12 research outputs found

    Regular Expression Based Test Sequence Generation for HDL Program Validation

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    18th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C) -- JUL 16-20, 2018 -- Lisbon, PORTUGALWOS: 000449555600090This paper proposes a test sequence generation approach for behavioral model validation of sequential circuits implemented in Hardware Description Language (HDL). In the procedure of test sequence generation proposed in this study, Regular Expressions (REs) are utilized to model the behavior of the System Under Test (SUT). First, the HDL program is converted to a Finite State Machine (FSM). Then, the obtained FSM is transformed to RE which is represented by a Syntax Tree (ST). In this way, the test sequence generation problem is simplified to the tree traversal algorithm in which symbol and operator coverage criteria are satisfied. The required tools for test sequence generation are provided to automatize the whole procedure of the proposed approach. Also, a running example, based on a real-life-like Traffic Light Controller (TLC), validates the proposed approach and analyzes its characteristic features.IEEE, IEEE Comp Soc, IEEE Reliabil So

    Model-based ideal testing of hardware description language (HDL) programs

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    An ideal test is supposed to show not only the presence of bugs but also their absence. Based on the Fundamental Test Theory of Goodenough and Gerhart (IEEE Trans Softw Eng SE-1(2):156-173, 1975), this paper proposes an approach to model-based ideal testing of hardware description language (HDL) programs based on their behavioral model. Test sequences are generated from both original (fault-free) and mutant (faulty) models in the sense of positive and negative testing, forming a holistic test view. These test sequences are then executed on original (fault-free) and mutant (faulty) HDL programs, in the sense of mutation testing. Using the techniques known from automata theory, test selection criteria are developed and formally show that they fulfill the major requirements of Fundamental Test Theory, that is, reliability and validity. The current paper comprises a preparation step (consisting of the sub-steps model construction, model mutation, model conversion, and test generation) and a composition step (consisting of the sub-steps pre-selection and construction of Ideal test suites). All the steps are supported by a toolchain that is already implemented and is available online. To critically validate the proposed approach, three case studies (a sequence detector, a traffic light controller, and a RISC-V processor) are used and the strengths and weaknesses of the approach are discussed. The proposed approach achieves the highest mutation score in positive and negative testing for all case studies in comparison with two existing methods (regular expression-based test generation and context-based random test generation), using four different techniques.University of Antwerp and Flanders Make (a strategic research center) [43169]Y The authors express their gratitude to John B. Goodenough for his valuable comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this article. The authors also thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on an earlier version. This study is financially supported by University of Antwerp and Flanders Make (a strategic research center) under Grant No. 43169

    Model-based ideal testing of GUI programs : approach and case studies

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    Traditionally, software testing is aimed at showing the presence of faults. This paper proposes a novel approach to testing graphical user interfaces (GUI) for showing both the presence and absence of faults in the sense of ideal testing. The approach uses a positive testing concept to show that the GUI under consideration (GUC) does what the user expects; to the contrary, the negative testing concept shows that the GUC does not do anything that the user does not expect, building a holistic view. The first step of the approach models the GUC by a finite state machine (FSM) that enables the model-based generation of test cases. This is always possible as the GUIs are considered as strictly sequential processes. The next step converts the FSM to an equivalent regular expression (RE) that will be analyzed first to construct test selection criteria for excluding redundant test cases and construct test coverage criteria for terminating the positive test process. Both criteria enable us to assess the adequacy and efficiency of the positive tests performed. The negative tests will be realized by systematically mutating the FSM to model faults, the absence of which are to be shown. Those mutant FSMs will be handled and assessed in the same way as in positive testing. Two case studies illustrate and validate the approach; the experiments' results will be analyzed to discuss the pros and cons of the techniques introduced.University of Antwerp [43169]This work was supported in part by the University of Antwerp under Grant 43169

    Random test generation from regular expressions for graphical user interface (GUI) testing

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    19th IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS) -- JUL 22-26, 2019 -- Sofia, BULGARIAWOS: 000587590500030Generation of test sequences, that is, (user) inputs - expected (system) outputs, is an important task of testing of graphical user interfaces (GUI). This work proposes an approach to randomly generate test sequences that might he used for comparison with existing GUI testing techniques to evaluate their efficiency. the proposed approach first models CUI under test by a finite state machine (FSM) and then converts it to a regular expression (RE). A tool based on a special technique we developed analyzes the RE to fulfill missing context information such as the position of a symbol in the RE. the result is a context table representing the RE. the proposed approach traverses the context table to generate the test sequences. To do this, the approach repeatedly selects a symbol in the table, starting from the initial symbol, in a random manner until reaching a special, finalizing symbol for constructing a test sequence. Thus, the approach uses a symbol coverage criterion to assess the adequacy of the test generation. To evaluate the approach, mutation testing is used. the proposed technique is to a great extent implemented and is available as a tool called PQ-Ran Test (PQ-analysis based Random Test Generation). A case study demonstrates the proposed approach and analyzes its effectiveness by mutation testing.IEEE, IEEE Comp Soc, IEEE Reliabil So

    Vascular Landmark Classification in Retinal Images Using Fuzzy RBF

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    21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) -- APR 24-26, 2013 -- CYPRUSWOS: 000325005300222This paper suggests the use of radial based neural networks for classification of the landmark points from retina vessels in the retinal vascular images to diagnose the disease in the diabetic retinopathy patients and to track the periodic differences in retinal vessel images. In the suggested method, Gold Standard images from DRIVE database are used. The performance of landmark detection by the suggested method shows that the method can be used as an algorithm for registration of retinal images