96 research outputs found
Conducta agresiva y rendimiento académico en hijos de padres separados y no separados, San Juan de Lurigancho, 2018
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con el objetivo de conocer la relación entre la conducta agresiva y el rendimiento académico en hijos de padres separados y no separados de colegios particulares en San Juan de Lurigancho. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 325 estudiantes de ambos sexos de colegios particulares de la UGEL 05 (178 hombres y 147 mujeres) entre 12 y 17 años de edad. Se aplicó el cuestionario de agresión de Buss y Perry (1992) adaptado al Perú por Matalinares, Yaringaño, Uceda, Fernández, Huari, Campos y Villavicencio (2012). Entre los resultados se encontró que no existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre las dimensiones de la conducta agresiva y el rendimiento académico en la muestra total de hijos de padres separados y no separados (D1 con V2, rs= -,022, p=,696), (D2 con V2, rs=, 008, p=,892), (D3 con V2, rs=-,029, p=605), (D4 con V2, rs= -,020, p=,723).
En cuanto a las diferencias del estudio, existe diferencias significativas en agresión verbal en hijos de padres separados y no separados (U= 10515, p = .004, PSent = 0.40), así mismo en hostilidad (U=11080, p = .026, d=.0.40) y en la dimensión ira (U= 11277, p = .046, PSent = 0.43), encontrándose también que no existe diferencias significativas en agresión física en hijos de padres separados y no separados (U= 11653, p = .098) Así mismo existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre en el rendimiento académico de los hijos de padres separados y no separados (U= 2453.500, p= .001, PSent = 0.095). Los hijos de padres no separados presentan mayor rendimiento académico
Percepción del lenguaje audiovisual del programa napa (no apto para adultos) en adolescentes del 5to año de secundaria del colegio santa rosa del sauce, San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, 2016
En la presente investigación se planteo el siguiente problema ¿Cuál es el nivel de
percepción del lenguaje audiovisual del programa NAPA (No Apto Para Adultos)
en los adolescentes del 5to años del colegio Santa Rosa del Sauce, SJL, 2016?
Asimismo se determino el siguiente objetivo general: Identificar el nivel de
percepción lenguaje audiovisual del programa NAPA (No Apto Para Adultos) en
los adolescentes del 5to años del colegio Santa Rosa del Sauce, SJL, 2016, se
utilizó la prueba de coeficiente V de Aiken y Alfa de Cronbach, el instrumento que
se utilizo fue la encuesta a estudiantes con un factor de validación de 94% y
confiabilidad de 1.02. Llegando a la siguiente conclusión general sobre el
magazine NAPA (No Apto para Adultos), se acepta el objetivo planteado debido a
que si existe una alta percepción del lenguaje audiovisual del programa NAPA en
los adolescentes del 5to año de secundaria del colegio Santa Rosa del Sauce de
San Juan de Lurigancho debido a que fortalece la educación por medio de todos
los reportajes que se presentan en el programa. Pero no solo eso, sino también
como ciudadanos que están actualizados de todo lo que ocurre en nuestro país
Rediseño organizacional del “Festival audiovisual del programa de Dirección y Producción de Radio y Televisión de la Universidad Autónoma del Caribe.
Proyecto de grado presentado como requisito para optar El Título De Director Y Productor de Radio y Televisión.El mundo cada vez experimenta la oleada globalizadora de la información de manera más vertiginosa, invitando a cada ciudad y nación a hacer frente a sus conflictos para constituirse como escenarios representativos de las distintas manifestaciones comunicativas y culturales que existen. Barranquilla no es la excepción, siendo la ciudad más grande de la costa caribe colombiana y la entrada de la materia cultural de antaño en Colombia, es redundante hablar de la exigencia y el reto de mantenerse a la vanguardia de las distintas tendencias y expresiones culturales, transformarlas, apropiarlas e innovarlas.
