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    Country background report for Korea

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    雲疙姼 : OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcome

    OECD review on evaluation and assessment frameworks for improving school outcomes

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    雲疙姼 : This report was prepared by the Korean Educational Development Institute in close cooperation with the Korea Insititute for Curriculum and Evaluation and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Repulblic of Korea, as an input to the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes. The document was prepared in response to guidelines the OECD provided to all countries. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the OECD or its Member countries. Further information about the OECD Review is available at www.oecd.org/edu/evaluationpolicy[English]As the autonomy and accountability of education have been emphasized since the 1990s, the assessment and evaluation have been getting more attention in education field as well. This report summarizes the concepts and policies related with this trend. This policy report focused upon not only the evaluation and assessment of schools and students, but also teacher, and principals. Moreover, it tries to link the assessment of institutions and overall accountability arrangement with information disclosure system.[Spanish]A medida que se ha ido impulsando la autonom铆a y las responsabilidades de la educaci贸n desde los a帽os 1990, el inter茅s en la evaluaci贸n del sistema educativo tambi茅n ha ido creciendo. En este informe se resumen los conceptos y pol铆ticas que ilustran dicha tendencia. Este informe sobre pol铆ticas se centra no s贸lo en la evaluaci贸n de escuelas y alumnos, sino tambi茅n en la de los maestros y los directores de escuela. Adem谩s, se hace un intento de vincular la evaluaci贸n de las instituciones y los acuerdos de responsabilidad generales con un sistema de divulgaci贸n de informaci贸n