187 research outputs found

    Bergman and Caratheodory metrics of the Kohn-Nirenberg domains

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    The Kohn-Nireberg domains are unbounded domains in the complex Euclidean space of dimension 2 upon which many outstanding questions are yet to be explored. The primary aim of this article is to demonstrate that the Bergman and Caratheodory metrics of any Kohn-Nirenberg domains are positive and complete.Comment: 11 page

    Investigation of Transport Phenomena of Thermal Acoustic Excitations in Semi-Crystalline and Amorphous Materials Using Transient Grating Spectroscopy

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    The physics of transport of heat-carrying atomic vibrations in amorphous and semi-crystalline solids is a topic of fundamental interest. Diverse tools have been employed to study thermal transport in these materials, including cryogenic thermal conductivity measurements and various inelastic scattering tools. However, unambiguously identifying the damping mechanisms of few THz and smaller frequency excitations remains difficult owing to the lack of the experimental probes in the frequency band. As a result, debate has remained regarding the microscopic origin of weak acoustic damping in amorphous silicon (Si), the unusually high thermal conductivity of ultra-drawn polyethylene, and other topics. In this thesis, we investigate the transport properties of heat-carrying acoustic excitations in semi-crystalline and amorphous solids using transient grating spectroscopy. This optical method permits the creation of thermal gradients over sub-micron length scales which may be comparable to the attenuation lengths of the excitations. We show how these measurements can be used to constrain the damping mechanisms in the sub-THz range that has been historically inaccessible by typical methods such as inelastic scattering. First, we report measurements of the bulk thermal conductivity and elastic properties of MoS₂ thin films. Specifically, we use TG to measure the in-plane longitudinal sound velocity and thermal conductivity. We do not observe any size effects of thermal conductivity with grating period, indicating that the propagating distance of heat-carrying acoustic phonons are smaller than the thermal length scale accessible in the experiment. This result is consistent with the mean free paths predicted from ab-initio numerical methods. Second, we utilize the capability of TG to resolve the microscopic heat transport properties of phonons in highly oriented semi-crystalline polyethylene (PE). Earlier experimental studies have reported thermal conductivities of up to ~ 100 Wm⁻¹ K⁻¹ crystalline polyethylene, orders of magnitude larger than the bulk value of ~ 0.4 Wm⁻¹ K⁻¹. However, the microscopic origin of the high thermal conductivity remains unclear. We address this question by applying TG to highly oriented polyethylene to show that mean free paths on micron length scales are the dominant heat carriers. Using a low-energy anisotropic Debye model to interpret these data, we find evidence of one-dimensional phonon density of states for excitations of frequency less than ~ 2 THz. This transition frequency is consistent with the unique features of ultradrawn PE, in particular the stiff longitudinal branch leading to wavelengths of 8 nm at 2 THz frequency; and fiber diameters &lt; 10 nm observed in prior structural studies of ultradrawn polymers; so that the wavelength does indeed exceed the fiber diameter at the relevant frequencies. Finally, we report the measurements of the frequency-resolved mean free path of heat-carrying acoustic excitation in amorphous silicon (aSi), for the first time. The heat-carrying acoustic excitations of amorphous silicon are of interest because their mean free paths approach the micron scale at room temperature. Despite extensive investigation, the origin of the weak acoustic damping in the heat-carrying frequencies remains a topic of debate for decades. A prior study suggested a framework of classifying the vibrations into propagons, diffusons, and locons. Propagons were considered phonon-like, delocalized, propagating vibrations; locons as localized vibrations, and diffusons as delocalized yet non-propagating vibrations. Following the framework, numerous works have predicted mechanism of acoustic damping in aSi, but the predictions have contradicted to observations in experiments. In this work, we obtained measurements of the frequency-dependent mean free path in amorphous silicon thin films from ~0.1-3 THz and over temperatures from 60 - 315 K using picosecond acoustics (PSA) and transient grating spectroscopy. We first describe our PSA experiments to resolve the attenuation of 0.1 THz acoustic excitations in aSi. We then present our table-top approach to resolve MFP of heat-carrying acoustic excitation between ~ 0.1-3 using TG spectroscopy. The mean free paths are independent of temperature and exhibit a Rayleigh scattering trend over most of this frequency range. The observed trend is inconsistent with the predictions of numerical studies based on normal mode analysis, but agrees with diverse measurements on other glasses. The micron-scale MFPs in amorphous Si arise from the absence of Akhiezer and two-level system damping in the sub-THz frequencies, leading to heat-carrying acoustic excitations with room-temperature damping comparable to that of other glasses at cryogenic temperatures. Our results allow us to establish a clear picture for the origin of micron-scale damping in aSi by understanding vibrations as acoustic excitation rather than propagons, diffusons, and locons.</p

