33,451 research outputs found
Implications of SNO and BOREXINO results on Nuetrino Oscillations and Majorana Magnetic Moments
Using the recent measurement of SNO salt phase experiment, we investigate how
much the solar neutrino flux deficit observed at SNO could be due to
transition into antineutrino. Our analysis leads to rather optimistic
conclusion that the SNO salt phase data may indicate the existence of Majorana
magnetic moment. The prospect for the future BOREXINO experiment is also
discussed.Comment: 8 page
Production of entanglement with highly-mixed states
We study production of entanglement with highly-mixed states. We find that
entanglement between highly mixed states can be generated via a direct unitary
interaction even when both states have purities arbitrarily close to zero. This
indicates that purity of a subsystem is not required for entanglement
generation. Our result is in contrast to previous studies where the importance
of the subsystem purity was emphasized.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Form Factors for Exclusive Semileptonic --Decays
We developed the new parton model approach for exclusive semileptonic decays
of -meson to by extending the inclusive parton model, and by
combining with the results of the HQET, motivated by Drell-Yan process. Without
the nearest pole dominance ans\"atze, we {\bf derived} the dependences of
hadronic form factors on . We also calculated numerically the slope of the
Isgur-Wise function, which is consistent with the experimental results.Comment: 20 pages, RevTex, 2 ps figure files(uuencoded in seperate file
Modulation of the Curie Temperature in Ferromagnetic/Ferroelectric Hybrid Double Quantum Wells
We propose a ferromagnetic/ferroelectric hybrid double quantum well
structure, and present an investigation of the Curie temperature (Tc)
modulation in this quantum structure. The combined effects of applied electric
fields and spontaneous electric polarization are considered for a system that
consists of a Mn \delta-doped well, a barrier, and a p-type ferroelectric well.
We calculate the change in the envelope functions of carriers at the lowest
energy sub-band, resulting from applied electric fields and switching the
dipole polarization. By reversing the depolarizing field, we can achieve two
different ferromagnetic transition temperatures of the ferromagnetic quantum
well in a fixed applied electric field. The Curie temperature strongly depends
on the position of the Mn \delta-doped layer and the polarization strength of
the ferroelectric well.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. B (2006) minor
revision: One of the line types is changed in Fig.
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