61 research outputs found

    An Efficient Approach for Energy Consumption Optimization and Management in Residential Building Using Artificial Bee Colony and Fuzzy Logic

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    The energy management in residential buildings according to occupant’s requirement and comfort is of vital importance. There are many proposals in the literature addressing the issue of user’s comfort and energy consumption (management) with keeping different parameters in consideration. In this paper, we have utilized artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization algorithm for maximizing user comfort and minimizing energy consumption simultaneously. We propose a complete user friendly and energy efficient model with different components. The user set parameters and the environmental parameters are inputs of the ABC, and the optimized parameters are the output of the ABC. The error differences between the environmental parameters and the ABC optimized parameters are inputs of fuzzy controllers, which give the required energy as the outputs. The purpose of the optimization algorithm is to maximize the comfort index and minimize the error difference between the user set parameters and the environmental parameters, which ultimately decreases the power consumption. The experimental results show that the proposed model is efficient in achieving high comfort index along with minimized energy consumption

    Integration between WSNs and Internet based on Address Internetworking for Web Services

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    There has been an increasing interest in wireless sensor networks as a new technology to realize ubiquitous computing, and demands for internetworking technology between the wireless sensor networks and the Internet which is based on IP address. For this purpose, this paper proposes and implements the internetworking scheme which assigns IP addresses to the sensor nodes and internetworks based on the gateway-based integration for internetworking between the wireless sensor networks and the Internet. That is, the proposed scheme makes the access to the wireless sensor networks be serviced as like the Web service with internetworking Internet IP address and ZigBee address which is allocated to the sensor node in wireless sensor networks. For validating the proposed scheme, we made experiments using Berkeley TinyOS, Mica Motes, dual protocol stack based on ZigBee and IP, and showed the service result using browser (IE) and IPv6 address based on DNS

    Water Supply Pipeline Risk Index Assessment Based on Cohesive Hierarchical Fuzzy Inference System

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    As populations grow, facilities such as roads, bridges, railways lines, commercial and residential buildings, etc., must be expanded and maintained. There are extensive networks of underground facilities to fulfil the demand, such as water supply pipelines, sewage pipelines, metro structures, etc. Hence, a method to regularly assesses the risk of the underground facility failures is needed to decrease the chance of accidental loss of service or accidents that endanger people and facilities. In the proposed work, a cohesive hierarchical fuzzy inference system (CHFIS) was developed. A novel method is proposed for membership function (MF) determination called the heuristic based membership functions determination (HBMFD) method to determine an appropriate MF set for each fuzzy logic method in CHFIS. The proposed model was developed to decrease the number of rules for the full structure fuzzy inference system with all rule implementation. Four very crucial parameters were considered in the proposed work that are inputs to the proposed CHFIS model in order to calculate the risk of water supply pipelines. In order to fully implement the proposed CHFIS just 85 rules are needed while using the traditional Mamdani fuzzy inference system, 900 rules are required. The novel method greatly reduces implementation time and rule design sets that are extremely time consuming to develop and difficult to maintain. Document type: Articl

    Design and Implementation of an Integrated IoT Blockchain Platform for Sensing Data Integrity

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    With the rapid development of communication technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) is getting out of its infancy, into full maturity, and tends to be developed in an explosively rapid way, with more and more data transmitted and processed. As a result, the ability to manage devices deployed worldwide has been given more and advanced requirements in practical application performances. Most existing IoT platforms are highly centralized architectures, which suffer from various technical limitations, such as a cyber-attack and single point of failure. A new solution direction is essential to enhance data accessing, while regulating it with government mandates in privacy and security. In this paper, we propose an integrated IoT platform using blockchain technology to guarantee sensing data integrity. The aim of this platform is to afford the device owner a practical application that provides a comprehensive, immutable log and allows easy access to their devices deployed in different domains. It also provides characteristics of general IoT systems, allows for real-time monitoring, and control between the end user and device. The business logic of the application is defined by the smart contract, which contains rules and conditions. The proposed approach is backed by a proof of concept implementation in realistic IoT scenarios, utilizing Raspberry Pi devices and a permissioned network called Hyperledger Fabric. Lastly, a benchmark study using various performance metrics is made to highlight the significance of the proposed work. The analysis results indicate that the designed platform is suitable for the resource-constrained IoT architecture and is scalable to be extended in various IoT scenarios

