4,064 research outputs found

    Self-supervised 3D Object Detection from Monocular Pseudo-LiDAR

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    There have been attempts to detect 3D objects by fusion of stereo camera images and LiDAR sensor data or using LiDAR for pre-training and only monocular images for testing, but there have been less attempts to use only monocular image sequences due to low accuracy. In addition, when depth prediction using only monocular images, only scale-inconsistent depth can be predicted, which is the reason why researchers are reluctant to use monocular images alone. Therefore, we propose a method for predicting absolute depth and detecting 3D objects using only monocular image sequences by enabling end-to-end learning of detection networks and depth prediction networks. As a result, the proposed method surpasses other existing methods in performance on the KITTI 3D dataset. Even when monocular image and 3D LiDAR are used together during training in an attempt to improve performance, ours exhibit is the best performance compared to other methods using the same input. In addition, end-to-end learning not only improves depth prediction performance, but also enables absolute depth prediction, because our network utilizes the fact that the size of a 3D object such as a car is determined by the approximate size.Comment: Accepted for the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration (MFI 2022

    Doubly Contrastive End-to-End Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving under Adverse Weather

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    Road scene understanding tasks have recently become crucial for self-driving vehicles. In particular, real-time semantic segmentation is indispensable for intelligent self-driving agents to recognize roadside objects in the driving area. As prior research works have primarily sought to improve the segmentation performance with computationally heavy operations, they require far significant hardware resources for both training and deployment, and thus are not suitable for real-time applications. As such, we propose a doubly contrastive approach to improve the performance of a more practical lightweight model for self-driving, specifically under adverse weather conditions such as fog, nighttime, rain and snow. Our proposed approach exploits both image- and pixel-level contrasts in an end-to-end supervised learning scheme without requiring a memory bank for global consistency or the pretraining step used in conventional contrastive methods. We validate the effectiveness of our method using SwiftNet on the ACDC dataset, where it achieves up to 1.34%p improvement in mIoU (ResNet-18 backbone) at 66.7 FPS (2048x1024 resolution) on a single RTX 3080 Mobile GPU at inference. Furthermore, we demonstrate that replacing image-level supervision with self-supervision achieves comparable performance when pre-trained with clear weather images.Comment: Accepted for publication at BMVC 202

    Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection via Simple Fine-Tuning Approach

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    In this paper, we explore incremental few-shot object detection (iFSD), which incrementally learns novel classes using only a few examples without revisiting base classes. Previous iFSD works achieved the desired results by applying meta-learning. However, meta-learning approaches show insufficient performance that is difficult to apply to practical problems. In this light, we propose a simple fine-tuning-based approach, the Incremental Two-stage Fine-tuning Approach (iTFA) for iFSD, which contains three steps: 1) base training using abundant base classes with the class-agnostic box regressor, 2) separation of the RoI feature extractor and classifier into the base and novel class branches for preserving base knowledge, and 3) fine-tuning the novel branch using only a few novel class examples. We evaluate our iTFA on the real-world datasets PASCAL VOC, COCO, and LVIS. iTFA achieves competitive performance in COCO and shows a 30% higher AP accuracy than meta-learning methods in the LVIS dataset. Experimental results show the effectiveness and applicability of our proposed method.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 202
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