1,749 research outputs found

    VisageSynTalk: Unseen Speaker Video-to-Speech Synthesis via Speech-Visage Feature Selection

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    The goal of this work is to reconstruct speech from a silent talking face video. Recent studies have shown impressive performance on synthesizing speech from silent talking face videos. However, they have not explicitly considered on varying identity characteristics of different speakers, which place a challenge in the video-to-speech synthesis, and this becomes more critical in unseen-speaker settings. Our approach is to separate the speech content and the visage-style from a given silent talking face video. By guiding the model to independently focus on modeling the two representations, we can obtain the speech of high intelligibility from the model even when the input video of an unseen subject is given. To this end, we introduce speech-visage selection that separates the speech content and the speaker identity from the visual features of the input video. The disentangled representations are jointly incorporated to synthesize speech through visage-style based synthesizer which generates speech by coating the visage-styles while maintaining the speech content. Thus, the proposed framework brings the advantage of synthesizing the speech containing the right content even with the silent talking face video of an unseen subject. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework on the GRID, TCD-TIMIT volunteer, and LRW datasets.Comment: Accepted by ECCV 202

    DF-3DFace: One-to-Many Speech Synchronized 3D Face Animation with Diffusion

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    Speech-driven 3D facial animation has gained significant attention for its ability to create realistic and expressive facial animations in 3D space based on speech. Learning-based methods have shown promising progress in achieving accurate facial motion synchronized with speech. However, one-to-many nature of speech-to-3D facial synthesis has not been fully explored: while the lip accurately synchronizes with the speech content, other facial attributes beyond speech-related motions are variable with respect to the speech. To account for the potential variance in the facial attributes within a single speech, we propose DF-3DFace, a diffusion-driven speech-to-3D face mesh synthesis. DF-3DFace captures the complex one-to-many relationships between speech and 3D face based on diffusion. It concurrently achieves aligned lip motion by exploiting audio-mesh synchronization and masked conditioning. Furthermore, the proposed method jointly models identity and pose in addition to facial motions so that it can generate 3D face animation without requiring a reference identity mesh and produce natural head poses. We contribute a new large-scale 3D facial mesh dataset, 3D-HDTF to enable the synthesis of variations in identities, poses, and facial motions of 3D face mesh. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method successfully generates highly variable facial shapes and motions from speech and simultaneously achieves more realistic facial animation than the state-of-the-art methods

    SyncTalkFace: Talking Face Generation with Precise Lip-Syncing via Audio-Lip Memory

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    The challenge of talking face generation from speech lies in aligning two different modal information, audio and video, such that the mouth region corresponds to input audio. Previous methods either exploit audio-visual representation learning or leverage intermediate structural information such as landmarks and 3D models. However, they struggle to synthesize fine details of the lips varying at the phoneme level as they do not sufficiently provide visual information of the lips at the video synthesis step. To overcome this limitation, our work proposes Audio-Lip Memory that brings in visual information of the mouth region corresponding to input audio and enforces fine-grained audio-visual coherence. It stores lip motion features from sequential ground truth images in the value memory and aligns them with corresponding audio features so that they can be retrieved using audio input at inference time. Therefore, using the retrieved lip motion features as visual hints, it can easily correlate audio with visual dynamics in the synthesis step. By analyzing the memory, we demonstrate that unique lip features are stored in each memory slot at the phoneme level, capturing subtle lip motion based on memory addressing. In addition, we introduce visual-visual synchronization loss which can enhance lip-syncing performance when used along with audio-visual synchronization loss in our model. Extensive experiments are performed to verify that our method generates high-quality video with mouth shapes that best align with the input audio, outperforming previous state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 2022 (Oral
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