    Design and Implementation of e-Health System Based on Semantic Sensor Network Using IETF YANG

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    Recently, healthcare services can be delivered effectively to patients anytime and anywhere using e-Health systems. e-Health systems are developed through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that involve sensors, mobiles, and web-based applications for the delivery of healthcare services and information. Remote healthcare is an important purpose of the e-Health system. Usually, the eHealth system includes heterogeneous sensors from diverse manufacturers producing data in different formats. Device interoperability and data normalization is a challenging task that needs research attention. Several solutions are proposed in the literature based on manual interpretation through explicit programming. However, programmatically implementing the interpretation of the data sender and data receiver in the e-Health system for the data transmission is counterproductive as modification will be required for each new device added into the system. In this paper, an e-Health system with the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) is proposed to address the device interoperability issue. In the proposed system, we have used IETF YANG for modeling the semantic e-Health data to represent the information of e-Health sensors. This modeling scheme helps in provisioning semantic interoperability between devices and expressing the sensing data in a user-friendly manner. For this purpose, we have developed an ontology for e-Health data that supports different styles of data formats. The ontology is defined in YANG for provisioning semantic interpretation of sensing data in the system by constructing meta-models of e-Health sensors. The proposed approach assists in the auto-configuration of eHealth sensors and querying the sensor network with semantic interoperability support for the e-Health system

    Optimal fusion‐based localization method for tracking of smartphone user in tall complex buildings

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    Abstract In the event of a fire breaking out or in other complicated situations, a mobile computing solution combining the Internet of Things and wearable devices can actually assist tracking solutions for rescuing and evacuating people in multistory structures. Thus, it is crucial to increase the positioning technology's accuracy. The sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) approach is used in various applications such as target tracking and intelligent surveillance, which rely on smartphone‐based inertial data sequences. However, the SMC method has intrinsic flaws, such as sample impoverishment and particle degeneracy. A novel SMC approach is presented, which is built on the weighted differential evolution (WDE) algorithm. Sequential Monte Carlo approaches start with random particle placements and arrives at the desired distribution with a slower variance reduction, like in a high‐dimensional space, such as a multistory structure. Weighted differential evolution is included before the resampling procedure to guarantee the appropriate variety of the particle set, prevent the usage of an inadequate number of valid samples, and preserve smartphone user position accuracy. The values of the smartphone‐based sensors and BLE‐beacons are set as input to the SMC, which aids in fast approximating the posterior distributions, to speed up the particle congregation process in the proposed SMC‐based WDE approach. Lastly, the robustness and efficacy of the suggested technique more accurately reflect the actual situation of smartphone users. According to simulation findings, the suggested approach provides improved location estimation with reduced localization error and quick convergence. The results confirm that the proposed optimal fusion‐based SMC‐WDE scheme performs 9.92% better in terms of MAPE, 15.24% for the case of MAE, and 0.031% when evaluating based on the R2 Score

    A Novel EMR Integrity Management Based on a Medical Blockchain Platform in Hospital

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    Recent advancements in information and communication technology is enabling a significant revolution in e-Health research and industry. In the case of personal medical data sharing, data security and convenience are crucial requirements to the interaction and collaboration of electronic medical record (EMR) systems. However, it’s hard for current systems to meet these requirements as they have inconsistent structures in terms of security policies and access control models. A new solution direction is essential to enhance data-accessing while regulating it with government mandates in privacy and security to ensure the accountability of the medical usage data. Blockchain seems to pave the way for revolution in the conventional healthcare industry benefiting by its unique features such as data privacy and transparency. In this paper, a blockchain-based medical platform using a smart contract is proposed to secure the EMR management. This approach provides patients a comprehensive, immutable log and easy access to their medical information across different departments within the hospital. A case study for hospital is built on a permissioned network, and a series of experimental tests are performed to demonstrate the usability and efficiency of the designed platform. Lastly, a benchmark study by leveraging various performance metrics is made and the outcomes indicate that the designed platform surpasses the ability of existing works in various aspects. The results of this work reveal that the proposed solution has the great potential to accelerate the development of a decentralized digital healthcare ecosystem

    Underground Risk Index Assessment and Prediction Using a Simplified Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Model and Kalman Filter