    Hand Gesture Recognition Using Particle Swarm Movement

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    We present a gesture recognition method derived from particle swarm movement for free-air hand gesture recognition. Online gesture recognition remains a difficult problem due to uncertainty in vision-based gesture boundary detection methods. We suggest an automated process of segmenting meaningful gesture trajectories based on particle swarm movement. A subgesture detection and reasoning method is incorporated in the proposed recognizer to avoid premature gesture spotting. Evaluation of the proposed method shows promising recognition results: 97.6% on preisolated gestures, 94.9% on stream gestures with assistive boundary indicators, and 94.2% for blind gesture spotting on digit gesture vocabulary. The proposed recognizer requires fewer computation resources; thus it is a good candidate for real-time applications

    Origin of micron-scale propagation lengths of heat-carrying acoustic excitations in amorphous silicon

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    The heat-carrying acoustic excitations of amorphous silicon are of interest because their mean free paths may approach micron scales at room temperature. Despite extensive investigation, the origin of the weak acoustic damping in the heat-carrying frequencies remains a topic of debate. Here, we report measurements of the frequency-dependent mean free path in amorphous silicon thin films from ∼0.1−3 THz and over temperatures from 60 - 315 K using picosecond acoustics and transient grating spectroscopy. The mean free paths are independent of temperature and exhibit a Rayleigh scattering trend from ∼0.3−3 THz, below which the trend is characteristic of damping from density fluctuations or two-level systems. The observed trend is inconsistent with the predictions of numerical studies based on normal mode analysis but agrees with diverse measurements on other glasses. The micron-scale MFPs in amorphous Si arise from the absence of Akhiezer and two-level system damping in the sub-THz frequencies, leading to heat-carrying acoustic excitations with room-temperature damping comparable to that of other glasses at cryogenic temperatures

    Origin of micron-scale propagation lengths of heat-carrying acoustic excitations in amorphous silicon

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    The heat-carrying acoustic excitations of amorphous silicon are of interest because their mean free paths may approach micron scales at room temperature. Despite extensive investigation, the origin of the weak acoustic damping in the heat-carrying frequencies remains a topic of debate. Here, we report measurements of the frequency-dependent mean free path in amorphous silicon thin films from ∼0.1−3 THz and over temperatures from 60 - 315 K using picosecond acoustics and transient grating spectroscopy. The mean free paths are independent of temperature and exhibit a Rayleigh scattering trend from ∼0.3−3 THz, below which the trend is characteristic of damping from density fluctuations or two-level systems. The observed trend is inconsistent with the predictions of numerical studies based on normal mode analysis but agrees with diverse measurements on other glasses. The micron-scale MFPs in amorphous Si arise from the absence of Akhiezer and two-level system damping in the sub-THz frequencies, leading to heat-carrying acoustic excitations with room-temperature damping comparable to that of other glasses at cryogenic temperatures

    System-reliability-based Disaster Resilience Evaluation of Cable-stayed Bridge under Fire Hazard Using Reliability-Redundancy Analysis