Es indiscutible la importancia del séptimo arte en el mundo, cada vez con más público y escenarios de muestra; las producciones televisivas y las propuestas colombianas están cada vez ganando mayor terreno en los festivales de cine internacionales, gracias – entre otros – a las propuestas de estudiantes en formación en el campo. La presencia de propuestas en escenarios internacionales pertenecientes a estudiantes y profesionales de la región Caribe, más exactamente de Barranquilla, es bastante pobre y las justificaciones variadas; este fenómeno se evidencia irónicamente en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena que se extiende durante una semana anualmente. Dicho Festival se especializa en el cine iberoamericano y latinoamericano y paradójicamente predominan las muestras extranjeras y del interior del país colombiano.Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
Task force on immigration and higher education in Central Massachusetts
In August 2007, the Colleges of Worcester Consortium, Inc. created a task force to examine the issue of immigration and higher education in Central Massachusetts. It has become increasingly clear from recent demographic and economic studies and projections that the population in the northeast, and certainly in Central Massachusetts, is showing minimal growth. There is evidence that a decline in the “native-born” population is caused by significant out-migration due to a number of factors, including the high cost of living, limited career opportunities and a declining birth rate. The limited population growth that is evident is due primarily to the recent influx of immigrants to this area, with the most significant numbers in Worcester coming from Ghana, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Kenya, El Salvador, Albania and Liberia. It is also clear that the area’s economy is becoming more knowledge-based with an increasing percentage of all new jobs requiring some form of postsecondary education. According to the 2007 Massachusetts Department of Workforce Development’s Job Vacancy Survey, 38 percent of current job vacancies in Massachusetts require an associate’s degree or higher. This represents an increase from 30 percent in 2003. Consequently, the level of education that the immigrant population attains is of vital importance to everyone—not only to immigrant students and their families but also to the economic well-being of the entire region. The Task Force was charged with researching the barriers to higher education faced by this new wave of immigrants and suggesting recommendations to address those barriers. The 36-member Task Force was made up of representatives from Consortium member institutions; federal, state and local governments; community and faithbased organizations; the Worcester Public Schools; the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education; and the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy (MIRA) Coalition. Meetings were held over six months, during which the Task Force identified three main barriers faced by immigrant communities in accessing higher education, and sub-committees were created to work on each of these. Speakers were invited to present on topics of interest. Two public hearings were held, the first of which was conducted at Worcester State College in October. It attracted community representatives, as well as college and high school faculty and administrators. The second hearing, held at the downtown branch of Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) in December, was attended by immigrants (English for Speakers of Other Languages – ESOL and GED) students as well as QCC staff.Published versio
Molecular recognition of DNA base pairs by the formamido/pyrrole and formamido/imidazole pairings in stacked polyamides
Polyamides containing an N-terminal formamido (f) group bind to the minor groove of DNA as staggered, antiparallel dimers in a sequence-specific manner. The formamido group increases the affinity and binding site size, and it promotes the molecules to stack in a staggered fashion thereby pairing itself with either a pyrrole (Py) or an imidazole (Im). There has not been a systematic study on the DNA recognition properties of the f/Py and f/Im terminal pairings. These pairings were analyzed here in the context of f-ImPyPy, f-ImPyIm, f-PyPyPy and f-PyPyIm, which contain the central pairing modes, –ImPy– and –PyPy–. The specificity of these triamides towards symmetrical recognition sites allowed for the f/Py and f/Im terminal pairings to be directly compared by SPR, CD and ΔT(M) experiments. The f/Py pairing, when placed next to the –ImPy– or –PyPy– central pairings, prefers A/T and T/A base pairs to G/C base pairs, suggesting that f/Py has similar DNA recognition specificity to Py/Py. With –ImPy– central pairings, f/Im prefers C/G base pairs (>10 times) to the other Watson–Crick base pairs; therefore, f/Im behaves like the Py/Im pair. However, the f/Im pairing is not selective for the C/G base pair when placed next to the –PyPy– central pairings