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    Normally, most of the accidents that occur in underground facilities are not instantaneous; rather, hazards build up gradually behind the scenes and are invisible due to the inherent structure of these facilities. An efficient inference system is highly desirable to monitor these facilities to avoid such accidents beforehand. A fuzzy inference system is a significant risk assessment method, but there are three critical challenges associated with fuzzy inference-based systems, i.e., rules determination, membership functions (MFs) distribution determination, and rules reduction to deal with the problem of dimensionality. In this paper, a simplified hierarchical fuzzy logic (SHFL) model has been suggested to assess underground risk while addressing the associated challenges. For rule determination, two new rule-designing and determination methods are introduced, namely average rules-based (ARB) and max rules-based (MRB). To determine efficient membership functions (MFs), a module named the heuristic-based membership functions allocation (HBMFA) module has been added to the conventional Mamdani fuzzy logic method. For rule reduction, a hierarchical fuzzy logic model with a distinct configuration has been proposed. In the simplified hierarchical fuzzy logic (SHFL) model, we have also tried to minimize rules as well as the number of levels of the hierarchical structure fuzzy logic model. After risk index assessment, the risk index prediction is carried out using a Kalman filter. The prediction of the risk index is significant because it could help caretakers to take preventive measures in time and prevent underground accidents. The results indicate that the suggested technique is an excellent choice for risk index assessment and prediction

    Design and Implementation of Cloud-Centric Configuration Repository for DIY IoT Applications

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    The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) vision for the design of a smart and customizable IoT application demands the involvement of the general public in its development process. The general public lacks the technical knowledge for programming state-of-the-art prototyping and development kits. The latest IoT kits, for example, Raspberry Pi, are revolutionizing the DIY paradigm for IoT, and more than ever, a DIY intuitive programming interface is required to enable the masses to interact with and customize the behavior of remote IoT devices on the Internet. However, in most cases, these DIY toolkits store the resultant configuration data in local storage and, thus, cannot be accessed remotely. This paper presents the novel implementation of such a system, which not only enables the general public to customize the behavior of remote IoT devices through a visual interface, but also makes the configuration available everywhere and anytime by leveraging the power of cloud-based platforms. The interface enables the visualization of the resources exposed by remote embedded resources in the form of graphical virtual objects (VOs). These VOs are used to create the service design through simple operations like drag-and-drop and the setting of properties. The configuration created as a result is maintained as an XML document, which is ingested by the cloud platform, thus making it available to be used anywhere. We use the HTTP approach for the communication between the cloud and IoT toolbox and the cloud and real devices, but for communication between the toolbox and actual resources, CoAP is used. Finally, a smart home case study has been implemented and presented in order to assess the effectiveness of the proposed work

    Energy Prediction and Optimization for Smart Homes with Weather Metric-Weight Coefficients

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    Home appliances are considered to account for a large portion of smart homes’ energy consumption. This is due to the abundant use of IoT devices. Various home appliances, such as heaters, dishwashers, and vacuum cleaners, are used every day. It is thought that proper control of these home appliances can reduce significant amounts of energy use. For this purpose, optimization techniques focusing mainly on energy reduction are used. Current optimization techniques somewhat reduce energy use but overlook user convenience, which was the main goal of introducing home appliances. Therefore, there is a need for an optimization method that effectively addresses the trade-off between energy saving and user convenience. Current optimization techniques should include weather metrics other than temperature and humidity to effectively optimize the energy cost of controlling the desired indoor setting of a smart home for the user. This research work involves an optimization technique that addresses the trade-off between energy saving and user convenience, including the use of air pressure, dew point, and wind speed. To test the optimization, a hybrid approach utilizing GWO and PSO was modeled. This work involved enabling proactive energy optimization using appliance energy prediction. An LSTM model was designed to test the appliances’ energy predictions. Through predictions and optimized control, smart home appliances could be proactively and effectively controlled. First, we evaluated the RMSE score of the predictive model and found that the proposed model results in low RMSE values. Second, we conducted several simulations and found the proposed optimization results to provide energy cost savings used in appliance control to regulate the desired indoor setting of the smart home. Energy cost reduction goals using the optimization strategies were evaluated for seasonal and monthly patterns of data for result verification. Hence, the proposed work is considered a better candidate solution for proactively optimizing the energy of smart homes