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    The 20th working conference of the IFIP Working Group 7.5 on Reliability and Optimization of Structural Systems (IFIP 2022) will be held at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, September 19-20, 2022.The concept of disaster resilience recently emerged in efforts to gain holistic understanding of civil infrastructure systems exposed to various natural or human-made hazards. To effectively evaluate the resilience of complex infrastructure systems generally consisting of many interdependent structural components, Lim et al. (2022) proposed a system-reliability-based framework for disaster resilience. In the proposed framework, the disaster resilience of a civil infrastructure system is characterized by three criteria: reliability, redundancy, and recoverability. For comprehensive resilience analyses at the scale of individual structures, the reliability (β) and redundancy (π) indices were newly defined in the context of component- and system-level reliability analysis, respectively. Reliability-redundancy diagram, i.e., the scatter plot of the reliability and redundancy indices computed for each initial disruption scenario, was also proposed to help a decision-maker check whether the corresponding risk is acceptable for the society. In this paper, we demonstrate the framework through its application to a cable-stayed bridge in South Korea, the Seohae Grand Bridge under fire hazards. First, a probabilistic model is developed to describe the hazard of fire scenarios that may occur on the deck of the cable-stayed bridge. Next, finite element simulations are performed to compute the reliability and redundancy indices through component and system reliability analyses for the fire accident scenarios. An adaptive simulation method, AK-MCS (Echard et al. 2011), is employed to overcome the computational cost issue. The example successfully demonstrates that the reliability-redundancy analysis and diagram facilitate a comprehensive assessment of the disaster resilience of a complex civil infrastructure such as a cable-stayed bridge by using sophisticated computational simulations and advanced reliability methods

    Regional Seismic Loss Assessment by Deep-Learning-based Prediction of Structural Responses

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    As urban systems become more complex and sophisticated, the vulnerability of densely populated areas under earthquake hazard also increases. To establish risk-based strategies for hazard mitigation and recovery at the urban community level, many research efforts have been made for probabilistic seismic risk assessment (PSRA). When performing PSRA, structural responses are usually estimated by fragility functions or nonlinear static procedures. It is, however, noted that developing fragilities of each of numerous structures in a large area may require huge computational cost whereas nonlinear static procedures may not incorporate variabilities of the structural responses given a seismic intensity. Recently, the authors developed a deep-learning-based approach for probabilistic evaluation of the structural responses for a wide class of hysteretic behavior and ground motions. To reduce the computational cost of a regional seismic loss estimation and improve its accuracy, this paper proposes a new PSRA using the deep-learning-based method. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method and its merits, a hypothetical example of PSRA is investigated. In addition, this paper proposes a procedure to determine the optimal number of sensors, in which the deep-learning-based method is used to evaluate the seismic loss. Furthermore, the trained deep neural network model is employed as a surrogate model for a real-time PSRA. The deep-learning-based PSRA and the procedure to determine the sensors for installation are expected to improve PSRA at community level in terms of efficiency and applicability, and provide new insights into the seismic risk assessment and management of urban systems.The first and the second author are supported by the project Development of Life-cycle Engineering Technique and Construction Method for Global Competitiveness Upgrade of Cable Bridges of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) of the Korean Government (Grant No. 16SCIP-B119960-01), and the third author is supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIP: Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning). Finally, this research was enabled in part by support provided by WestGrid (www.westgrid.ca) and Compute Canada (www.computecanada.ca)

    Mapping the Pathways of Photo-induced Ion Migration in Organic-inorganic Hybrid Halide Perovskites

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    Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites (OIHPs) exhibiting exceptional photovoltaic and optoelectronic properties are of fundamental and practical interest, owing to their tunability and low manufacturing cost. For practical applications, however, challenges such as material instability and the photocurrent hysteresis occurring in perovskite solar cells under light exposure need to be understood and addressed. While extensive investigations have suggested that ion migration is a plausible origin of these detrimental effects, detailed understanding of the ion migration pathways remains elusive. Here, we report the characterization of photo-induced ion migration in OIHPs using \textit{in situ} laser illumination inside a scanning electron microscope, coupled with secondary electron imaging, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence with varying primary electron energies. Using methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3_3), formamidinium lead iodide (FAPbI3_3) and hybrid formamidinium-methylammonium lead iodide as model systems, we observed photo-induced long-range migration of halide ions over hundreds of micrometers and elucidated the transport pathways of various ions both near the surface and inside the bulk of the OIHPs, including a surprising finding of the vertical migration of lead ions. Our study provides insights into ion migration processes in OIHPs that can aid OIHP material design and processing in future applications