Cx43 Overexpression in Osteocytes Prevents Osteocyte Apoptosis and Preserves Cortical Bone Quality in Aging Mice
Young, skeletally mature mice lacking Cx43 in osteocytes exhibit increased osteocyte apoptosis and decreased bone strength, resembling the phenotype of old mice. Further, the expression of Cx43 in bone decreases with age, suggesting a contribution of reduced Cx43 levels to the age-related changes in the skeleton. We report herein that Cx43 overexpression in osteocytes achieved by using the DMP1-8kb promoter (Cx43OT mice) attenuates the skeletal cortical but not trabecular bone phenotype of aged, 14-month-old mice. The percentage of Cx43-expressing osteocytes was higher in Cx43OT mice, whereas the percentage of Cx43-positive osteoblasts remained similar to wild-type (WT) littermate control mice. The percentage of apoptotic osteocytes and osteoblasts was increased in aged WT mice compared with skeletally mature, 6-month-old WT mice, and the percentage of apoptotic osteocytes, but not osteoblasts, was decreased in age-matched Cx43OT mice. Aged WT mice exhibited decreased bone formation and increased bone resorption as quantified by histomorphometric analysis and circulating markers compared with skeletally mature mice. Further, aged WT mice exhibited the expected decrease in bone biomechanical structural and material properties compared with young mice. Cx43 overexpression prevented the increase in osteoclasts and decrease in bone formation on the endocortical surfaces and the changes in circulating markers in the aged mice. Moreover, the ability of bone to resist damage was preserved in aged Cx43OT mice both at the structural and material level. All together, these findings suggest that increased Cx43 expression in osteocytes ameliorates age-induced cortical bone changes by preserving osteocyte viability and maintaining bone formation, leading to improved bone strength. © 2018 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
New varying speed of light theories
We review recent work on the possibility of a varying speed of light (VSL).
We start by discussing the physical meaning of a varying , dispelling the
myth that the constancy of is a matter of logical consistency. We then
summarize the main VSL mechanisms proposed so far: hard breaking of Lorentz
invariance; bimetric theories (where the speeds of gravity and light are not
the same); locally Lorentz invariant VSL theories; theories exhibiting a color
dependent speed of light; varying induced by extra dimensions (e.g. in the
brane-world scenario); and field theories where VSL results from vacuum
polarization or CPT violation. We show how VSL scenarios may solve the
cosmological problems usually tackled by inflation, and also how they may
produce a scale-invariant spectrum of Gaussian fluctuations, capable of
explaining the WMAP data. We then review the connection between VSL and
theories of quantum gravity, showing how ``doubly special'' relativity has
emerged as a VSL effective model of quantum space-time, with observational
implications for ultra high energy cosmic rays and gamma ray bursts. Some
recent work on the physics of ``black'' holes and other compact objects in VSL
theories is also described, highlighting phenomena associated with spatial (as
opposed to temporal) variations in . Finally we describe the observational
status of the theory. The evidence is currently slim -- redshift dependence in
the atomic fine structure, anomalies with ultra high energy cosmic rays, and
(to a much lesser extent) the acceleration of the universe and the WMAP data.
The constraints (e.g. those arising from nucleosynthesis or geological bounds)
are tight, but not insurmountable. We conclude with the observational
predictions of the theory, and the prospects for its refutation or vindication.Comment: Final versio
Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada: revisão de literatura
Transtornos de ansiedade são os transtornos psiquiátricos mais comuns na sociedade e apresentam grandes demandas no serviço público e privado no mundo. De acordo com a OMS, o Brasil possui a população com maior taxa de transtornos de ansiedade no mundo, totalizando aproximadamente 9,3% da população com o quadro, seguido do Paraguai (7,6%) e Noruega (7,4%). Para a elaboração do trabalho foi utilizado a metodologia revisão bibliográfica integrativa. A ansiedade é considerada uma emoção humana natural, mas que de maneira excessiva torna-se patológica e gera diversos prejuízos ao indivíduo e à sociedade. A revisão apresenta como objetivo analisar epidemiologia e fatores de risco, etiologia, diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico. Conclui-se através desse estudo que o diagnóstico realizado de maneira eficaz com base nos critérios recomendados pelo Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-V) é fundamental para uma boa condução do tratamento psicoterápico e farmacológico do quadro. Para realizar o diagnóstico e o tratamento, o médico deve levar os critérios técnicos comprovados na literatura médica e o desejo do paciente
