3,157 research outputs found

    Chiral edge mode in the coupled dynamics of magnetic solitons in a honeycomb lattice

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    Motivated by a recent experimental demonstration of a chiral edge mode in an array of spinning gyroscopes, we theoretically study the coupled gyration modes of topological magnetic solitons, vortices and magnetic bubbles, arranged as a honeycomb lattice. The soliton lattice under suitable conditions is shown to support a chiral edge mode like its mechanical analogue, the existence of which can be understood by mapping the system to the Haldane model for an electronic system. The direction of the chiral edge mode is associated with the topological charge of the constituent solitons, which can be manipulated by an external field or by an electric-current pulse. The direction can also be controlled by distorting the honeycomb lattice. Our results indicate that the lattices of magnetic solitons can serve as reprogrammable topological metamaterials.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Landau-Lifshitz theory of the thermomagnonic torque

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    We derive the thermomagnonic torque associated with smooth magnetic textures subjected to a temperature gradient, in the framework of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. Our approach captures on equal footing two distinct contributions: (1) A local entropic torque that is caused by a temperature dependence of the effective exchange field, the existence of which had been previously suggested based on numerics and (2) the well-known spin-transfer torque induced by thermally-induced magnon flow. The dissipative components of two torques have the same structure, following a common phenomenology, but opposite signs, with the twice larger entropic torque leading to a domain-wall motion toward the hotter region. We compare the efficiency of the torque-driven domain-wall motion with the recently proposed Brownian thermophoresis.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Fast Vortex Oscillations in a Ferrimagnetic Disk near the Angular Momentum Compensation Point

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    We theoretically study the oscillatory dynamics of a vortex core in a ferrimagnetic disk near its angular momentum compensation point, where the spin density vanishes but the magnetization is finite. Due to the finite magnetostatic energy, a ferrimagnetic disk of suitable geometry can support a vortex as a ground state similar to a ferromagnetic disk. In the vicinity of the angular momentum compensation point, the dynamics of the vortex resemble those of an antiferromagnetic vortex, which is described by equations of motion analogous to Newton's second law for the motion of particles. Owing to the antiferromagnetic nature of the dynamics, the vortex oscillation frequency can be an order of magnitude larger than the frequency of a ferromagnetic vortex, amounting to tens of GHz in common transition-metal based alloys. We show that the frequency can be controlled either by applying an external field or by changing the temperature. In particular, the latter property allows us to detect the angular momentum compensation temperature, at which the lowest eigenfrequency attains its maximum, by performing FMR measurements on the vortex disk. Our work proposes a ferrimagnetic vortex disk as a tunable source of fast magnetic oscillations and a useful platform to study the properties of ferrimagnets.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett.

    U(1) symmetry of the spin-orbit coupled Hubbard model on the Kagome lattice

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    We study the symmetry properties of the single-band Hubbard model with general spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on the Kagome lattice. We show that the global U(1) spin-rotational symmetry is present in the Hubbard Hamiltonian owing to the inversion symmetry centered at sites. The corresponding spin Hamiltonian has, therefore, the SO(2) spin-rotational symmetry, which can be captured by including SOC non-perturbatively. The exact classical groundstates, which we obtain for arbitrary SOC, are governed by the SU(2) fluxes associated with SOC threading the constituent triangles. The groundstates break the SO(2) symmetry, and the associated Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature is determined by the SU(2) fluxes through the triangles, which we confirm by finite temperature classical Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Topological Transport of Vorticity in Heisenberg Magnets

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    We study a robust topological transport carried by vortices in a thin film of an easy-plane ferromagnetic insulator between two metal contacts. A vortex, which is a nonlocal topological spin texture in two-dimensional magnets, exhibits some beneficial features as compared to skyrmions, which are local topological defects. In particular, the total topological charge carried by vorticity is robust against local fluctuations of the spin order-parameter magnitude. We show that an electric current in one of the magnetized metal contacts can pump vortices into the insulating bulk. Diffusion and nonlocal Coulomb-like interaction between these vortices will establish a steady-state vortex flow. Vortices leaving the bulk produce an electromotive force at another contact, which is related to the current-induced vorticity pumping by the Onsager reciprocity. The voltage signal decays algebraically with the separation between two contacts, similarly to a superfluid spin transport. Finally, the vorticity and closely related skyrmion type topological hydrodynamics are generalized to arbitrary dimensions, in terms of nonsingular order-parameter vector fields.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Topological spin transport by Brownian diffusion of domain walls

