134 research outputs found

    Long valley lifetime of dark excitons in single-layer WSe2

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    Single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) provide a promising material system to explore the electron's valley degree of freedom as a quantum information carrier. The valley degree of freedom in single-layer TMDs can be directly accessed by means of optical excitation. The rapid valley relaxation of optically excited electron-hole pairs (excitons) through the long-range electron-hole exchange interaction, however, has been a major roadblock. Theoretically such a valley relaxation does not occur for the recently discovered dark excitons, suggesting a potential route for long valley lifetimes. Here we investigate the valley dynamics of dark excitons in single-layer WSe2 by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy. We develop a waveguide-based method to enable the detection of the dark exciton emission, which involves spin-forbidden optical transitions with an out-of-plane dipole moment. The valley degree of freedom of dark excitons is accessed through the valley-dependent Zeeman effect under an out-of-plane magnetic field. We find a short valley lifetime for the dark neutral exciton, likely due to the short-range electron-hole exchange, but long valley lifetimes exceeding several nanoseconds for dark charged excitons

    Electric-field switching of two-dimensional van der Waals magnets

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    Controlling magnetism by purely electrical means is a key challenge to better information technology1. A variety of material systems, including ferromagnetic (FM) metals2,3,4, FM semiconductors5, multiferroics6,7,8 and magnetoelectric (ME) materials9,10, have been explored for the electric-field control of magnetism. The recent discovery of two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals magnets11,12 has opened a new door for the electrical control of magnetism at the nanometre scale through a van der Waals heterostructure device platform13. Here we demonstrate the control of magnetism in bilayer CrI3, an antiferromagnetic (AFM) semiconductor in its ground state12, by the application of small gate voltages in field-effect devices and the detection of magnetization using magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) microscopy. The applied electric field creates an interlayer potential difference, which results in a large linear ME effect, whose sign depends on the interlayer AFM order. We also achieve a complete and reversible electrical switching between the interlayer AFM and FM states in the vicinity of the interlayer spin-flip transition. The effect originates from the electric-field dependence of the interlayer exchange bias.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental demonstration of continuous electronic structure tuning via strain in atomically thin MoS2

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    We demonstrate the continuous tuning of the electronic structure of atomically thin MoS2 on flexible substrates by applying a uniaxial tensile strain. A redshift at a rate of ~70 meV per percent applied strain for direct gap transitions, and at a rate 1.6 times larger for indirect gap transitions, have been determined by absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Our result, in excellent agreement with first principles calculations, demonstrates the potential of twodimensional crystals for applications in flexible electronics and optoelectronics.Comment: 19 pages and 4 figures including supporting information. Nano Lett., 2013, 13 (6), pp 293

    Valley-selective exciton bistability in a suspended monolayer semiconductor

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    We demonstrate robust power- and wavelength-dependent optical bistability in fully suspended monolayers of WSe2 near the exciton resonance. Bistability has been achieved under continuous-wave optical excitation at an intensity level of 10^3 W/cm^2. The observed bistability is originated from a photo-thermal mechanism, which provides both optical nonlinearity and passive feedback, two essential elements for optical bistability. Under a finite magnetic field, the exciton bistability becomes helicity dependent, which enables repeatable switching of light purely by its polarization.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Possible Topological Superconducting Phases of MoS2_{2}

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    Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2_2) has attracted much interest in recent years due to its potential applications in a new generation of electronic devices. Recently, it was shown that thin films of MoS2_2 can become superconducting with a highest TcT_{c} of 10K when the material is heavily gated to the conducting regime. In this work, using the group theoretical approach, we determine the possible pairing symmetries of heavily gated MoS2_2. Depending on the electron-electron interactions, the material can support an exotic spin-singlet p+ipp +ip -wave-like, an exotic spin-triplet s-wave-like and an conventional spin-triplet pp-wave pairing phases. Importantly, the exotic spin-singlet p+ipp+ip-wave phase is a topological superconducting phase which breaks time-reversal symmetry spontaneously and possesses chiral Majorana edge states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. References added. Comments are welcom