Durvalumab Plus Carboplatin/Paclitaxel Followed by Maintenance Durvalumab With or Without Olaparib as First-Line Treatment for Advanced Endometrial Cancer: The Phase III DUO-E Trial
PURPOSE Immunotherapy and chemotherapy combinations have shown activity in endometrial cancer, with greater benefit in mismatch repair (MMR)-deficient (dMMR) than MMR-proficient (pMMR) disease. Adding a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor may improve outcomes, especially in pMMR disease. METHODS This phase III, global, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial randomly assigned eligible patients with newly diagnosed advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer 1:1:1 to: carboplatin/paclitaxel plus durvalumab placebo followed by placebo maintenance (control arm); carboplatin/paclitaxel plus durvalumab followed by maintenance durvalumab plus olaparib placebo (durvalumab arm); or carboplatin/paclitaxel plus durvalumab followed by maintenance durvalumab plus olaparib (durvalumab + olaparib arm). The primary end points were progression-free survival (PFS) in the durvalumab arm versus control and the durvalumab + olaparib arm versus control. RESULTS Seven hundred eighteen patients were randomly assigned. In the intention-to-treat population, statistically significant PFS benefit was observed in the durvalumab (hazard ratio [HR], 0.71 [95% CI, 0.57 to 0.89]; P = .003) and durvalumab + olaparib arms (HR, 0.55 [95% CI, 0.43 to 0.69]; P < .0001) versus control. Prespecified, exploratory subgroup analyses showed PFS benefit in dMMR (HR [durvalumab v control], 0.42 [95% CI, 0.22 to 0.80]; HR [durvalumab + olaparib v control], 0.41 [95% CI, 0.21 to 0.75]) and pMMR subgroups (HR [durvalumab v control], 0.77 [95% CI, 0.60 to 0.97]; HR [durvalumab + olaparib v control] 0.57; [95% CI, 0.44 to 0.73]); and in PD-L1-positive subgroups (HR [durvalumab v control], 0.63 [95% CI, 0.48 to 0.83]; HR [durvalumab + olaparib v control], 0.42 [95% CI, 0.31 to 0.57]). Interim overall survival results (maturity approximately 28%) were supportive of the primary outcomes (durvalumab v control: HR, 0.77 [95% CI, 0.56 to 1.07]; P = .120; durvalumab + olaparib v control: HR, 0.59 [95% CI, 0.42 to 0.83]; P = .003). The safety profiles of the experimental arms were generally consistent with individual agents. CONCLUSION Carboplatin/paclitaxel plus durvalumab followed by maintenance durvalumab with or without olaparib demonstrated a statistically significant and clinically meaningful PFS benefit in patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer
Post-intervention Status in Patients With Refractory Myasthenia Gravis Treated With Eculizumab During REGAIN and Its Open-Label Extension
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether eculizumab helps patients with anti-acetylcholine receptor-positive (AChR+) refractory generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) achieve the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) post-intervention status of minimal manifestations (MM), we assessed patients' status throughout REGAIN (Safety and Efficacy of Eculizumab in AChR+ Refractory Generalized Myasthenia Gravis) and its open-label extension. METHODS: Patients who completed the REGAIN randomized controlled trial and continued into the open-label extension were included in this tertiary endpoint analysis. Patients were assessed for the MGFA post-intervention status of improved, unchanged, worse, MM, and pharmacologic remission at defined time points during REGAIN and through week 130 of the open-label study. RESULTS: A total of 117 patients completed REGAIN and continued into the open-label study (eculizumab/eculizumab: 56; placebo/eculizumab: 61). At week 26 of REGAIN, more eculizumab-treated patients than placebo-treated patients achieved a status of improved (60.7% vs 41.7%) or MM (25.0% vs 13.3%; common OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.1-4.5). After 130 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 88.0% of patients achieved improved status and 57.3% of patients achieved MM status. The safety profile of eculizumab was consistent with its known profile and no new safety signals were detected. CONCLUSION: Eculizumab led to rapid and sustained achievement of MM in patients with AChR+ refractory gMG. These findings support the use of eculizumab in this previously difficult-to-treat patient population. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: REGAIN, NCT01997229; REGAIN open-label extension, NCT02301624. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that, after 26 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 25.0% of adults with AChR+ refractory gMG achieved MM, compared with 13.3% who received placebo
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