2,470 research outputs found

    Dynamics and tipping point of issue attention in newspapers: quantitative and qualitative content analysis at sentence level in a longitudinal study using supervised machine learning and big data

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    This study aims to provide a more sensitive understanding of the dynamics and tipping points of issue attention in news media by combining the strengths of quantitative and qualitative research. The topic of this 25-year longitudinal study is the volume and the content of newspaper articles about the emerging risk of gas drilling in The Netherlands. We applied supervised machine learning (SML) because this allowed us to study changes in the quantitative use of subtopics at the detailed sentence level in a large number of articles. The study shows that the actual risk of drilling-induced seismicity gradually increased and that the volume of newspaper attention for the issue also gradually increased for two decades. The sub-topics extracted from media articles during the low media attention period, covering factual information, can b

    The Phase Structure of Supersymmetric Sp(2N_c) Gauge Theories with an Adjoint

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    We study the phase structure of N = 1 supersymmetric Sp(2N_c) gauge theories with 2N_f fundamentals, an adjoint, and vanishing superpotential. Using a-maximization, we derive analytic expressions for the values of N_f below which the first several gauge-invariant operators in the chiral ring violate the unitarity bound and become free fields. In doing so we are able to explicitly check previous conjectures about the behavior of this theory made by Luty, Schmaltz, and Terning. We then compare this to an analysis of the first two 'deconfined' dual descriptions based on the gauge groups Sp(2N_f+2) x SO(2N_c+5) and Sp(2N_f+2) x SO(4N_f+4) x Sp(2N_c+2), finding precise agreement. In particular, we find no evidence for non-obvious accidental symmetries or the appearance of a mixed phase in which one of the dual gauge groups becomes free.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; v2: added references to match JHEP versio

    Relations for certain symmetric norms and anti-norms before and after partial trace

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    Changes of some unitarily invariant norms and anti-norms under the operation of partial trace are examined. The norms considered form a two-parametric family, including both the Ky Fan and Schatten norms as particular cases. The obtained results concern operators acting on the tensor product of two finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. For any such operator, we obtain upper bounds on norms of its partial trace in terms of the corresponding dimensionality and norms of this operator. Similar inequalities, but in the opposite direction, are obtained for certain anti-norms of positive matrices. Through the Stinespring representation, the results are put in the context of trace-preserving completely positive maps. We also derive inequalities between the unified entropies of a composite quantum system and one of its subsystems, where traced-out dimensionality is involved as well.Comment: 11 pages, no figures. A typo error in Eq. (5.15) is corrected. Minor improvements. J. Stat. Phys. (in press

    Geometry of fully coordinated, two-dimensional percolation

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    We study the geometry of the critical clusters in fully coordinated percolation on the square lattice. By Monte Carlo simulations (static exponents) and normal mode analysis (dynamic exponents), we find that this problem is in the same universality class with ordinary percolation statically but not so dynamically. We show that there are large differences in the number and distribution of the interior sites between the two problems which may account for the different dynamic nature.Comment: ReVTeX, 5 pages, 6 figure

    Framing a Conflict! How Media Report on Earthquake Risks Caused by Gas Drilling: A Longitudinal Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques of Media Reporting on Gas Drilling from 1990 to 2015

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    Using a new analytical tool, supervised machine learning (SML), a large number of newspaper articles is analysed to answer the question how newspapers frame the news of public risks, in this case of ea

    Stuckelberg Axions and the Effective Action of Anomalous Abelian Models 1. A unitarity analysis of the Higgs-axion mixing

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    We analyze the quantum consistency of anomalous abelian models and of their effective field theories, rendered anomaly-free by a Wess-Zumino term, in the case of multiple abelian symmetries. These models involve the combined Higgs-Stuckelberg mechanism and predict a pseudoscalar axion-like field that mixes with the goldstones of the ordinary Higgs sector. We focus our study on the issue of unitarity of these models both before and after spontaneous symmetry breaking and detail the set of Ward identities and the organization of the loop expansion in the effective theory. The analysis is performed on simple models where we show, in general, the emergence of new effective vertices determined by certain anomalous interactions.Comment: 67 pages, 26 figures, replaced with revised final version, to appear on JHE

    Finite-size effects on the chiral phase diagram of four-fermion models in four dimensions

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    We study the size dependence of the dynamical symmetry breaking in the four-dimensional Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We show that the presence of boundaries reduces the chiral breaking region, and this effect is strengthened for a larger number of compactified dimensions. A critical value for the length of the compactified dimensions exists, below which the dynamical symmetry breaking is not possible. Considering finite temperature and chemical potential, the chiral phase structure for the system with compactified dimensions is obtained. A gradual decreasing of the chiral breaking region with increasing of chemical potential is found. Also, at fixed chemical potential, the decreasing of the size of the system changes the order of the chiral phase transition.Comment: LATEX 14 pages 2 figure

    Electromagnetic response of superconductors and optical sum rule

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    The interrelation between the condensation energy and the optical sum rules has been investigated. It has been shown that the so called 'partial' sum rule violation is related mainly to a temperature dependence of the relaxation rate rather than to the appearance of superconductivity itself. Moreover, we demonstrate that the experimental data on the temperature dependence of the optical sum rule can be explained rather well by an account of strong electron-phonon interaction.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to Solid State Communication

    Noncommutative Geometry and Symplectic Field Theory

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    In this work we study representations of the Poincare group defined over symplectic manifolds, deriving the Klein-Gordon and the Dirac equation in phase space. The formalism is associated with relativistic Wigner functions; the Noether theorem is derived in phase space and an interacting field, including a gauge field, approach is discussed.Comment: To appear in Physics Letters