    Controlling magnetism in 2D CrI3 by electrostatic doping

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    The atomic thickness of two-dimensional (2D) materials provides a unique opportunity to control material properties and engineer new functionalities by electrostatic doping. Electrostatic doping has been demonstrated to tune the electrical and optical properties of 2D materials in a wide range, as well as to drive the electronic phase transitions. The recent discovery of atomically thin magnetic insulators has opened up the prospect of electrical control of magnetism and new devices with unprecedented performance. Here we demonstrate control of the magnetic properties of monolayer and bilayer CrI3 by electrostatic doping using a dual-gate field-effect device structure. In monolayer CrI3, doping significantly modifies the saturation magnetization, coercive force and Curie temperature, showing strengthened (weakened) magnetic order with hole (electron) doping. Remarkably, in bilayer CrI3 doping drastically changes the interlayer magnetic order, causing a transition from an antiferromagnetic ground state in the pristine form to a ferromagnetic ground state above a critical electron density. The result reveals a strongly doping-dependent interlayer exchange coupling, which enables robust switching of magnetization in bilayer CrI3 by small gate voltages.Comment: 12 pages and 4 figure

    Observation of the nonlinear anomalous Hall effect in 2D WTe2

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    The Hall effect occurs only in systems with broken time-reversal symmetry, such as solids under an external magnetic field in the ordinary Hall effect and magnetic materials in the anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Here we show a new Hall effect in a nonmagnetic material under zero magnetic field, in which the Hall voltage depends quadratically on the longitudinal current. We observe the effect (referred to as nonlinear AHE) in two-dimensional Td-WTe2, a semimetal with broken inversion symmetry and only one mirror line in the crystal plane. Our angle-resolved electrical measurements reveal that the Hall voltage changes sign when the bias current reverses direction; it maximizes (vanishes) when the bias current is perpendicular (parallel) to the mirror line. The observed effect can be understood as an AHE induced by the bias current which generates an out-of-plane magnetization. The temperature dependence of the Hall conductivity further suggests that both intrinsic Berry curvature dipole and extrinsic spin-dependent scatterings contribute to the observed nonlinear AHE. Our results open the possibility of exploring the intrinsic Berry curvature effect in nonlinear electrical transport in solids

    The Electronic Structure of Few-Layer Graphene: Probing the Evolution from a 2-Dimensional to a 3-Dimensional Material

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    While preserving many of the unusual features of single-layer graphene, few-layer graphene (FLG) provides a richness and flexibility of electronic structure that render this set of materials of great interest for both fundamental studies and applications. Essential for progress, however, is an understanding of the evolution of the electronic structure of these materials with increasing layer number. In this report, the evolution of the electronic structure of FLG, for N = 1 - 8 atomic layers, has been characterized by measurements of the optical conductivity spectra. For each layer thickness N, distinctive peaks are found in the infrared range, with positions obeying a simple scaling relation. The observations are explained by a unified zone-folding scheme that generates the electronic structure for all FLG materials from that of bulk graphite.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Two-dimensional magnetic nanoelectromechanical resonators

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    Two-dimensional (2D) layered materials possess outstanding mechanical, electronic and optical properties, making them ideal materials for nanoelectromechanical applications. The recent discovery of 2D magnetic materials has promised a new class of magnetically active nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Here we demonstrate resonators made of 2D CrI3, whose mechanical resonances depend on the magnetic state of the material. We quantify the underlining effects of exchange and anisotropy magnetostriction by measuring the field dependence of the resonance frequency under a magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the easy axis, respectively. Furthermore, we show efficient strain tuning of magnetism in 2D CrI3 as a result of the inverse magnetostrictive effect using the NEMS platform. Our results establish the basis for mechanical detection of magnetism and magnetic phase transitions in 2D layered magnetic materials. The new magnetic NEMS may also find applications in magnetic actuation and sensing

    Thermal conductance at the graphene-SiO2 interface measured by optical pump-probe spectroscopy

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    We have examined the interfacial thermal conductance {\sigma}int of single and multi-layer graphene samples prepared on fused SiO2 substrates by mechanical exfoliation of graphite. By using an ultrafast optical pump pulse and monitoring the transient reflectivity on the picosecond time scale, we obtained an average {\sigma}int of 5,000 W/cm2K for the graphene-SiO2 system. We observed significant variation in {\sigma}int between individual samples, but found no systematic dependence on the thickness of the graphene layers.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
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