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    We propose thermally-populated domain walls (DWs) in an easy-plane ferromagnetic insulator as robust spin carriers between two metals. The chirality of a DW, which serves as a topological charge, couples to the metal spin accumulation via spin-transfer torque and results in the chirality-dependent thermal nucleation rates of DWs at the interface. After overpopulated DWs of a particular (net) chirality diffuse and leave the ferromagnet at the other interface, they reemit the spin current by spin pumping. The conservation of the topological charge supports an algebraic decay of spin transport as the length of the ferromagnet increases; this is analogous to the decaying behavior of superfluid spin transport but contrasts with the exponential decay of magnon spin transport. We envision that similar spin transport with algebraic decay may be implemented in materials with exotic spin phases by exploiting topological characteristics and the associated conserved quantities of their excitations.Comment: 5 pages + references, 4 figure

    Easy-Plane Magnetic Strip as a Long Josephson Junction

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    Spin-torque-biased magnetic dynamics in an easy-plane ferromagnet (EPF) is theoretically studied in the presence of a weak in-plane anisotropy. While this anisotropy spoils U(1) symmetry thereby quenching the conventional spin superfluidity, we show that the system instead realizes a close analog of a long Josephson junction (LJJ) model. The traditional magnetic-field and electric-current controls of the latter map respectively onto the symmetric and antisymmetric combinations of the out-of-plane spin torques applied at the ends of the magnetic strip. This suggests an alternative route towards realizations of superfluid-like transport phenomena in insulating magnetic systems. We study spin-torque-biased phase diagram, providing an analytical solution for static multidomain phases in the EPF. We adapt an existing self-consistency method for the LJJ to develop an approximate solution for the EPF dynamics. The LJJ-EPF mapping allows us to envision superconducting circuit functionality at elevated temperatures. The results apply equally to antiferromagnets with suitable effective free energy in terms of the N\'{e}el order instead of magnetization.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Thermally-Activated Phase Slips in Superfluid Spin Transport in Magnetic Wires

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    We theoretically study thermally-activated phase slips in superfluid spin transport in easy-plane magnetic wires within the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert phenomenology, which runs parallel to the Langer-Ambegaokar-McCumber-Halperin theory for thermal resistances in superconducting wires. To that end, we start by obtaining the exact solutions for free-energy minima and saddle points. We provide an analytical expression for the phase-slip rate in the zero spin-current limit, which involves detailed analysis of spin fluctuations at extrema of the free energy. An experimental setup of a magnetoeletric circuit is proposed, in which thermal phase slips can be inferred by measuring nonlocal magnetoresistance.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, and a supplemental materia

    Magnetoelectric antiferromagnets as platforms for the manipulation of solitons

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    We study the magnetic dynamics of magnetoelectric antiferromagnetic thin films, where an unconventional boundary ferromagnetism coexists with the bulk N\'{e}el phase below the N\'{e}el temperature. The spin exchange between the two order parameters yields an effective low-energy theory that is formally equivalent to that of a ferrimagnet. Dynamics of domain walls and skyrmions are analyzed within the collective variable approach, from which we conclude that they behave as massive particles moving in a viscous medium subjected to a gyrotropic force. We find that the film thickness can be used as a control parameter for the motion of these solitons. In this regard, it is shown that an external magnetic field can drive the dynamics of domain walls, whose terminal velocity is tunable with the sample thickness. Furthermore, the classification of the skyrmion dynamics is sensitive to the spatial modulation of the sample thickness, which can be easily engineered with the present (thin-film) deposition techniques. Current-driven spin transfer can trigger drifting orbits of skyrmions, which can be utilized as racetracks for these magnetic textures.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The dynamics of bimeron skyrmions in easy-plane magnets induced by a spin supercurrent

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    We theoretically study the interaction of an isolated bimeron skyrmion in quasi-two-dimensional easy-plane magnets with a surrounding spin superfluid associated with spontaneously broken U(1) spin-rotational symmetry, revealing that skyrmion energy depends on the local spin current flowing in its background. The finding leads us to propose to manipulate a skyrmion energy landscape via a spin supercurrent, which can be controlled non-locally by varying the magnitudes of spin-current injection and ejection through the boundaries. Two exemplary cases are discussed: a steady-state motion of a skyrmion induced by a uniform force and a skyrmion motion localized along a one-dimensional racetrack. We envision that a skyrmion interacting with a spin superfluid can serve as a robust point-like information carrier that can be operated with minimal dissipation.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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