Lewis Ian
- Mao Tse Tung
- Martin David
- McGilvray James C.
- McNamara Robert
- McRae Ronald
- Menendez Eduardo L.
- Mies Maria
- Muller Frederik.
- Ostrander Sheila
- Palos Stephan
- Pressel Esther
- Pro Munid Vita
- Ranger T.O.
- Reichbart Richard
- Richards Paul
- Rizzo de Oliveira Elda
- Schoffeleers J. M.
- Taussig Michael
- Torrey E. Fuller
- Van de Castle Robert L.
- Wolf Eric R.
- Wooding Charles J.
- World Bank
- World Health Organization
- Ypenburg Irene
- Zezulka Joseph
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study